87S10178 JGH-D
  By: Slawson H.R. No. 50
         WHEREAS, Bruce Bradshaw is retiring as chief of the Comanche
  Police Department on September 30, 2021, drawing to a close a
  notable career in law enforcement that has spanned nearly four and a
  half decades; and
         WHEREAS, A native of Comanche, Chief Bradshaw graduated from
  Comanche High School and earned his bachelor's degree from Tarleton
  State University in 1977; he worked briefly for the Dublin Police
  Department before joining the Mesquite Police Department in
  December 1977, where he served for 28 years as a patrolman and
  investigator; and
         WHEREAS, Promoted to sergeant, Chief Bradshaw worked with the
  Mesquite PD's patrol, jail, and criminal investigation divisions;
  as a criminal investigation sergeant, he served with the
  Juvenile/Gang Section and the Crimes Against Persons Section, where
  he investigated sexual assault, aggravated and family violence
  assault, homicides, robberies, and public integrity crimes; in
  1997, he started the department's pioneering computer and cell
  phone forensic lab, establishing policies and procedures that are
  still used today; and
         WHEREAS, In April 2006, this esteemed law enforcement
  professional returned to his hometown to become chief of the
  Comanche Police Department; over the course of his exemplary
  15-year tenure, Chief Bradshaw has overseen the city's Public
  Safety Division, which includes the police department, animal
  control, and code enforcement; in 2016, he established the
  department's computer and cell phone forensic lab, which has
  assisted other agencies across the region, received training and
  equipment from the U.S. Secret Service, and made great strides in
  fighting illegal narcotics, child pornography, child exploitation,
  and human trafficking in the region; and
         WHEREAS, Under Chief Bradshaw's leadership, the Comanche
  Police Department was accredited by the Texas Police Chiefs
  Association in 2019 after meeting 168 standards, and in 2017, Chief
  Bradshaw himself received the association's Executive Leadership
  Award; in all his endeavors, he enjoys the love and support of his
  wife, Gail, as well as that of his two daughters and his two
  grandchildren; and
         WHEREAS, Bruce Bradshaw's integrity, dynamic leadership, and
  commitment to service have greatly benefited the citizens of
  Comanche and earned him the respect and admiration of his fellow
  peace officers, and he may indeed reflect with pride on a career
  well spent as he embarks on the next exciting chapter of his life;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature, 1st Called Session, hereby congratulate Chief Bruce
  Bradshaw on his retirement from the Comanche Police Department and
  extend to him sincere best wishes for continued happiness; and, be
  it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Chief Bradshaw as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.