85R26397 KSM-D
  By: Isaac H.R. No. 2185
         WHEREAS, The Texas Hill Country is home to some of the most
  beloved natural treasures of the Lone Star State, as the landscape
  is replete with rugged hills and canyons, majestic greenery, and
  karst topography that feeds immaculate streams and rivers; and
         WHEREAS, Millions of visitors from across Texas and beyond
  annually travel to the region to tour state parks and natural areas
  and to take in the stunning vistas while hiking, hunting, fishing,
  and swimming; and
         WHEREAS, In recent years, an increase in recreational and
  nontraditional agricultural uses on the land has placed greater
  focus on the economic benefits of the region's natural resources;
  area officials have expressed concern about escaped light from
  outdoor lighting fixtures, which has had a negative effect on
  tourism activities by reducing night sky visibility; and
         WHEREAS, Tourism is a vital component of the economy in the
  Texas Hill Country, and it is essential for leaders to implement
  policies that promote and preserve the region's diverse ecosystem
  and breathtaking scenery; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend the ongoing efforts by landowners,
  businesses, communities, county officials, and public entities in
  the Texas Hill Country to reduce escaped light.