By: Zaffirini S.B. No. 1116
  relating to the creation, administration, powers, duties,
  functions, operations, and financing of the Crystal Clear Special
  Utility District; providing authority to issue bonds; granting a
  limited power of eminent domain.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle C, Title 6, Special District Local Laws
  Code, is amended by adding Chapter 7206 to read as follows:
         Sec. 7206.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Board" means the district's board of directors.
               (2)  "Corporation" means the Crystal Clear Water Supply
               (3)  "Director" means a board member.
               (4)  "District" means the Crystal Clear Special Utility
         Sec. 7206.002.  NATURE OF DISTRICT. The district is a
  special utility district in Comal, Guadalupe, and Hays Counties
  created under and essential to accomplish the purposes of Section
  59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution. The district is created to
  serve a public use and benefit.
         Sec. 7206.003.  CONFIRMATION ELECTION REQUIRED. If the
  creation of the district is not confirmed at a confirmation and
  initial directors' election held before September 1, 2016:
               (1)  the district is dissolved on September 1, 2016,
  except that the district shall:
                     (A)  pay any debts incurred;
                     (B)  transfer to Comal, Guadalupe, or Hays County,
  as appropriate, any assets of the district that remain after the
  payment of debts; and
                     (C)  maintain the organization of the district
  until all debts are paid and remaining assets are transferred; and
               (2)  this chapter expires September 1, 2017.
         Sec. 7206.004.  APPLICABILITY OF OTHER LAW. Except as
  otherwise provided by this chapter, Chapters 49 and 65, Water Code,
  apply to the district.
         Sec. 7206.005.  INITIAL DISTRICT TERRITORY. (a)  The
  district is initially composed of the territory described by
  Section 2 of the Act creating this chapter.
         (b)  The boundaries and field notes contained in Section 2 of
  the Act creating this chapter form a closure. A mistake made in the
  field notes or in copying the field notes in the legislative process
  does not affect:
               (1)  the organization, existence, or validity of the
               (2)  the right of the district to issue any type of
  bond, including a refunding bond, for a purpose for which the
  district is created or to pay the principal of and interest on a
  bond; or
               (3)  the legality or operation of the district or the
  board of directors of the district.
         Sec. 7206.021.  TEMPORARY DIRECTORS. (a)  The temporary
  board of directors of the district is composed of:
               (1)  Dennis R. Krackau;
               (2)  Jackie E. Carson;
               (3)  Carroll U. Hoffmann;
               (4)  Richard A. Hanz;
               (5)  Jarold R. Hildebrand;
               (6)  James R. Stewart; and
               (7)  Michael L. Cox.
         (b)  Each temporary director shall qualify for office as
  provided by Section 49.055, Water Code.
         (c)  If a temporary director fails to qualify for office, the
  temporary directors who have qualified shall appoint a person to
  fill the vacancy. If at any time there are fewer than four
  qualified temporary directors, the Texas Commission on
  Environmental Quality shall appoint the necessary number of
  directors to fill all vacancies on the board.
         (d)  Temporary directors serve until the earlier of:
               (1)  the date initial directors are elected under
  Section 7206.022; or
               (2)  the date this chapter expires under Section
         (e)  As soon as practicable after all the temporary directors
  have qualified under Section 49.055, Water Code, the temporary
  directors shall convene the organizational meeting of the district
  and elect officers from among the temporary directors.
  ELECTION.  (a)  Before September 1, 2016, the temporary directors
  shall hold an election to confirm the creation of the district and
  to elect seven initial directors in accordance with Chapters 49 and
  65, Water Code.
         (b)  The temporary board of directors shall determine the
  method for determining the initial term of each person on the
  initial board of directors. The terms must be clearly stated on the
  ballot for the confirmation and directors' election.
         (c)  Section 41.001(a), Election Code, does not apply to a
  confirmation and directors' election held as provided by this
         (d)  The initial directors shall continue to serve until the
  district directors elected at the first regularly scheduled
  election of directors under Section 7206.052 qualify for office.
         Sec. 7206.023.  TRANSFER OF ASSETS; DISSOLUTION.  (a)  If
  the creation of the district is confirmed under Section 7206.022,
  the corporation shall transfer the assets, debts, and contractual
  rights and obligations of the corporation to the district.
         (b)  Not later than the 30th day after the date of the
  transfer under Subsection (a), the board of directors of the
  corporation shall commence dissolution proceedings of the
         (c)  On dissolution of the corporation, Certificate of
  Convenience and Necessity No. 10297 is considered to be held by the
         (d)  The board of directors of the corporation shall notify
  the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of the dissolution of
  the corporation and of the transfer of Certificate of Convenience
  and Necessity No. 10297 to the district.
         (e)  On receipt of notice under Subsection (d), the Texas
  Commission on Environmental Quality shall note in its records that
  Certificate of Convenience and Necessity No. 10297 is held by the
  district and shall reissue the certificate in the name of the
  district without further application, notice, or hearing. A
  person, party, or entity does not have any right of protest,
  objection, or administrative review of the transfer prescribed by
  this section.
         Sec. 7206.024.  EXPIRATION OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter
  expires September 1, 2017.
         Sec. 7206.051.  DIRECTORS. (a)  The district shall be
  governed by a board of not fewer than 5 and not more than 11
  directors, elected in accordance with Section 65.101, Water Code.
         (b)  The directors of the district serve staggered
  three-year terms.
         Sec. 7206.052.  ELECTION OF DIRECTORS.  After the district
  is confirmed under Section 7206.022, the district shall hold an
  election on the uniform election date in November of each year to
  elect the appropriate number of directors.
         Sec. 7206.101.  GENERAL POWERS. Except as otherwise
  provided by this chapter, the district has all of the rights,
  powers, privileges, authority, functions, and duties provided by
  the general law of this state, including Chapters 49 and 65, Water
  Code, applicable to special utility districts created under Section
  59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution.
         Sec. 7206.102.  WATER SERVICE IMPACT FEE. (a)  The district
  may charge a water service impact fee that is not greater than the
  capital recovery fee charged by the corporation on December 31,
  2012, under the corporation's tariff.
         (b)  Chapter 395, Local Government Code, does not apply to an
  initial water service impact fee set under Subsection (a).
         (c)  The district may increase the water service impact fee
  authorized under Subsection (a) only as provided by Chapter 395,
  Local Government Code, as approved by the Texas Commission on
  Environmental Quality, or as otherwise provided by law.
         Sec. 7206.103.  EMINENT DOMAIN. (a)  Except as provided by
  Subsection (b), the district has all the power and authority of a
  special utility district under Chapters 49 and 65, Water Code, to
  acquire by condemnation any land, easement, or other property
  located inside or outside the boundaries of the district for any
  district project or purpose.
         (b)  The district may not exercise the power of eminent
  domain to condemn land, easements, or other property located
  outside the boundaries of the district for sanitary sewer purposes.
  OF NEW BRAUNFELS. (a)  A structure constructed by the district in
  the corporate limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City
  of New Braunfels must comply with any applicable codes and
  ordinances of the city.
         (b)  The district may enter into an interlocal contract with
  the City of New Braunfels to provide governmental services,
  including drainage, solid waste, or fire protection services.
         (c)  The district may not provide solid waste collection
  services in the corporate limits of the City of New Braunfels unless
  the governing body of the city consents by resolution or ordinance.
         (d)  The district may not provide fire protection services in
  the corporate limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City
  of New Braunfels unless the governing body of the city consents by
  resolution or ordinance.
         SECTION 2.  The Crystal Clear Special Utility District
  initially includes all the territory contained in the following
         BEING that portion of Comal, Guadalupe, and Hays Counties,
  Texas, which has a boundary more particularly described as follows:
  BEGINNING at a point in Guadalupe County where the centerline of the
  San Marcos River crosses the centerline of U.S. Highway 90;
  THENCE in a southeasterly direction, with a line being 5,000 feet
  east of and parallel to County Road 217 (Highsmith Road), to a point
  in the north right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 10;
  THENCE with the north right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 10,
  in a westerly direction, to a point at its intersection with the
  east boundary line of Springs Hill WSC CCN #10666;
  THENCE following the Springs Hill WSC CCN #10666 boundary line in a
  northerly, westerly, then southerly direction, until it intersects
  with the north right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 10;
  THENCE with the north right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 10,
  in a westerly direction, to its intersection with the east City
  Limit Line of Seguin, Texas;
  THENCE with the City Limit Line of Seguin, Texas, in a northerly,
  then westerly direction, to its intersection with an eastern line
  of the City of Seguin CCN #10698;
  THENCE with the City of Seguin CCN #10698 line, in a northerly
  direction, to a point at its intersection of the Springs Hill WSC
  CCN #10666 boundary;
  THENCE with the boundary of Springs Hill WSC CCN #10666 in a
  northerly direction to the City Limit Line of Seguin, Texas;
  THENCE with the City Limit Line of Seguin, Texas, in a northerly,
  then westerly direction, to its intersection with the eastern
  boundary of Springs Hill WSC CCN #10666;
  THENCE meandering with the boundary line of Springs Hill WSC CCN
  #10666 in a northwesterly direction to a point on the east boundary
  line of the 810.54 acre tract of land described in the deed to
  Normandy Terrace, Inc. recorded in the Guadalupe County Deed
  THENCE with the eastern boundary of the 810.54 acre Normandy
  Terrace Inc. tract in a northern direction to its northeast corner;
  THENCE with the northern boundary of the 810.54 acre Normandy
  Terrace Inc. tract in a westerly direction to the centerline of
  Guadalupe County Road 140 (Schwarzlose Rd.);
  THENCE with the centerline of Guadalupe County Road 140
  (Schwarzlose Rd.), in a southerly direction to its intersection
  with the boundary line of New Braunfels Utility CCN #10677;
  THENCE with the boundary line of the New Braunfels Utility CCN
  #10677, in a westerly, then northwesterly direction, crossing the
  Comal County and Guadalupe County Line to its intersection with the
  City Limits Line of New Braunfels, Texas;
  THENCE with the City Limits Line of New Braunfels, Texas, in an
  northeasterly, then northwesterly direction to a south corner of a
  75.805 acre tract of land described in a deed to State of Texas FBO
  Permanent School Fund recorded in Document # 200506039320, of the
  Comal County Deed Records;
  THENCE with the southeast line of the 75.805 acre State of Texas FBO
  Permanent School Fund tract to its east corner, said east corner
  being on the southwest line of the 119.882 acre tract described in a
  deed to Marvin Kraft, Jr., et al, recorded in Book 1015, Page 444,
  of the Comal County Deed Records;
  THENCE with the northeast line of the 75.805 acre State of Texas FBO
  Permanent School Fund tract and the west line of the 119.882 acre
  Kraft tract, to the west corner of the 119.882 acre Kraft tract;
  THENCE with the northern and eastern property boundaries of the
  119.882 acre Kraft tract to its east corner, same being the south
  corner of a 1,015.537 acre tract of land described in a deed to the
  State of Texas FBO Permanent School Fund recorded in Document
  #200506041691, of the Comal County Deed Records;
  THENCE with the southern and northeastern property boundary of the
  1,015.537 acre State of Texas FBO Permanent School Fund tract to a
  point on the east right-of-way of Interstate Highway 35 for its
  north corner;
  THENCE with the east right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 35, in
  a southwesterly direction, to its intersection with an eastern
  boundary of the City Limit Line of New Braunfels, Texas;
  THENCE with the City Limit Line of New Braunfels, Texas, in a
  northwesterly and southwesterly direction to its intersection with
  the northeast line of the 2.545 acre tract of land described in a
  deed to Hitzfelder Family Partners LTD recorded in Book 98060, Page
  1608, of the Comal County Deed Records;
  THENCE with the northeast line of the 2.545 acre Hitzfelder Family
  Partners LTD tract, in a northwest direction to its north corner and
  to an east corner of a 20.009 acre tract of land described in a deed
  to HPT TA Properties Trust recorded in Document #200706011233, of
  the Comal County Deed Records;
  THENCE with the northeast line of the 20.009 acre HPT TA Properties
  Trust tract, in a northwest direction, to its north corner and to an
  east corner of a 10.182 acre tract of land described in a deed to Rip
  Griffin Truck Service Center, Inc. recorded in Book 97060, Page
  27464, of the  Comal County Deed Records;
  THENCE with the northeast line of the 10.182 acre Rip Griffin Truck
  Center, Inc. tract, in a northwest direction, to its north corner
  and to the east corner of a tract of land described in a deed to
  Margyline Hitzfelder recorded in Book 181, Page 617, in the Comal
  County Deed Records;
  THENCE with the northeast line of the Margyline Hitzfelder tract,
  in a northwest direction, to a south corner of a 17.71 acre tract of
  land described in a deed to Papes Family Farm LTD recorded in
  Document #200406007834, in the Comal County Deed Records;
  THENCE with a southeast line of the 17.71 acre Papes Family Farm LTD
  tract of land, in a northeast direction, to its east corner on the
  southwest line of a 44.29 acre tract of land described in a deed to
  Papes Family Farm, LTD., recorded in Document #200406007834, in the
  Comal County Deed Records;
  THENCE with the boundary of the 44.29 acre Papes Family Farm LTD
  tract in a southeast, northeast, then northwest direction, to its
  north corner and the west corner of a 230.695 acre tract of land
  described in a deed to John A., Teresa J. and Andrea J. Ladshaw
  recorded in Book 762, Page 008, of the Comal County Deed Records;
  THENCE with a north line of a 230.695 acre tract, in a northeast
  direction, to its north corner and a west corner of a 9.785 acre
  tract of land described in a deed to John A. Ladshaw recorded in
  Book 378, Page 799, in the Comal County Deed Records;
  THENCE with the boundary of the 9.785 acre John A. Ladshaw tract, in
  a northeast and southeast direction, to its east corner on the west
  right-of-way of Interstate Highway 35;
  THENCE with the west right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 35 in a
  northeasterly direction to a south corner of the 288.433 acre tract
  of land described in a deed to Southstar of Havenwood, LLC, recorded
  in Document #201206016391, of the Comal County Deed Records;
  THENCE with the meanders of the southern and western boundary of the
  288.433 acre Southstar of Havenwood, LLC, tract, in a western
  direction, to its east corner on the southeast right-of-way line of
  F.M. 1102;
  THENCE across F.M. 1102 and with the northwest right-of-way line of
  F.M. 1102 in a northeasterly direction to the south corner of Unit
  #1 of the Havenwood at Hunter's Crossing Subdivision recorded in
  Document #200606015745, of the Comal County Deed Records;
  THENCE with the southwestern boundary of Unit #1 of the Havenwood at
  Hunter's Crossing Subdivision, in a northwest direction, to the
  south corner of Unit #2 of the Havenwood at Hunter's Crossing
  Subdivision recorded as Document #200606040000, of the Comal County
  Deed Records;
  THENCE with the southwest line of Unit #2 of the Havenwood at
  Hunter's Crossing Subdivision to a point on the southeast
  right-of-way of Beaver Lane, said southeast right-of-way of Beaver
  lane being the south boundary of Unit #4 of the Havenwood at
  Hunter's Crossing Subdivision recorded as Document #200706047038,
  of the Comal County Deed Records;
  THENCE with the boundary of Unit #4 of the Havenwood at Hunter's
  Crossing Subdivision, in a southwest, northwest, then northeast
  direction, to the north corner of Unit #4 and the west corner of
  Unit #3 of the Havenwood at Hunter's Crossing Subdivision recorded
  as Document #200606046131, of the Comal County Deed Records;
  THENCE with the boundary of Unit #3 of the Havenwood at Hunter's
  Crossing Subdivision, in a northeast, southeast, then southwest
  direction, to the east corner of Unit #2 of the Havenwood at
  Hunter's Crossing Subdivision recorded as Document #200606040000,
  of the Comal County Deed Records;
  THENCE with the boundary of Unit #2 of the Havenwood at Hunter's
  Crossing Subdivision, in a southwest, then southeast direction, to
  a north corner of Unit #1 of the Havenwood at Hunter's Crossing
  Subdivision recorded as Document #200606015745, of the Comal County
  Deed Records;
  THENCE with the eastern boundary of Unit #1 of the Havenwood at
  Hunter's Crossing Subdivision, in a southeast direction, to its
  southeast corner on the northeast right-of-way line of F.M. 1102;
  THENCE with the northwest right-of-way line of F.M. 1102, in a
  northeasterly direction, merging into F.M. 2439;
  THENCE with the northwest right-of-way line of F.M. 2439 in a
  northeasterly direction and crossing the Comal County and Hays
  County Line to the east corner of a 79.748 acre tract of land
  described in a deed to Flying W Properties LTD recorded in Book
  3257, Page 704, of the Hays County Deed Records;
  THENCE across and perpendicular to F.M. 2439 in a southeasterly
  direction to the southeast right-of-way line of F.M. 2439;
  THENCE with the southeast right-of-way line of F.M. 2439, in a
  northeast direction,  to a west corner of a 2.65 acre tract of land
  described in a deed to Frank and Jacqueline Brakley recorded in Book
  2835, Page 823, of Hays County Deed Records;
  THENCE with the southwestern boundary of the 2.65 acre Frank and
  Jacqueline Brakley tract, in a southeast direction, to its south
  corner in the northwest right-of-way line of the Union Pacific
  THENCE in a southeasterly direction and crossing the Union Pacific
  Railroad right-of-way and a tract of land described in a deed to
  Flying W Properties LTD to the north corner of a 83.73 tract of land
  described in a deed to Fred W. Heldenfels, IV recorded in Book 1974,
  Page 368, of the Hays County Deed Records and also a point in the
  western boundary of the City Limits of San Marcos, Texas;
  THENCE with the western boundary of the City Limits Line of San
  Marcos, Texas, in a southeasterly direction to its intersection
  with the City of San Marcos CCN #10298;
  THENCE with the City of San Marcos CCN #10298 in a southeasterly
  direction to its intersection with the centerline of Hays County
  Road 265 (Francis Harris Lane);
  THENCE with the centerline of Hays County Road 265 in a southerly
  and southeasterly direction to a southwest corner of a tract of land
  described in a deed to Albert Dale Jonas recorded in Book 1530, Page
  16, of Hays County Deed Records;
  THENCE with the south line of the Albert Dale Jonas tract in an
  easterly direction to a point on the Hays County and Guadalupe
  County Line;
  THENCE along the Hays County and Guadalupe County Line in a
  northeasterly direction to its intersection with the southern
  boundary of the City of San Marcos CCN # 10298;
  THENCE meandering with the boundary line of City of San Marcos CCN
  #10298 in a northeasterly direction to its intersection with the
  City Limits of San Marcos, Texas, and same point being the western
  corner of a 100.00 Acre Tract of land conveyed to Cottonwood Creek
  JDR, LTD. by Warranty Deed in Volume 2008, Page 0867, of the
  Guadalupe County Deed Records;
  THENCE with the City Limits of San Marcos, Texas, and around the
  western, southern, and eastern perimeter of said 100.00 Acre Tract
  to its intersection with the City of San Marcos CCN #10295 southern
  boundary line same being the Hays County and Guadalupe County Line;
  THENCE with the southern boundary of the City of San Marcos CCN
  #10298 in a northeasterly direction to a point at its intersection
  with the City Limits Line of San Marcos, Texas;
  THENCE with the boundary of the City Limits Line of San Marcos,
  Texas, in a southeasterly, then northeasterly direction to a point
  at its intersection with the western boundary line of the
  Martindale WSC CCN # 10312;
  THENCE with the western boundary line of the Martindale WSC CCN
  #10312 in a southeasterly direction to a point, said point being the
  northern corner of the western boundary of the Tri-Community WSC
  CCN #10313 and said point being located along the San Marcos River;
  THENCE with the San Marcos River in a southerly direction to a point
  at its intersection with F.M. 1977, said point also being located
  along the western boundary of the Tri-Community WSC CCN #10313;
  THENCE with the western boundary of the Tri-Community WSC CCN
  #10313 in a southeasterly direction to a point, said point being the
  most southerly corner of CCN #10313 and being located in the San
  Marcos River;
  THENCE with the San Marcos River in a southeasterly direction to the
  WHICH above described territory includes that land lying and being
  situated in ALL OR PORTIONS of the following surveys:
  IN GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS: John Wells Survey, Abstract No. 509;
  John Wells Survey, Abstract No. 435; James P. Hector Survey,
  Abstract No. 353; James Murphy Survey, Abstract No. 237; Robert
  Smith Survey, Abstract No. 286; Jose Ramon Bedford Survey, Abstract
  No. 5; Magarita Cherino Survey, Abstract No. 10; Antonio Maria
  Esnaurizar Survey, Abstract No. 20; James Hodges Survey, Abstract
  No. 148; Samuel Williams Survey, Abstract No.37; Edward C. Pettus
  Survey, Abstract No. 264; Josias Randolph Survey, Abstract No. 276;
  Martin Ussery Survey, Abstract No. 324; Joel W. Robinson Survey,
  Abstract No. 275; James M. Bell Survey, Abstract No. 75; Samuel
  Highsmith Survey, Abstract No. 25; Henry R. Hunt Survey, Abstract
  No. 150; Uzziel Wakefield Survey, Abstract No. 327; Frederick
  Happle Survey, Abstract No. 156; James A. Swift Survey, Abstract
  No. 292; John Tom Survey, Abstract No. 316; Carlos Espalier Survey,
  Abstract No. 129; Charles Hall Survey, Abstract No. 162; Matthew
  Besore Survey, Abstract No. 61; William Griffin Survey, Abstract
  No. 136; Andrew Neill Survey, Abstract No. 256; John Ussery Survey,
  Abstract No. 323; James H. Thomas Survey, Abstract No. 311; Robert
  Scobey Survey, Abstract No. 290; Churchill Fulchear Survey,
  Abstract No. 130; Young Seltoon Survey, Abstract No. 293; Loria
  Billings Survey, Abstract No. 55; W. Riley Wood Survey, Abstract
  No. 345; John McGrabb Survey, Abstract No. 242; Jacob A. Miller
  Survey, Abstract No. 231; William G. Hunt Survey, Abstract No. 149;
  J. G. King Survey, Abstract No. 208; William P. King Survey,
  Abstract No. 207; Robert Hall Survey, Abstract No. 158; Harriet
  Cottle Survey, Abstract No. 13; Geo. Blair Survey, Abstract No. 50;
  J. Hampton Kuykendall Survey, Abstract No. 199; Michael Miller
  Survey, Abstract No. 219; William H. Hunter Survey, Abstract No.
  152; Edwin R. Kellett Survey, Abstract No. 198; Robert M.
  Cartwright Survey, Abstract No. 83; James Latham Survey, Abstract
  No. 209; Robert Smith Survey, Abstract No. 33; John B. Cowan Survey,
  Abstract No. 84; J. Benton Johnson Survey, Abstract No. 191;
  William Burnett Survey, Abstract No. 73; Uzziel Wakefield Survey,
  Abstract No. 326; Michael Cody Survey, Abstract No. 99; Michael
  Cody Survey, Abstract No. 86; Edward Pettus Survey, Abstract No.
  31; William J. Ragsdale Survey, Abstract No. 268; Solomon Barnes
  Survey, Abstract No. 56; John Jones Survey, Abstract No. 189;
  Gustavus Chatwell Survey, Abstract No. 85; James W. Keller Survey,
  Abstract No. 201; George Allen Survey, Abstract No. 1; Charles
  Henderson Survey, Abstract No. 147; Christoval Rubio Survey,
  Abstract No. 274; Wm. Perkins Survey, Abstract No. 263; James
  Nashley Survey, Abstract No. 254; H. E. Jordt Survey, Abstract No.
  195; Wm. Perkins Survey, Abstract No. 263; James B. Cowan Survey,
  Abstract No. 81; John Wells Survey, Abstract No. 339; Cyrus
  Campbell Survey, Abstract No. 8; Andrew Mitchell Survey, Abstract
  No. 220; S. A. & M. G.  R. R. Co. Survey, Abstract No. 308; Benjamin &
  Graves Fulcher Survey, Abstract No. 21; James T. Murphy Survey,
  Abstract No. 233; and
  In COMAL COUNTY, Texas: Antonio Maria Esnaurizar Survey, Abstract
  No. 1;Orilla Russell Survey, Abstract No. 485; Nancy Kenner Survey,
  Abstract No. 306; Samuel Craft Sr. Survey, Abstract No. 98; and
  And in HAYS COUNTY, Texas: Samuel Craft Sr. Survey, Abstract No. 89;
  Antonio Maria Esnaurizar Survey, Abstract No. 6; John Owens Survey,
  Abstract No. 356; Thomas Bell Survey, Abstract No. 47; and Charles
  Henderson Survey, Abstract No. 226.
         SECTION 3.  (a)  The legal notice of the intention to
  introduce this Act, setting forth the general substance of this
  Act, has been published as provided by law, and the notice and a
  copy of this Act have been furnished to all persons, agencies,
  officials, or entities to which they are required to be furnished
  under Section 59, Article XVI, Texas Constitution, and Chapter 313,
  Government Code.
         (b)  The governor, one of the required recipients, has
  submitted the notice and Act to the Texas Commission on
  Environmental Quality.
         (c)  The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has filed
  its recommendations relating to this Act with the governor, the
  lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of
  representatives within the required time.
         (d)  All requirements of the constitution and laws of this
  state and the rules and procedures of the legislature with respect
  to the notice, introduction, and passage of this Act are fulfilled
  and accomplished.
         SECTION 4.  (a)  Section 7206.103, Special District Local
  Laws Code, as added by Section 1 of this Act, takes effect only if
  this Act receives a two-thirds vote of all the members elected to
  each house.
         (b)  If this Act does not receive a two-thirds vote of all the
  members elected to each house, Subchapter C, Chapter 7206, Special
  District Local Laws Code, as added by Section 1 of this Act, is
  amended by adding Section 7206.103 to read as follows:
         Sec. 7206.103.  NO EMINENT DOMAIN POWER. The district may
  not exercise the power of eminent domain.
         (c)  This section is not intended to be an expression of a
  legislative interpretation of the requirements of Subsection (c),
  Section 17, Article I, Texas Constitution.
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2013.