By: Neave H.J.R. No. 118
  proposing a constitutional amendment establishing the Texas
  Redistricting Commission to redistrict the Texas Legislature and
  Texas congressional districts and revising procedures for
         SECTION 1.  Article III, Texas Constitution, is amended by
  adding Section 28a to read as follows:
         Sec. 28a.  The Citizens Redistricting Commission
  (hereinafter the "commission") shall: (1) conduct an open and
  transparent process enabling full public consideration of and
  comment on the drawing of district lines; (2) draw district lines
  according to the redistricting criteria specified in this article;
  and (3) conduct themselves with integrity and fairness.  (c)(1) The
  selection process is designed to produce a Citizens Redistricting
  Commission that is independent from legislative influence and
  reasonably representative of this State's diversity.  (2) The
  Citizens Redistricting Commission shall consist of 14 members, as
  follows: five who have voted exclusively in the primary of the
  largest political party in Texas based on general election results,
  five who have voted exclusively in the primary of the second largest
  political party in Texas based on general election results, and
  four who have not voted in the primaries of either of the two
  largest political parties in Texas based on general election
  results.  (3) Each commission member shall be a voter who has been
  continuously registered in Texas who has voted in the same
  political party's primaries or not voted in a political party
  primary and who has not voted in another political party's primary
  for five or more years immediately preceding the date of his or her
  appointment.  Each commission member shall have voted in two of the
  last three statewide general elections immediately preceding his or
  her application.  (4) The term of office of each member of the
  commission expires upon the appointment of the first member of the
  succeeding commission.  (5) Nine members of the commission shall
  constitute a quorum.  Nine or more affirmative votes shall be
  required for any official action.  The three final maps must be
  approved by at least nine affirmative votes which must include at
  least three votes of members registered from each of the two largest
  political parties in Texas based on the most recent general
  election results and three votes from members who have not voted in
  either of these two political parties' primaries.  (6) Each
  commission member shall apply this article in a manner that is
  impartial and that reinforces public confidence in the integrity of
  the redistricting process.  A commission member shall be ineligible
  for a period of 10 years beginning from the date of appointment to
  hold elective public office at the federal, state, or county level
  in Texas.  A member of the commission shall be ineligible for a
  period of five years beginning from the date of appointment to hold
  appointive federal, state, or county public office, to serve as
  paid staff for the Legislature or any individual legislator or to
  register as a federal, state, or local lobbyist in this State.  (d)
  The commission shall establish single-member districts for the
  United States Congress, Texas Senate, Texas House, and State Board
  of Education pursuant to a mapping process using the following
  criteria as set forth in the following order of priority: (1)
  Districts shall comply with the United States Constitution. U.S.
  Congress, Senate, House, and State Board of Education districts
  shall have reasonably equal population with other districts for the
  same office, except where deviation is required to comply with the
  federal Voting Rights Act or allowable by law.  (2) Districts shall
  comply with the federal Voting Rights Act (42 U.S.C. Sec. 1971 and
  following).  (3) Districts shall be geographically contiguous.  (4)
  The geographic integrity of any city, county, city and county,
  neighborhood, or community of interest shall be respected to the
  extent possible without violating the requirements of any of the
  preceding subdivisions. Communities of interest shall not include
  relationships with political parties, incumbents, or political
  candidates.  (5) To the extent practicable, and where this does not
  conflict with the criteria above, districts shall be drawn to
  encourage geographical compactness such that nearby areas of
  population are not bypassed for more distant population.  (6) The
  place of residence of any incumbent or political candidate shall
  not be considered in the creation of a map.  Districts shall not be
  drawn for the purpose of favoring or discriminating against an
  incumbent, political candidate, or political party.
  By January 1 in 2020, and in each year ending in the number zero
  thereafter, the State Auditor shall initiate an application
  process, open to all registered Texas voters in a manner that
  promotes a diverse and qualified applicant pool.  (2) The State
  Auditor shall remove from the applicant pool individuals with
  conflicts of interest including: (A) Within the 10 years
  immediately preceding the date of application, neither the
  applicant, nor a member of his or her immediate family, may have
  done any of the following: (i) Been appointed to, elected to, or
  have been a candidate for federal or state office.  (ii) Served as
  an officer, employee, or paid consultant of a political party or of
  the campaign committee of a candidate for elective federal or state
  office.  (iii) Served as an elected or appointed member of a
  political party central committee.  (iv) Been a registered federal,
  state, or local lobbyist.  (v) Served as paid congressional,
  legislative, or State Board of Education staff.  (vi) Contributed
  two thousand dollars ($2,000) or more to any congressional, state,
  or local candidate for elective public office in any year, which
  shall be adjusted every 10 years by the cumulative change in the
  Texas Consumer Price Index, or its successor.  (B) Staff and
  consultants to, persons under a contract with, and any person with
  an immediate family relationship with the Governor, a Member of the
  Legislature, a member of Congress, or a member of the State Board of
  Education, are not eligible to serve as commission members.  As used
  in this subdivision, a member of a person's "immediate family" is
  one with whom the person has a bona fide relationship established
  through blood or legal relation, including parents, children,
  siblings, and in-laws.  (b) The State Auditor shall establish an
  Applicant Review Panel, consisting of three qualified independent
  auditors, to screen applicants.  The State Auditor shall randomly
  draw the names of three qualified independent auditors from a pool
  consisting of all auditors employed by the state and licensed by the
  Texas Board of Accountancy at the time of the drawing.  The State
  Auditor shall draw until the names of three auditors have been drawn
  including one who is registered with the largest political party in
  Texas based on party registration, one who is registered with the
  second largest political party in Texas based on party
  registration, and one who is not registered with either of the two
  largest political parties in Texas.  After the drawing, the State
  Auditor shall notify the three qualified independent auditors whose
  names have been drawn that they have been selected to serve on the
  panel.  If any of the three qualified independent auditors decline
  to serve on the panel, the State Auditor shall resume the random
  drawing until three qualified independent auditors who meet the
  requirements of this subdivision have agreed to serve on the panel.  
  A member of the panel shall be subject to the conflict of interest
  provisions set forth in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a).  (c)
  Having removed individuals with conflicts of interest from the
  applicant pool, the State Auditor shall no later than August 1 in
  2020, and in each year ending in the number zero thereafter,
  publicize the names in the applicant pool and provide copies of
  their applications to the Applicant Review Panel.  (d) From the
  applicant pool, the Applicant Review Panel shall select 60 of the
  most qualified applicants, including 20 who are registered with the
  largest political party in Texas based on registration, 20 who are
  registered with the second largest political party in Texas based
  on registration, and 20 who are not registered with either of the
  two largest political parties in Texas based on registration.
  These subpools shall be created on the basis of relevant analytical
  skills, ability to be impartial, and appreciation for Texas's
  diverse demographics and geography.  The members of the panel shall
  not communicate with any State Board of Education member, Senator,
  House Member, congressional member, or their representatives,
  about any matter related to the nomination process or applicants
  prior to the presentation by the panel of the pool of recommended
  applicants to the Secretary of the Senate and the Chief Clerk of the
  House.  (e) By October 1 in 2020, and in each year ending in the
  number zero thereafter, the Applicant Review Panel shall present
  its pool of recommended applicants to the Secretary of the Senate
  and the Chief Clerk of the House.  No later than November 15 in 2020,
  and in each year ending in the number zero thereafter, the President
  pro Tempore of the Senate, the Minority Floor Leader of the Senate,
  the Speaker of the House, and the Minority Floor Leader of the House
  may each strike up to two applicants from each subpool of 20 for a
  total of eight possible strikes per subpool.  After all legislative
  leaders have exercised their strikes, the Secretary of the Senate
  and the Chief Clerk of the House shall jointly present the pool of
  remaining names to the State Auditor.  (f) No later than November 20
  in 2020, and in each year ending in the number zero thereafter, the
  State Auditor shall randomly draw eight names from the remaining
  pool of applicants as follows: three from the remaining subpool of
  applicants registered with the largest political party in Texas
  based on registration, three from the remaining subpool of
  applicants registered with the second largest political party in
  Texas based on registration, and two from the remaining subpool of
  applicants who are not registered with either of the two largest
  political parties in Texas based on registration.  These eight
  individuals shall serve on the Citizens Redistricting Commission.  
  (g) No later than December 31 in 2020, and in each year ending in the
  number zero thereafter, the eight commissioners shall review the
  remaining names in the pool of applicants and appoint six
  applicants to the commission as follows: two from the remaining
  subpool of applicants registered with the largest political party
  in Texas based on registration, two from the remaining subpool of
  applicants registered with the second largest political party in
  Texas based on registration, and two from the remaining subpool of
  applicants who are not registered with either of the two largest
  political parties in Texas based on registration.  The six
  appointees must be approved by at least five affirmative votes
  which must include at least two votes of commissioners registered
  from each of the two largest parties and one vote from a
  commissioner who is not affiliated with either of the two largest
  political parties in Texas.  The six appointees shall be chosen to
  ensure the commission reflects this state's diversity, including,
  but not limited to, racial, ethnic, geographic, and gender
  diversity. However, it is not intended that formulas or specific
  ratios be applied for this purpose.  Applicants shall also be chosen
  based on relevant analytical skills and ability to be impartial.  
  Citizens Redistricting Commission Vacancy, Removal, Resignation,
  Absence.  (a) In the event of substantial neglect of duty, gross
  misconduct in office, or inability to discharge the duties of
  office, a member of the commission may be removed by the Governor
  with the concurrence of two-thirds of the Members of the Senate
  after having been served written notice and provided with an
  opportunity for a response.  A finding of substantial neglect of
  duty or gross misconduct in office may result in referral to the
  Attorney General for criminal prosecution or the appropriate
  administrative agency for investigation.  (b) Any vacancy, whether
  created by removal, resignation, or absence, in the 14 commission
  positions shall be filled within the 30 days after the vacancy
  occurs, from the pool of applicants of the same voter registration
  category as the vacating nominee that was remaining as of November
  20 in the year in which that pool was established.  If none of those
  remaining applicants are available for service, the State Auditor
  shall fill the vacancy from a new pool created for the same voter
  partisanship category.
  Citizens Redistricting Commission Compensation.  Members of the
  commission shall be compensated at the rate of three hundred
  dollars ($300) for each day the member is engaged in commission
  business.  For each succeeding commission, the rate of compensation
  shall be adjusted in each year ending in nine by the cumulative
  change in the Texas Consumer Price Index, or its successor.  Members
  of the panel and the commission are eligible for reimbursement of
  personal expenses incurred in connection with the duties performed
  pursuant to this act.  A member's residence is deemed to be the
  member's post of duty for purposes of reimbursement of expenses.  
  Citizens Redistricting Commission Budget, Fiscal Oversight.  (a) In
  2019, and in each year ending in nine thereafter, the Governor shall
  include in the Governor's Budget submitted to the Legislature
  pursuant to Section 12 of Article IV of the Texas Constitution
  amounts of funding for the State Auditor, the Citizens
  Redistricting Commission, and the Secretary of State that are
  sufficient to meet the estimated expenses of each of those officers
  or entities in implementing the redistricting process required by
  this act for a three-year period, including, but not limited to,
  adequate funding for a statewide outreach program to solicit broad
  public participation in the redistricting process.  The Governor
  shall also make adequate office space available for the operation
  of the commission.  The Legislature shall make the necessary
  appropriation in the Budget Act, and the appropriation shall be
  available during the entire three-year period.
         SECTION 2.  Section 7a, Article V, Texas Constitution, is
  amended by amending Subsections (e) and (i) and adding Subsection
  (j) to read as follows:
         (e)  Unless the legislature enacts a statewide
  reapportionment of the judicial districts following each federal
  decennial census, the board shall convene not later than the first
  Monday of June of the third year following the year in which the
  federal decennial census is taken to make a statewide
  reapportionment of the districts.  The board shall complete its
  work on the reapportionment and file its order with the secretary of
  state not later than August 31 of the same year.  If the Judicial
  Districts Board fails to make a statewide apportionment by that
  date, the Texas [Legislative] Redistricting Commission [Board]
  established by Article III, Section 28a [28], of this constitution
  shall convene on September 1 of the same year to make a statewide
  reapportionment of the judicial districts not later than the 90th
  [150th] day after the final day for the Judicial Districts Board to
  make the reapportionment.
         (i)  The legislature, the Judicial Districts Board, or the
  Texas [Legislative] Redistricting Commission [Board] may not
  redistrict the judicial districts to provide for any judicial
  district smaller in size than an entire county except as provided by
  this section.  Judicial districts smaller in size than the entire
  county may be created subsequent to a general election where a
  majority of the persons voting on the proposition adopt the
  proposition "to allow the division of _______ County into judicial
  districts composed of parts of _______ County."  No redistricting
  plan may be proposed or adopted by the legislature, the Judicial
  Districts Board, or the Texas [Legislative] Redistricting
  Commission [Board] in anticipation of a future action by the voters
  of any county.
         (j)  Until January 1, 2021, a reference in this section to
  the Texas Redistricting Commission means the Legislative
  Redistricting Board established under Article III, Section 28, of
  this constitution.  This subsection expires January 1, 2021.
         SECTION 3.  This proposed constitutional amendment shall be
  submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 7, 2017.  
  The ballot shall be printed to permit voting for or against the
  following proposition: "The constitutional amendment establishing
  the Texas Redistricting Commission to redistrict the Texas
  Legislature and Texas congressional districts and revising
  procedures for redistricting."