86R20985 BK-D
  By: Davis of Harris H.C.R. No. 143
         WHEREAS, In times of disaster, including during a hurricane,
  tornado, flood, or public health epidemic, individuals may need to
  seek medical care in shelters and other places where their medical
  information is not readily available; in addition, a large-scale
  disaster may temporarily force hospitals and medical offices to
  close, limiting access to medical records from those facilities;
         WHEREAS, If a patient needs to replace his or her
  medications, health care workers can serve them most efficiently
  when up-to-date medical information is provided, and a current list
  of a patient's immunizations can also prevent them from receiving
  redundant vaccinations when vaccine supplies are limited; and
         WHEREAS, In undertaking advance planning for emergencies,
  individuals should obtain a summary of their medical record
  history, which can often be accessed through an online portal
  managed by their health care provider; these records should include
  a patient's current allergies and medications, immunizations,
  medical issues, recent hospitalizations and relevant lab results,
  contact information for primary care and sub-specialty physicians,
  and other key data, such as a list of special medical equipment or
  supplies; and
         WHEREAS, A few small steps can make an important difference
  in adequately coping with emergencies, and the observance of Texans
  Medical Record Checkup Day on May 1 reminds all state residents to
  ensure that they and their loved ones are prepared with
  comprehensive health care information in the event of a major
  disaster; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 86th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby designate May 1 as Texans Medical Record Checkup Day and
  encourage all Texans to have access to or possession of an accurate
  summary of their medical records as part of their disaster
  preparedness plan; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That, in accordance with the provisions of Section
  391.004(d), Government Code, this designation remain in effect
  until the 10th anniversary of the date that this resolution is
  finally passed by the legislature.