H.R. No. 2402
         WHEREAS, The year 2015 marks the 800th anniversary of the
  signing of the Magna Carta, one of the foundational documents of our
  system of government, law, and jurisprudence; and
         WHEREAS, In the early years of the 13th century, the barons of
  England rose up in rebellion against their monarch, King John; they
  objected to his excessive taxation, punitive fines, and
  manipulation of the legal system, and they forced the king to
  negotiate with them at Runnymede, along the River Thames in
  southern England; and
         WHEREAS, On June 15, 1215, King John and the barons agreed
  upon the Magna Carta, or "Great Charter"; drafted in Latin, this
  remarkable document addressed the grievances of the barons and put
  limits on the executive power of the king, initiating a tradition of
  individual liberty and rule of law that has since echoed around the
  globe; and
         WHEREAS, The Magna Carta strongly influenced the
  constitutions of both the United States and Texas; it was relied
  upon by the drafters of the 1836 Constitution of the Republic of
  Texas, and it is one of the sources for the Texas Bill of Rights; in
  the early 20th century, the Texas Supreme Court declared that "all
  grants of power are to be interpreted in the light of the maxims of
  Magna Carta"; and
         WHEREAS, Among the document's most famous and influential
  provisions is Clause 39, which declares that no one shall be
  imprisoned or stripped of his rights, "except by the lawful
  judgment of his equals or by the law of the land"; from this clause
  derives an individual's right to due process of law and trial by
  jury, as well as the concept of habeas corpus, which protects
  citizens against illegal imprisonment; and
         WHEREAS, Also influential is Clause 40, which states that "To
  no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right or justice"; this
  elegant formulation is the basis of the "open courts" provision in
  the Texas Constitution, which guarantees that all litigants have
  the opportunity to redress their grievances and receive their day
  in court; and
         WHEREAS, On a summer's day eight centuries ago, in a field by
  the bank of the Thames, the English people lit a flame of liberty
  that continues to burn brightly in the Lone Star State, ensuring
  that all Texans are guaranteed their fundamental rights to justice
  and fair treatment under the law; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 84th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 800th anniversary of the Magna
Straus González Otto
Allen Guerra Paddie
Alonzo Guillen Parker
Alvarado Gutierrez Paul
Anchia Harless Peña
Anderson of Dallas Hernandez Phelan
Anderson of McLennan Herrero Phillips
Ashby Howard Pickett
Aycock Huberty Price
Bell Hughes Raney
Bernal Hunter Raymond
Blanco Isaac Reynolds
Bohac Israel Riddle
Bonnen of Brazoria Johnson Rinaldi
Bonnen of Galveston Kacal Rodriguez of Bexar
Burkett Keffer Rodriguez of Travis
Burns Keough Romero, Jr.
Burrows King of Hemphill Rose
Button King of Parker Sanford
Canales King of Taylor Schaefer
Capriglione King of Uvalde Schofield
Clardy Klick Schubert
Coleman Koop Shaheen
Collier Krause Sheets
Cook Kuempel Sheffield
Craddick Landgraf Simmons
Crownover Larson Simpson
Cyrier Laubenberg Smith
Dale Leach Smithee
Darby Longoria Spitzer
Davis of Dallas Lozano Springer
Davis of Harris Lucio III Stephenson
Deshotel Márquez Stickland
Dukes Martinez Thompson of Brazoria
Dutton Martinez Fischer Thompson of Harris
Elkins McClendon Tinderholt
Faircloth Metcalf Turner of Collin
Fallon Meyer Turner of Harris
Farias Miles Turner of Tarrant
Farney Miller of Comal VanDeaver
Farrar Miller of Fort Bend Villalba
Fletcher Minjarez Vo
Flynn Moody Walle
Frank Morrison White of Bell
Frullo Muñoz, Jr. White of Tyler
Galindo Murphy Workman
Geren Murr Wray
Giddings Naishtat Wu
Goldman Nevárez Zedler
Gonzales Oliveira Zerwas
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 2402 was adopted by the House on May 7,
  2015, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House