86R26330 ST-D
  By: Craddick H.C.R. No. 165
         WHEREAS, Ramona Aytes Thomas of Midland is retiring as chief
  executive officer of PermiaCare on June 3, 2019, drawing to a close
  a notable career with that organization that has spanned nearly
  three decades; and
         WHEREAS, Ramona Thomas began her employment with PermiaCare,
  formerly Permian Basin Community Centers, on September 24, 1990, as
  a staff accountant; she was subsequently promoted to director of
  finance and then chief financial officer; in April 2003, she was
  named deputy executive director, and she took on her role as CEO on
  November 1, 2014; among her many achievements, she moved millions
  of dollars of the Center's fee-for-service Medicaid billing revenue
  from traditional Medicaid into an alternative managed care
  environment, and she was instrumental in expanding funding to
  provide critical services to persons with mental illness and
  substance use disorder; in addition, she has been actively involved
  with the Midland Behavioral Health Initiative; and
         WHEREAS, During her tenure, Ms. Thomas has served the Texas
  Community Center system and the Texas Council of Community Centers
  in a number of capacities, including as chair of the Texas Council
  of Community Centers Chief Financial Officer Association and as CEO
  liaison to the CFO Consortium; moreover, she has been a member of
  the Retirement Advisory Committee for ISC Group, the Revenue
  Maximization Committee, the Contract and Fiscal Imperatives
  Committee, and the MH and IDD Performance Contracts Committee; and
         WHEREAS, Deeply devoted to her community, Ms. Thomas has
  given freely of her time and talents to such organizations as the
  Rotary Club, Leadership Midland, and the Midland Behavioral Health
  Leadership Team; she has also been involved with United Way of
  Midland for many years, serving as a board member, chair of the
  community impact division, assistant treasurer, and treasurer; and
         WHEREAS, Through her dedication, professionalism, and
  commitment to excellence, Ramona Thomas has greatly benefited
  PermiaCare and her fellow Texans, and she may indeed reflect with
  pride on a career well spent as she embarks on the next exciting
  chapter of her life; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 86th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby congratulate Ramona Aytes Thomas on her retirement as CEO of
  PermiaCare and extend to her sincere best wishes for the future;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Ms. Thomas as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives and Senate.