88R8615 BPG-D
  By: Bettencourt S.R. No. 40
         WHEREAS, Since 1980, the Texas Lyceum has united the efforts
  of dynamic leaders committed to addressing the challenges facing
  our state and nation; and
         WHEREAS, Nonpartisan, nonpolitical, and nonadversarial, the
  Texas Lyceum is based on a concept dating back more than 2,500
  years, to the Aristotelian debates of ancient Greece; Connecticut
  resident Josiah Holbrook sparked a resurgence of the lyceum in the
  1820s, and in the following decade, a lyceum was established in
  Austin; this predecessor of the Texas Lyceum welcomed Sam Houston
  as an honorary member, and it debated critical issues of the
  American frontier, including annexation, slavery, and temperance;
         WHEREAS, The Texas Lyceum counts among its alumni such
  notable figures as Governor Greg Abbott, former governor and U.S.
  energy secretary Rick Perry, former president George W. Bush, and
  Senator Ted Cruz; the organization works to develop the next
  generation of leaders while enhancing understanding of
  contemporary problems among today's decision-makers; serving as a
  catalyst for the exchange of diverse expertise and opinions, it
  hosts conferences and other programs that further productive
  discussions; in addition, it conducts the nationally recognized
  Texas Lyceum Poll and offers fellowships to expand opportunities
  for graduate students in public administration; and
         WHEREAS, In 2023, the Texas Lyceum is sponsoring a public
  conference, A Lyceum Look at Elections, in Austin from January 26 to
  28; the Texas Senate heartily supports the worthy goals of the
  organization and of this gathering; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 88th Texas Legislature, in
  accordance with Senate rules of procedure and policies of the
  Senate Administration Committee, hereby grant the Texas Lyceum
  permission to use the Senate Chamber in the State Capitol on January
  26, 2023, from 3 p.m. to 5:45 p.m., for its presidential and new
  class investiture, unless the Texas Senate is in session on that