82R8283 BPG-D
  By: Aliseda H.R. No. 523
         WHEREAS, The Campbellton Post Office in southern Atascosa
  County, Texas, has played as essential role in the lives of area
  residents for more than 130 years, but the United States Postal
  Service has placed it on a list of facilities to be closed in 2011;
         WHEREAS, John Campbell established the post office in his
  general store in 1874, and five years later, moved them both to the
  new town of Campbellton; Mr. Campbell was officially appointed the
  first postmaster and was succeeded over the years by a number of his
  descendants, including William Campbell, Edward Campbell, Louise
  Campbell, and Alyce Campbell; and
         WHEREAS, Its present postmaster, Lydia Rodriguez Castillo,
  began her long tenure in 1971; a postal service hiring freeze
  prevents her position from being filled when she retires, yet the
  postal service has targeted the branch for closure in part because
  it lacks a permanent postmaster; and
         WHEREAS, Residents of the rural area and hamlets served by
  the Campbellton Post Office rely on it for business communications
  as well as for their personal mail, and the post office is
  particularly important to the elderly; if it should close,
  customers would have to travel some 20 miles to send packages, check
  post office boxes, or mail important documents; accordingly,
  patrons and civic leaders have formed a committee and started a
  petition to support the preservation of this integral institution;
         WHEREAS, Throughout the history of Campbellton, the post
  office has been part of the fabric of the community, and its closing
  would deprive citizens of ready access to vital services and
  diminish their quality of life; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the legacy of public service to the
  community of the Campbellton Post Office; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the house of representatives hereby
  respectfully urge the United States Congress to direct the U.S.
  Postal Service to continue operating the Campbellton Post Office in
  Atascosa County, Texas; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the chief clerk forward official copies of
  this resolution to the president of the United States, to the
  president of the Senate and the speaker of the House of
  Representatives of the United States Congress, to the United States
  postmaster general, and to all the members of the Texas delegation
  to Congress with the request that this resolution be entered in the
  Congressional Record as a memorial to the Congress of the United
  States of America.