H.R. No. 1077
         WHEREAS, The passing of Denton County Chief Deputy Constable
  Wayne Rhodes on December 1, 2020, at the age of 66, brought a great
  loss to the family, friends, and colleagues of this esteemed Texan;
         WHEREAS, Wayne Rhodes was born to Alfred and Edna Rhodes in
  Fort Worth on October 14, 1954; following his graduation from
  Mansfield High School in 1972, he attended the Cedar Valley Police
  Academy, where he earned his basic peace officer certification, and
  he later completed the Texas Constables Leadership College Program;
         WHEREAS, Chief Rhodes enjoyed a successful career in Denton
  County law enforcement that spanned 25 years; he joined the
  Sherriff's Office in 1995 and went on to serve in the Constable's
  Office, where he achieved the rank of chief deputy constable in
  2005; at the time of his passing, he was the longest-serving chief
  deputy constable in the county's history, and he served as a
  respected resource for constable offices throughout the state with
  his wealth of knowledge about civil law; and
         WHEREAS, Admired for his outstanding leadership and
  expertise, Chief Rhodes held several advanced certifications,
  including as a firearm instructor, armorer, range master
  instructor, and courtroom security specialist; he was also a valued
  member of the Fraternal Order of Freemasonry; and
         WHEREAS, Above all else, Chief Rhodes was devoted to his
  wife, Tracy, with whom he shared more than two decades, and he took
  great pride in his children, Joshua, Rachel, Sarah, Travis,
  Brandon, and Mhyka, and his 16 grandchildren; and
         WHEREAS, Chief Deputy Constable Wayne Rhodes embodied the
  highest ideals of his profession, and he has left behind a record of
  service that his loved ones can remember with pride; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 87th Texas
  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Chief Deputy
  Constable Wayne Rhodes and extend sincere condolences to all who
  mourn his passing; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
  Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Constable
  Wayne Rhodes.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1077 was unanimously adopted by a
  rising vote of the House on May 14, 2021.
  Chief Clerk of the House