H.R. No. 1183
         WHEREAS, Proud residents of Austin are celebrating one of the
  city's distinctive features on May 3, 2017, with the observance of
  Moonlight Tower Day; and
         WHEREAS, In the late 19th century, various designs of
  electrical moonlight towers were erected in cities across the
  globe, including Detroit, New Orleans, Los Angeles, San Francisco,
  and London; Austin civic leaders, looking to light the city's
  streets with power from the newly completed Great Granite Dam,
  contracted with the Fort Wayne Electric Company to construct
  moonlight towers around the city; and
         WHEREAS, The company built 31 towers in 1894 and 1895, all 165
  feet tall with six carbon arc lamps mounted at the top; each tower
  was guaranteed to provide enough light to read a watch within a
  1,500-foot radius of the structure; the first tower was assembled
  in the newly established Hyde Park subdivision, and the others were
  strategically placed to illuminate as much of the city as possible;
         WHEREAS, Through the years, nearly half of the towers have
  been lost to storms, accidents, and development, but 17 of them
  continue to stand and to provide the city with light; officially
  designated as state archaeological landmarks in 1970 and added to
  the National Register of Historic Places in 1976, they were
  prominently featured in the popular film Dazed and Confused, and
  one of the structures serves as the pivotal center of the annual
  Zilker Holiday Tree; and
         WHEREAS, In commemoration of the centennial of the
  installation of the towers, Austin Energy, the municipal electric
  utility company, thoroughly restored the remaining towers in 1993
  at a cost of $1.3 million; with extraordinary care and expertise,
  the company continues to keep the structures fully operational,
  adding to the unique spirit of the city; and
         WHEREAS, Today, Austin is the only city in the world to
  feature moonlight towers, which provide a vital link to the rich
  history of the community, and it is truly fitting that a day be set
  aside to pay tribute to these iconic local landmarks; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize May 3, 2017, as Moonlight Tower Day
  and encourage residents in Austin and across the Lone Star State to
  celebrate this unique element of the Capital City.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1183 was adopted by the House on April
  6, 2017, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House