WHEREAS, A delegation from the Texas Catholic Conference is |
visiting the State Capitol on April 6, 2011, and this occasion |
provides a fitting opportunity to recognize the group and the many |
contributions it is making to communities across Texas; and |
WHEREAS, The statewide association of the 15 Roman Catholic |
Dioceses of Texas, the Texas Catholic Conference oversees the |
ministries of the Catholic Church in the Lone Star State, which is |
home to about 6.7 million members of the faith; and |
WHEREAS, Initiatives supported by the conference include |
Respect Life, which provides assistance to women facing crisis |
pregnancies, and Catholic Charities, a network of social service |
organizations that work to support families, reduce poverty, and |
build communities; and |
WHEREAS, Across the state, 78,000 students attend Catholic |
schools, which emphasize moral development, service to others, |
stewardship, and leadership skills, while more than 375,000 |
children participate in Catholic religious education; Catholic |
Family Life Ministries provides marriage preparation and marriage |
enrichment programs, and Catholic chaplains provide pastoral care |
for men and women interned in the Texas justice system; and |
WHEREAS, The Texas Catholic Conference is addressing issues |
of vital importance not only to the state's Catholic population but |
also to all Texans, and its efforts are easing the burdens of many |
individuals and contributing to the building of strong, healthy |
families; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 82nd Texas |
Legislature hereby welcome members of the Texas Catholic Conference |
to the State Capitol and extend to them sincere best wishes for a |
memorable and informative visit to Austin; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for the conference as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas House of Representatives. |
Madden |
______________________________ |
Speaker of the House |
I certify that H.R. No. 1149 was adopted by the House on May |
19, 2011, by a non-record vote. |
______________________________ |
Chief Clerk of the House |