WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is especially
  proud to join Senator Eduardo Lucio and his wife, Herminia, as
  they celebrate the 45th anniversary of their marriage; and
         WHEREAS, High school sweethearts Eddie and Minnie Lucio
  wed on February 21, 1968, and in the intervening years, they have
  remained constant in their commitment to each other and to the
  institution of marriage and its principles of love, commitment,
  and mutual devotion; and
         WHEREAS, Eddie graduated from Pan American College in
  Edinburg and worked as a teacher before serving in various
  elected offices, including Cameron County treasurer, Cameron
  County commissioner, and state representative, culminating in
  his election to the Texas Senate; Minnie graduated from business
  school, worked as a job placement counselor and business
  recruiter, and established an employment training program; and
         WHEREAS, Eddie and Minnie's already deep and special bond
  was only strengthened with the addition of their loving family,
  Lynda Ann Lucio Cisneros and her husband, Carlos, and Eddie Lucio
  III and his wife, Jaime, who have blessed them with countless
  cherished memories and with their beautiful grandchildren,
  Carlos, Alejandro, Anna Lynda, Olivia Rose, and Eddie Lucio IV,
  who is due to arrive this summer; and
         WHEREAS, Eddie and Minnie are a power couple who are active
  in their beloved hometown of Brownsville and who have devoted
  themselves to community service; Minnie works with the Food Bank
  of the Rio Grande Valley and other charitable organizations, and
  Senator Lucio is involved with several religious organizations
  and is an altar server at Immaculate Conception Cathedral; and
         WHEREAS, Wedding anniversaries are a time for much
  celebration, recollection, and reflection, and the long and
  happy union of Eddie and Minnie Lucio is truly a testament to the
  values of hope and commitment; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 83rd
  Legislature, hereby pay tribute to Senator Eduardo Lucio and
  Herminia Lucio on the grand occasion of their 45 years of wedded
  bliss and extend to them sincere best wishes for many more years
  of love, prosperity, and joy; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  Senator Eddie Lucio and Minnie Lucio as an expression of highest
  esteem and affection from the Texas Senate.
  Van de Putte
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on February 20, 2013.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate