88R24580 BPG-D
  By: Goldman H.R. No. 1197
         WHEREAS, The mock trial team from Covenant Classical School
  in Fort Worth won first place at the 2023 Texas High School Mock
  Trial Competition; and
         WHEREAS, Administered by the Dallas Bar Association Mock
  Trial Committee, the competition was established in 1979 to deepen
  knowledge of the courtroom environment among students interested in
  careers as lawyers, public speakers, and politicians; the exercise
  shows how the legal system works in everyday life while encouraging
  critical thinking and quick analysis; and
         WHEREAS, More than 20 high school teams from across the state
  participated in this year's competition, arguing a hypothetical
  criminal case; judges and attorneys performed the role of jurors,
  and students portrayed a variety of trial participants, from
  defense or prosecution attorneys to witnesses; and
         WHEREAS, Competitors were evaluated on the basis of
  preparation and presentation; in addition to the first-place
  trophy, the Covenant Classical team received the Team
  Professionalism Award, conferred by their peers; individual honors
  were garnered by senior Sophia Foster, named Outstanding Advocate,
  and senior Jonathan Fredricks, who received honorable mention in
  the Best Advocate and Best Witness categories; the team further
  included Emerson Espanet, Elizabeth Farah, Nancy Jageman, Bridgett
  Kennedy, Daniel Keyes, Ellie Monwai, Sachi Monwai, Gracie Patel,
  Emma Pharris, Nate Smith, and Claire Tollefson; they benefited from
  able guidance of coordinators Scott Fredricks, an attorney, and
  Judge Josh Burgess; and
         WHEREAS, Before advancing to the state competition, the team
  took home top honors at the regional level for the sixth consecutive
  year; the members are now set to represent Texas at the 2023
  National High School Mock Trial Competition in Little Rock,
  Arkansas, in May; and
         WHEREAS, The members of the Covenant Classical School mock
  trial team have demonstrated exceptional dedication and a true
  commitment to excellence, and their accomplishments are a source of
  great pride to their families, their school, and their community;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 88th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate the Covenant Classical School mock
  trial team on winning first place at the 2023 Texas High School Mock
  Trial Competition and extend to the members sincere best wishes for
  continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the team as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.