87S21654 BK-F
  By: Lambert H.R. No. 192
         WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is pleased to
  recognize the nuclear energy research being performed by Natura
  Resources, LLC, Abilene Christian University, and NEXTRA or the
  Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing Research Alliance, a
  consortium that is being led by ACU in partnership with The
  University of Texas, Texas A&M University, and the Georgia
  Institute of Technology; and
         WHEREAS, Natura Resources, ACU, and NEXTRA have proposed the
  construction of a molten salt research reactor to be located at ACU;
         WHEREAS, The establishment of a molten salt research reactor
  represents the first step in the research, development, and
  deployment of such reactors, which have the potential to safely
  provide not only reliable electricity free of carbon emissions but
  also medical-quality isotopes for the treatment of cancer;
  moreover, the reactors have the ability to transform nonpotable
  water into drinking water; and
         WHEREAS, Texas continues to be a driving force in all forms of
  energy production, not only in the United States but throughout the
  world, and efforts such as the molten salt research reactor project
  will further the Lone Star State's record of energy leadership;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature, 2nd Called Session, hereby commend Natura
  Resources, LLC, Abilene Christian University, and NEXTRA for their
  work on the proposed molten salt research reactor at Abilene
  Christian University and extend to these institutions sincere best
  wishes for continued success in this endeavor; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the institutions as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.