84R10956 BPG-D
  By: Springer H.R. No. 886
         WHEREAS, Residents of Crosby County marked the centennial of
  their courthouse with a special celebration on September 27, 2014;
         WHEREAS, In 1910, citizens selected Crosbyton as the county
  seat; disputes over the election were finally resolved two years
  later, and the commissioners began planning the construction of a
  courthouse on a site donated by one of the city's founders, Julian
  Bassett; and
         WHEREAS, Fort Worth architect M. L. Waller designed the
  building in the neoclassical style; its front elevation features a
  full-height entry with a triangular pediment supported by columns,
  and the edifice was completed by contractor S. Goodrum in late
  1914; and
         WHEREAS, In its first decade, the courthouse was the site of
  an infamous murder carried out on its very steps, claiming the lives
  of two victims who were themselves attempted murder defendants; the
  centennial festivities featured a reenactment of the notorious
  event, along with tours, a parade, storytelling, and other
  activities; since 2000, the courthouse has been recognized by the
  Texas Historical Commission as a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark;
         WHEREAS, The Crosby County Courthouse has played an important
  role in the community for over a century, and its colorful past
  remains a source of fascination to residents and visitors alike;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the centennial of the Crosby County
  Courthouse and commend all those associated with the 100th
  anniversary celebrations for their noteworthy efforts.