83R8947 JWI-D
  By: Kleinschmidt H.R. No. 597
         WHEREAS, The 2011 Central Texas wildfires destroyed more than
  1,600 homes and devastated the Bastrop State Park ecosystem, yet in
  the aftermath of this terrible disaster, numerous emergency first
  responders stepped forward to help the communities and their
  citizens rebuild; and
         WHEREAS, Among these outstanding volunteers were AmeriCorps
  members from American YouthWorks who soon began working with
  authorities in Bastrop; taking on key leadership positions, they
  organized thousands of participants to help homeowners remove
  debris; the initial team consisted of American YouthWorks and the
  Washington Conservation Corps, and later these organizations were
  joined by members of the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community
  Corps and the Hoopa Tribal Civilian Community Corps of California;
         WHEREAS, AmeriCorps members devoted 9,336 hours to recovery
  efforts in Bastrop County as well as in Travis and Waller Counties;
  in addition, they recruited more than 4,000 volunteers who provided
  over 26,000 hours of direct service to the region; together, the
  groups assisted more than 190 households; and
         WHEREAS, The OneStar Foundation, which supports AmeriCorps
  programs as well as the nonprofit sector throughout the state of
  Texas, has allocated resources to support American YouthWorks's 
  critical role in future times of disaster; and
         WHEREAS, Through their hard work, cooperative spirit, and
  dedication to the greater good, AmeriCorps members from American
  YouthWorks contributed enormously to their community during a time
  of dire need, and it is indeed fitting to honor them for their role
  in the Central Texas wildfire recovery operations; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 83rd Texas
  Legislature hereby commend American YouthWorks and its AmeriCorps
  members for their service in the wake of the 2011 wildfires and
  extend to them sincere gratitude for their accomplishments; and, be
  it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for American YouthWorks as an expression of high regard by
  the Texas House of Representatives.