H.R. No. 567
         WHEREAS, Civic and business leaders of the Coastal Bend are
  gathering in Austin on February 27, 2019, to celebrate the many
  qualities that make their region one of the state's premier
  vacation destinations; and
         WHEREAS, Each year, the Coastal Bend draws millions of
  travelers from across the country and around the globe; visitors to
  Corpus Christi alone infuse more than $1 billion into the local
  economy and support tens of thousands of jobs; and
         WHEREAS, The Port of Corpus Christi is one of the largest
  ports in the country by tonnage, and it holds the distinct honor of
  exporting the first barrel of U.S. crude in 40 years; it is also a
  strategically significant port for the United States military, as
  the Coastal Bend is home to Naval Air Stations Corpus Christi and
  Kingsville and the Corpus Christi Army Depot; and
         WHEREAS, The myriad popular attractions in the area include
  the Padre Island National Seashore, the Texas State Aquarium, and
  the South Texas Botanical Gardens & Nature Center, with its 182
  acres of tropical flowers, butterflies, and parrots; in addition,
  visitors enjoy such cultural and educational venues as the Art
  Museum of South Texas, the Corpus Christi Museum of Science and
  History, and the USS Lexington aircraft carrier; Corpus Christi
  also hosts the world-renowned Fiesta de la Flor in honor of the life
  and legacy of Selena Quintanilla Pérez; and
         WHEREAS, The Coastal Bend area contributes significantly to
  the vibrancy and prosperity of the Lone Star State, and its
  residents may indeed take pride in the rich heritage and natural
  beauty that bring so many visitors to their communities; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 86th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize February 27, 2019, as Coastal Bend Day
  at the State Capitol and extend to the region's delegation sincere
  best wishes for a meaningful and memorable event.
Bonnen of Brazoria Guerra Oliverson
Allen Guillen Ortega
Allison Gutierrez Pacheco
Anchia Harless Paddie
Anderson Harris Parker
Ashby Hefner Patterson
Bailes Hernandez Paul
Beckley Herrero Perez
Bell of Kaufman Hinojosa Phelan
Bell of Montgomery Holland Price
Bernal Howard Ramos
Biedermann Huberty Raney
Blanco Hunter Raymond
Bohac Israel Reynolds
Bonnen of Galveston E. Johnson of Dallas Rodriguez
Bowers J. Johnson of Dallas Romero, Jr.
Buckley Johnson of Harris Rose
Bucy Kacal Rosenthal
Burns King of Hemphill Sanford
Burrows King of Parker Schaefer
Button King of Uvalde Shaheen
Cain Klick Sheffield
Calanni Krause Sherman, Sr.
Canales Kuempel Shine
Capriglione Lambert Smith
Clardy Landgraf Smithee
Cole Lang Springer
Coleman Larson Stephenson
Collier Leach Stickland
Cortez Leman Stucky
Craddick Longoria Swanson
Cyrier Lozano Talarico
Darby Lucio III Thierry
Davis of Dallas Martinez Thompson of Brazoria
Davis of Harris Martinez Fischer Thompson of Harris
Dean Metcalf Tinderholt
Deshotel Meyer Toth
Dominguez Meza Turner of Dallas
Dutton Middleton Turner of Tarrant
Farrar Miller VanDeaver
Fierro Minjarez Vo
Flynn Moody Walle
Frank Morrison White
Frullo Muñoz, Jr. Wilson
Geren Murphy Wray
Gervin-Hawkins Murr Wu
Goldman Neave Zedler
González of Dallas Nevárez Zerwas
González of El Paso Noble Zwiener
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 567 was adopted by the House on February
  27, 2019, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House