84R8524 EES-F
  By: Rodríguez S.B. No. 1068
  relating to the creation of the State Supported Living Center
  Realignment Commission.
         SECTION 1.  Subtitle B, Title 7, Health and Safety Code, is
  amended by adding Chapter 556 to read as follows:
         Sec. 556.001.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
               (1)  "Commission" means the Health and Human Services
               (2)  "Community services provider" means a provider of
  services under a home and community-based services waiver program
  and a licensed ICF-IID provider with fewer than six beds.
               (3)  "Department" means the Department of Aging and
  Disability Services.
               (4)  "Executive commissioner" means the executive
  commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission.
               (5)  "Local authority" means a local intellectual and
  developmental disability authority.
               (6)  "Realignment commission" means the State
  Supported Living Center Realignment Commission.
               (7)  "State supported living center" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 531.002.
  COMMISSION. The State Supported Living Center Realignment
  Commission is established to evaluate the state supported living
  centers and make recommendations regarding the operation and
  management of the state supported living centers, including
  recommendations for the closure of state supported living centers,
  other than the Austin State Supported Living Center. The
  realignment commission is administratively attached to the
  department but is independent of direction by the department. The
  department shall provide to the realignment commission
  administrative support and resources and access to the department's
  documents relating to the state supported living centers as
  necessary to enable the realignment commission to perform its
         Sec. 556.003.  EXPIRATION.  This chapter expires and the
  realignment commission is abolished September 1, 2027.
  MEMBERS. (a)  The realignment commission is composed of nine
  appointed members and three nonvoting ex officio members as
  provided by this section.
         (b)  The nonvoting ex officio members are:
               (1)  the executive commissioner or the executive
  commissioner's designee;
               (2)  the executive director of the Texas Facilities
  Commission or the executive director's designee; and
               (3)  the land commissioner or the land commissioner's
         (c)  The appointed members are:
               (1)  three members of the public appointed by the
               (2)  three members of the public appointed by the
  lieutenant governor; and
               (3)  three members of the public appointed by the
  governor from a list provided by the speaker of the house of
         (d)  To be eligible for appointment to the realignment
  commission, a person may not:
               (1)  be an agent, paid consultant, officer, or employee
  of a state supported living center, state center, local authority,
  licensed provider of ICF-IID services, or other provider of
  services to individuals with an intellectual or developmental
               (2)  have a financial interest in a state supported
  living center, state center, local authority, licensed provider of
  ICF-IID services, or other provider of services to individuals with
  an intellectual or developmental disability;
               (3)  have a financial interest in the closure of a state
  supported living center;
               (4)  be an officer, employee, or paid consultant of a
  trade association in the field of residential services for
  individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability;
               (5)  be a resident of a state supported living center;
               (6)  be related within the second degree by affinity or
  consanguinity, as determined under Chapter 573, Government Code, to
  a person who is an officer, employee, paid consultant, or resident
  of a state supported living center, state center, local authority,
  licensed provider of ICF-IID services, or other provider of
  services to individuals with an intellectual or developmental
         (e)  A person may not serve as an appointed member of the
  realignment commission or act as the general counsel to the
  realignment commission if the person is required to register as a
  lobbyist under Chapter 305, Government Code, because of the
  person's activities for compensation on behalf of a profession
  related to the operation of the realignment commission.
         (f)  Chapter 551, Government Code, applies to the
  realignment commission.
         (g)  A majority of the members of the realignment commission
  constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business.
         (h)  Appointments to the realignment commission shall be
  made without regard to the race, color, disability, sex, religion,
  age, or national origin of the appointees.
         (i)  An appointed member of the realignment commission
  serves at the will of the person who appointed the member.
         Sec. 556.022.  VACANCY.  The governor or lieutenant governor
  shall fill a vacancy on the realignment commission in the same
  manner as the original appointment.
  MEETINGS. (a)  The members of the realignment commission shall
  elect a presiding officer and other necessary officers.
         (b)  The realignment commission shall hold meetings in
  different areas of the state.
         Sec. 556.024.  COMPENSATION; TRAVEL EXPENSES.  A member of
  the realignment commission may not receive compensation for service
  on the realignment commission but is entitled to reimbursement for
  travel expenses incurred while conducting realignment commission
  COMMISSION.  The realignment commission shall recommend the closure
  of state supported living centers, other than the Austin State
  Supported Living Center, in accordance with criteria and benchmarks
  as described by this chapter and determined by the realignment
  commission. The realignment commission shall oversee the
  implementation of the realignment commission's recommendations by
  the department as required by this chapter.
         Sec. 556.052.  ADVISORY COMMITTEE.  (a)  An advisory
  committee is created to assist and provide information to the
  realignment commission.
         (b)  The advisory committee is composed of the following
  members, appointed by the executive commissioner:
               (1)  one representative of the commission;
               (2)  one representative of the department;
               (3)  one representative of the Department of State
  Health Services;
               (4)  two representatives of community services
               (5)  one representative of local authorities;
               (6)  two representatives of advocacy groups that focus
  on the independent living of persons with disabilities;
               (7)  two family members of individuals residing in a
  state supported living center; and
               (8)  two individuals with an intellectual or
  developmental disability, including one individual who resides or
  has resided in a state supported living center.
         (c)  The advisory committee shall study and make
  recommendations to the realignment commission regarding the
  evaluation and closure of state supported living centers.
  (a)  The realignment commission shall evaluate the state supported
  living center system and determine which state supported living
  centers, other than the Austin State Supported Living Center,
  should be closed by the department.
         (b)  In evaluating a state supported living center, the
  realignment commission shall consider the following factors:
               (1)  the proximity of the state supported living center
  to other state supported living centers and the geographical
  distribution of remaining state supported living centers if the
  state supported living center is closed;
               (2)  the proximity of the state supported living center
  to community services providers and the geographical distribution
  of those providers;
               (3)  the cost of operating the state supported living
               (4)  the availability of other employment
  opportunities in the area for employees that would be displaced by
  the closure of the state supported living center, including
  additional employment that may be needed by community services
  providers if the state supported living center is closed;
               (5)  the condition of existing state supported living
  center structures and existing community services providers;
               (6)  the property value, marketability, and deed
  restrictions of the property where the state supported living
  center is located, as determined in consultation with persons with
  business development expertise, and whether the property should be
  sold or converted to another use if the state supported living
  center is closed;
               (7)  the ease of client transfer capability to a
  community placement or another state supported living center;
               (8)  the capacity at remaining state supported living
  centers to accommodate persons who will need or want to be
  transferred from the state supported living center to another state
  supported living center if the state supported living center is
               (9)  the capacity of local community services providers
  to accommodate persons formerly served by the state supported
  living center who will need or want to be transferred to a community
  placement if the state supported living center is closed;
               (10)  the quality of services provided at the state
  supported living center, the state supported living center's most
  recent certification inspections, and the state supported living
  center's ability to meet the minimum standards for an ICF-IID
               (11)  specialty programs and services available at the
  state supported living center, including programs and services for
  alleged offenders and high-risk residents, and whether those
  programs and services are available at other state supported living
  centers or from local community services providers;
               (12)  the history of incidents of abuse, neglect, or
  exploitation at the state supported living center, and any findings
  of circumstances at the state supported living center constituting
  immediate jeopardy to the health or safety of the residents;
               (13)  the state supported living center's record of
  compliance with the systemwide settlement agreement between the
  state and the United States Department of Justice regarding the
  department of justice's investigation of state supported living
  centers, as determined by the independent monitors engaged in
  monitoring compliance with the settlement agreement;
               (14)  the services and supports that are not available
  in the community and that resulted in commitment of individuals to
  the state supported living center during the previous five years;
               (15)  the support needs of residents in the state
  supported living center and the availability of programs that
  provide those services in the community;
               (16)  the effect of expanding community programs in the
  area of the state supported living center, particularly in
  historically underserved areas of the state; and
               (17)  any other relevant factor as determined by the
  realignment commission.
         (c)  The advisory committee to the realignment commission
  may assist the realignment commission in performing the evaluation
  required by this section.
         (d)  The realignment commission shall hold public hearings
  throughout the state in a manner that accommodates individuals with
  disabilities and their families in order to solicit input during
  the evaluation process.
         Sec. 556.054.  RECOMMENDATION FOR CLOSURE; REPORT.  (a)  Not
  later than December 1, 2016, the realignment commission shall
  submit to the governor, the commission, the department, the
  lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives,
  and the presiding officers of the standing committees of the senate
  and house of representatives having primary jurisdiction over
  intellectual and developmental disability issues a report
  detailing the realignment commission's evaluation of each state
  supported living center and proposing the closure of certain state
  supported living centers, other than the Austin State Supported
  Living Center.
         (b)  The realignment commission shall include in the report:
               (1)  the name and location of each state supported
  living center recommended by the realignment commission to be
               (2)  the estimated number of individuals that would
  require a transfer to another state supported living center or a
  community services provider as a result of each recommended
               (3)  the number and type of community programs that
  need to be developed, based on the services and supports the
  realignment commission determined are not available in the
  community and that resulted in commitment of individuals to the
  state supported living center during the previous five years;
               (4)  the number and type of training competencies that
  would be needed to assist state supported living center employees
  in gaining the skills needed to transfer to providing services in
  the community; and
               (5)  any other relevant information as determined by
  the realignment commission.
         Sec. 556.055.  EFFECT OF RECOMMENDATION. (a) The 85th
  Legislature shall consider legislation proposing the closure of the
  state supported living centers recommended for closure. In
  considering the proposed legislation described by this subsection,
  members of the legislature may not propose amendments to the
         (b)  If the legislation described by Subsection (a) is
  enacted and becomes law, the department shall develop a plan and
  timeline for the closure of the state supported living centers
  approved by the legislature for closure under Subsection (a) and
  close those state supported living centers no later than August 31,
  2025. In developing the plan and timeline under this section, the
  department shall identify specific resources available to assist
  residents and employees of those state supported living centers
  with the transition.  The department shall use the evaluation of the
  closure of the Austin State Supported Living Center as a guide for
  closing the state supported living centers under this section. In
  closing the state supported living centers under this section, the
  department shall consult with the commission regarding the sale of
  any property.  The proceeds of the sale of property where a state
  supported living center was located may be appropriated only for
  the long-term services and supports system.
  PLACEMENTS. (a) An individual with an intellectual or
  developmental disability may not be admitted or committed to a
  state supported living center under Chapter 593 on or after
  September 1, 2015, if:
               (1)  the closure of the center has been recommended by
  the realignment commission; or
               (2)  as provided by the Centers for Medicare and
  Medicaid Services:
                     (A)  the center's certification is at risk because
  of deficient practices that have put the health and safety of the
  center's residents in immediate jeopardy; or
                     (B)  the center's certification is at risk of
  termination in 90 days because of noncompliance with certification
         (b)  The department shall ensure that individuals who would
  otherwise be committed under Chapter 593 receive services by
  ensuring programs are available to provide those services through
  diversion and other community capacity building activities.
         SECTION 2.  (a)  Not later than September 1, 2015, the
  governor and lieutenant governor shall appoint the members of the
  State Supported Living Center Realignment Commission as provided by
  Chapter 556, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act.
         (b)  Not later than January 1, 2016, the executive
  commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission shall
  appoint the advisory committee as provided by Section 556.052,
  Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act.
         SECTION 3.  If before implementing any provision of this Act
  a state agency determines that a waiver or authorization from a
  federal agency is necessary for implementation of that provision,
  the agency affected by the provision shall request the waiver or
  authorization and may delay implementing that provision until the
  waiver or authorization is granted.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2015.