88R1225 JG-F
  By: Vasut H.B. No. 524
  relating to the filing with the Texas Ethics Commission of campaign
  treasurer appointments and reports of political contributions and
  political expenditures.
         SECTION 1.  Section 252.002(b), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  A political committee [that files its campaign
  treasurer appointment with the commission] must notify the
  commission in writing of any change in the campaign treasurer's
  address not later than the 10th day after the date on which the
  change occurs.
         SECTION 2.  Sections 252.0031(a) and (b), Election Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  In addition to the information required by Section
  252.002, a campaign treasurer appointment by a specific-purpose
  committee for supporting or opposing a candidate for a statewide
  [an] office, a district office filled by voters of more than one
  county, a judicial district office filled by voters of only one
  county, state senator, state representative, or the State Board of
  Education [specified by Section 252.005(1)] must include:
               (1)  the name of and the office sought by the candidate;
               (2)  before the committee may use a political
  contribution from a corporation or a labor organization to make a
  direct campaign expenditure in connection with a campaign for an
  elective office, an affidavit stating that:
                     (A)  the committee is not established or
  controlled by a candidate or an officeholder; and
                     (B)  the committee will not use any political
  contribution from a corporation or a labor organization to make a
  political contribution to:
                           (i)  a candidate for elective office;
                           (ii)  an officeholder; or
                           (iii)  a political committee that has not
  filed an affidavit under this subdivision or Section 252.003(a)(4).
         (b)  The name of a specific-purpose committee for supporting
  a candidate for an office specified by Subsection (a) [Section
  252.005(1)] must include the name of the candidate that the
  committee supports.
         SECTION 3.  Section 252.005, Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  COMMISSION [: CANDIDATE]. Each candidate and political committee
  [An individual] must file a campaign treasurer appointment [for the
  individual's own candidacy] with[:
               [(1)]  the commission[, if the appointment is made for
  candidacy for:
                     [(A)  a statewide office;
                     [(B)  a district office filled by voters of more
  than one county;
                     [(C)  a judicial district office filled by voters
  of only one county;
                     [(D)  state senator;
                     [(E)  state representative; or
                     [(F)  the State Board of Education;
               [(2)  the county clerk, if the appointment is made for
  candidacy for a county office, a precinct office, or a district
  office other than one included in Subdivision (1);
               [(3)  the clerk or secretary of the governing body of
  the political subdivision or, if the political subdivision has no
  clerk or secretary, with the governing body's presiding officer, if
  the appointment is made for candidacy for an office of a political
  subdivision other than a county;
               [(4)  the county clerk if:
                     [(A)  the appointment is made for candidacy for an
  office of a political subdivision other than a county;
                     [(B)  the governing body for the political
  subdivision has not been formed; and
                     [(C)  no boundary of the political subdivision
  crosses a boundary of the county; or
               [(5)  the commission if:
                     [(A)  the appointment is made for candidacy for an
  office of a political subdivision other than a county;
                     [(B)  the governing body for the political
  subdivision has not been formed; and
                     [(C)  the political subdivision is situated in
  more than one county].
         SECTION 4.  Section 252.011(a), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  A campaign treasurer appointment takes effect at the
  time it is filed with the commission [authority specified by this
         SECTION 5.  Section 252.012(c), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (c)  If the campaign treasurer of a [specific-purpose]
  political committee [required to file its campaign treasurer
  appointment with the commission or of a general-purpose political
  committee] is removed by the committee, the departing campaign
  treasurer shall immediately file written notification of the
  termination of appointment with the commission.
         SECTION 6.  Section 252.013(c), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (c)  If the campaign treasurer of a [specific-purpose]
  political committee [required to file its campaign treasurer
  appointment with the commission or of a general-purpose political
  committee] resigns or otherwise vacates the position, the campaign
  treasurer shall immediately file written notification of the
  vacancy with the commission.
         SECTION 7.  Section 252.0131, Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  APPOINTMENT. (a) The commission by rule shall adopt a process by
  which the commission may terminate the campaign treasurer
  appointment of an inactive candidate or political committee [that
  is required to file a campaign treasurer appointment with the
  commission. The governing body of a political subdivision by
  ordinance or order may adopt a process by which the clerk or
  secretary, as applicable, of the political subdivision may
  terminate the campaign treasurer appointment of an inactive
  candidate or political committee that is required to file a
  campaign treasurer appointment with the clerk or secretary]. For
  purposes of this section, a candidate or political committee is
  inactive if the candidate or committee:
               (1)  has never filed or has ceased to file reports under
  Chapter 254;
               (2)  in the case of a candidate, has not been elected to
  an office for which a candidate is required to file a campaign
  treasurer appointment with the commission [authority who is seeking
  to terminate the candidate's campaign treasurer appointment]; and
               (3)  has not filed:
                     (A)  a final report under Section 254.065 or
  254.125; or
                     (B)  a dissolution report under Section 254.126 or
         (b)  Before the commission may terminate a campaign
  treasurer appointment, the commission must consider the proposed
  termination in a regularly scheduled open meeting. [Before the
  clerk or secretary of a political subdivision may terminate a
  campaign treasurer appointment, the governing body of the political
  subdivision must consider the proposed termination in a regularly
  scheduled open meeting.]
         (c)  Rules [or an ordinance or order] adopted under this
  section must:
               (1)  define "inactive candidate or political
  committee" for purposes of terminating the candidate's or
  committee's campaign treasurer appointment; and
               (2)  require written notice to the affected candidate
  or committee of:
                     (A)  the proposed termination of the candidate's
  or committee's campaign treasurer appointment;
                     (B)  the date, time, and place of the meeting at
  which the commission [or governing body of the political
  subdivision, as applicable,] will consider the proposed
  termination; and
                     (C)  the effect of termination of the candidate's
  or committee's campaign treasurer appointment.
         (d)  The termination of a campaign treasurer appointment
  under this section takes effect on the 30th day after the date of
  the meeting at which the commission [or governing body, as
  applicable,] votes to terminate the appointment.  Following that
  meeting, the commission [or the clerk or secretary of the political
  subdivision, as applicable,] shall promptly notify the affected
  candidate or political committee that the appointment has been
  terminated.  The notice must state the effective date of the
         SECTION 8.  Section 252.014, Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
  commission [authority with whom a campaign treasurer appointment is
  filed under this chapter] shall preserve campaign treasurer
  appointments filed under this chapter [the appointment] for two
  years after the date the appointment is terminated.
         SECTION 9.  Section 252.015(a), Election Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  Each specific-purpose committee for supporting or
  opposing a candidate for a statewide office, a district office
  filled by voters of more than one county, a judicial district office
  filled by voters of only one county, state senator, state
  representative, or the State Board of Education, [an office
  specified by Section 252.005(1)] or a statewide or district
  measure, and each general-purpose committee may appoint an
  assistant campaign treasurer by written appointment filed with the
         SECTION 10.  Section 253.031(c), Election Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (c)  A political committee may not knowingly make or
  authorize a campaign contribution or campaign expenditure
  supporting or opposing a candidate for a statewide office, a
  district office filled by voters of more than one county, a judicial
  district office filled by voters of only one county, state senator,
  state representative, or the State Board of Education [an office
  specified by Section 252.005(1)] in a primary or general election
  unless the committee's campaign treasurer appointment has been
  filed not later than the 30th day before the appropriate election
         SECTION 11.  Sections 254.036(a), (c), (e), (g), and (i),
  Election Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Each report filed under this chapter [with an authority
  other than the commission must be in a format prescribed by the
  commission.  A report filed] with the commission that is not
  required to be filed by computer diskette, modem, or other means of
  electronic transfer must be on a form prescribed by the commission
  and written in black ink or typed with black typewriter ribbon or,
  if the report is a computer printout, the printout must conform to
  the same format and paper size as the form prescribed by the
         (c)  A candidate, officeholder, or political committee [that
  is required to file reports with the commission] may file reports
  that comply with Subsection (a) if:
               (1)  the candidate, officeholder, or campaign
  treasurer of the committee files with the commission an affidavit
  stating that the candidate, officeholder, or committee, an agent of
  the candidate, officeholder, or committee, or a person with whom
  the candidate, officeholder, or committee contracts does not use
  computer equipment to keep the current records of political
  contributions, political expenditures, or persons making political
  contributions to the candidate, officeholder, or committee; and
               (2)  the candidate, officeholder, or committee does
  not, in a calendar year, accept political contributions that in the
  aggregate exceed $20,000 or make political expenditures that in the
  aggregate exceed $20,000.
         (e)  A candidate for an office of a political subdivision,
  other than a county, that has not formed a governing body and is
  situated in more than one county [described by Section 252.005(5)]
  or a specific-purpose committee for supporting or opposing only
  candidates for an office described by this subsection [Section
  252.005(5)] or a measure concerning a political subdivision
  described by this subsection [Section 252.007(5)] may file reports
  that comply with Subsection (a).
         (g)  In prescribing the format of a report filed under this
  chapter[, including a report filed with an authority other than the
  commission under Subsection (a),] the commission shall ensure that
  the report requires for political expenditures made with a credit
  card that:
               (1)  the expenditures be reported in a single itemized
  list; and
               (2)  the list include, stated by credit card issuer:
                     (A)  the name of the credit card issuer;
                     (B)  the date and amount of each expenditure; and
                     (C)  the date the credit card issuer was repaid
  for the expenditure.
         (i)  Each person required to file reports [with the
  commission] that comply with Subsection (b) shall file with the
  commission a written statement providing the manner of electronic
  transfer that the person will use to file the report. A statement
  under this subsection must be filed not later than the 30th day
  before the filing deadline for the first report a person is required
  to file under Subsection (b). A person who intends to change the
  manner of filing described by the person's most recent statement
  shall notify the commission of the change not later than the 30th
  day before the filing deadline for the report to which the change
  applies. If a person does not file a statement under this
  subsection, the commission may accept as authentic a report filed
  in any manner that complies with Subsection (b). If the commission
  receives a report that is not filed in the manner described by the
  person's most recent statement under this subsection, the
  commission shall promptly notify the person in writing that the
  commission has received a report filed in a different manner than
         SECTION 12.  Section 254.038(a), Election Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  In addition to other reports required by this chapter,
  the following persons shall file additional reports during the
  period beginning the ninth day before election day and ending at 12
  noon on the day before election day:
               (1)  a candidate for a statewide office, a district
  office filled by voters of more than one county, a judicial district
  office filled by voters of only one county, state senator, state
  representative, or the State Board of Education [an office
  specified by Section 252.005(1)] who accepts political
  contributions from a person that in the aggregate exceed $1,000
  during that reporting period; and
               (2)  a specific-purpose committee for supporting or
  opposing a candidate described by Subdivision (1) and that accepts
  political contributions from a person that in the aggregate exceed
  $1,000 during that reporting period.
         SECTION 13.  Subchapter B, Chapter 254, Election Code, is
  amended by adding Section 254.0395 to read as follows:
         Sec. 254.0395.  AUTHORITY WITH WHOM REPORTS FILED. A person
  required to file a report under this chapter shall file the report
  with the commission.
         SECTION 14.  Section 254.040(a), Election Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  Each report filed under this chapter shall be preserved
  by the commission [authority with whom it is filed] for at least two
  years after the date it is filed.
         SECTION 15.  Section 254.0401(g), Election Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (g)  Electronic report data saved in a temporary storage
  location [of the authority with whom the report is filed] for later
  retrieval and editing before the report is filed is confidential
  and may not be disclosed.  After the report is filed [with the
  authority], the information disclosed in the filed report is public
  information to the extent provided by this title.
         SECTION 16.  Section 254.0402(a), Election Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  Notwithstanding Section 552.222(a), Government Code,
  the commission [authority with whom a report is filed under this
  chapter] may not require a person examining a [the] report filed
  under this chapter to provide any information or identification.
         SECTION 17.  Section 254.043(a), Election Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  This section applies only to[:
               [(1)]  a person required to file reports under this
  chapter with the commission[; or
               [(2)  a person required to file reports under this
  chapter with an authority other than the commission in connection
  with an office of a political subdivision in a county with a
  population of at least 500,000].
         SECTION 18.  Sections 254.064(b), (c), (d), and (e),
  Election Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The first report must be received by the commission
  [authority with whom the report is required to be filed] not later
  than the 30th day before election day. The report covers the period
  beginning the day the candidate's campaign treasurer appointment is
  filed or the first day after the period covered by the last report
  required to be filed under this chapter, as applicable, and
  continuing through the 40th day before election day.
         (c)  The second report must be received by the commission
  [authority with whom the report is required to be filed] not later
  than the eighth day before election day. The report covers the
  period beginning the 39th day before election day and continuing
  through the 10th day before election day.
         (d)  If a person becomes an opposed candidate after a
  reporting period prescribed by Subsection (b) or (c), the person's
  first report must be received by the commission [authority with
  whom the report is required to be filed] not later than the regular
  deadline for the report covering the period during which the person
  becomes an opposed candidate. The period covered by the first
  report begins the day the candidate's campaign treasurer
  appointment is filed.
         (e)  In addition to other required reports, an opposed
  candidate in a runoff election shall file one report for that
  election. The runoff election report must be received by the
  commission [authority with whom the report is required to be filed]
  not later than the eighth day before runoff election day. The
  report covers the period beginning the ninth day before the date of
  the main election and continuing through the 10th day before runoff
  election day.
         SECTION 19.  Sections 254.124(b), (c), (d), and (e),
  Election Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The first report must be received by the commission
  [authority with whom the report is required to be filed] not later
  than the 30th day before election day.  The report covers the period
  beginning the day the committee's campaign treasurer appointment is
  filed or the first day after the period covered by the committee's
  last required report, as applicable, and continuing through the
  40th day before election day.
         (c)  The second report must be received by the commission
  [authority with whom the report is required to be filed] not later
  than the eighth day before election day.  The report covers the
  period beginning the 39th day before election day and continuing
  through the 10th day before election day.
         (d)  If a specific-purpose committee supports or opposes a
  candidate or measure in an election after a reporting period
  prescribed by Subsection (b) or (c), the first report must be
  received by the commission [authority with whom the report is
  required to be filed] not later than the regular deadline for the
  report covering the period during which the committee becomes
  involved in the election.  The period covered by the first report
  begins the day the committee's campaign treasurer appointment is
  filed or the first day after the period covered by the committee's
  last required report, as applicable.
         (e)  In addition to other required reports, the campaign
  treasurer of a specific-purpose committee that supports or opposes
  a candidate in a runoff election shall file one report for the
  runoff election.  The runoff election report must be received by the
  commission [authority with whom the report is required to be filed]
  not later than the eighth day before runoff election day.  The
  report covers the period beginning the ninth day before the date of
  the main election and continuing through the 10th day before runoff
  election day.
         SECTION 20.  Section 254.129(a), Election Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  If a specific-purpose committee changes its operation
  and becomes a general-purpose committee, the committee's campaign
  treasurer shall deliver written notice of the change in status to
  the commission [authority with whom the specific-purpose
  committee's reports under this chapter are required to be filed].
         SECTION 21.  Sections 254.154(b), (c), (d), and (e),
  Election Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  The first report must be received by the commission
  [authority with whom the report is required to be filed] not later
  than the 30th day before election day.  The report covers the period
  beginning the day the committee's campaign treasurer appointment is
  filed or the first day after the period covered by the committee's
  last required report, as applicable, and continuing through the
  40th day before election day.
         (c)  The second report must be received by the commission
  [authority with whom the report is required to be filed] not later
  than the eighth day before election day.  The report covers the
  period beginning the 39th day before election day and continuing
  through the 10th day before election day.
         (d)  If a general-purpose committee becomes involved in an
  election after a reporting period prescribed by Subsection (b) or
  (c), the first report must be received by the commission [authority
  with whom the report is required to be filed] not later than the
  regular deadline for the report covering the period during which
  the committee becomes involved in the election.  The period covered
  by the first report begins the day the committee's campaign
  treasurer appointment is filed or the first day after the period
  covered by the committee's last required report, as applicable.
         (e)  In addition to other required reports, the campaign
  treasurer of a general-purpose committee involved in a runoff
  election shall file one report for the runoff election.  The runoff
  election report must be received by the commission [authority with
  whom the report is required to be filed] not earlier than the 10th
  day or later than the eighth day before runoff election day.  The
  report covers the period beginning the ninth day before the date of
  the main election and continuing through the 10th day before runoff
  election day.
         SECTION 22.  Section 254.157(a), Election Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  The campaign treasurer of a general-purpose committee
  filing monthly reports shall file a report not later than the fifth
  day of the month following the period covered by the report.  A
  report covering the month preceding an election in which the
  committee is involved must be received by the commission [authority
  with whom the report is required to be filed] not later than the
  fifth day of the month following the period covered by the report.
         SECTION 23.  Section 254.202(b), Election Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  The report shall be filed with the commission [authority
  with whom the person's campaign treasurer appointment was required
  to be filed].
         SECTION 24.  Section 254.205(b), Election Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (b)  The report shall be filed with the commission [authority
  with whom the person's campaign treasurer appointment was required
  to be filed].
         SECTION 25.  Section 571.079(a), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  Not later than the 15th day after the date on which an
  application for a place on the general primary election ballot or
  for nomination by convention is required to be filed, the
  commission shall post on its Internet website:
               (1)  the name and address of each candidate for a
  statewide office, a district office filled by voters of more than
  one county, a judicial district office filled by voters of only one
  county, state senator, state representative, or the State Board of
  Education [an office specified by Section 252.005(1), Election
  Code,] who has failed to pay a civil penalty imposed by the
  commission for failure to file with the commission a required
  report or statement under Chapter 254, Election Code, or Chapter
  572; and
               (2)  for each candidate listed under Subdivision (1),
  the amount of the penalty imposed and the amount paid, if any.
         SECTION 26.  The following provisions of the Election Code
  are repealed:
               (1)  Section 252.006;
               (2)  Section 252.007;
               (3)  Section 252.008;
               (4)  Section 252.009;
               (5)  Section 252.010;
               (6)  Section 254.036(f);
               (7)  Sections 254.0401(a-1) and (c);
               (8)  Section 254.066;
               (9)  Section 254.095;
               (10)  Section 254.097;
               (11)  Section 254.129(c);
               (12)  Section 254.130; and
               (13)  Section 254.163.
         SECTION 27.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only
  to a campaign treasurer appointment required to be filed under
  Chapter 252, Election Code, or a report required to be filed under
  Chapter 254, Election Code, on or after the effective date of this
  Act. A campaign treasurer appointment or report required to be
  filed before the effective date of this Act is subject to the law in
  effect at the time the appointment or report was filed, and the
  former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 28.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2024.