85R4360 BEF-F
  By: Cyrier H.B. No. 4057
  relating to the practice of veterinary medicine and the medical
  treatment and care of animals in animal shelters and releasing
  agencies; expanding the applicability of an occupational license.
         SECTION 1.  Section 801.002, Occupations Code, is amended by
  amending Subdivisions (1) and (1-a) and adding Subdivisions (1-b),
  (5-a), and (5-b) to read as follows:
               (1)  "Animal shelter" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 823.001, Health and Safety Code.
               (1-a)  "Board" means the State Board of Veterinary
  Medical Examiners.
               (1-b) [(1-a)]  "Certified veterinary assistant" means
  a person who has been certified as a certified veterinary assistant
  by the Texas Veterinary Medical Association and is employed by a
  licensed veterinarian.
               (5-a)  "Releasing agency" has the meaning assigned by
  Section 828.001, Health and Safety Code.
               (5-b)  "Shelter veterinarian" means a veterinarian who
  works for or in an animal shelter or a releasing agency, regardless
  of whether the veterinarian receives compensation.
         SECTION 2.  Section 801.004, Occupations Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         Sec. 801.004.  APPLICATION OF CHAPTER. (a)  Except as
  provided by Subsection (b) and Section 801.005, this [This] chapter
  does not apply to:
               (1)  the treatment or care of an animal in any manner by
  the owner of the animal, an employee of the owner, or a designated
  caretaker of the animal, unless the ownership, employment, or
  designation is established with the intent to violate this chapter;
               (2)  a person who performs an act prescribed by the
  board as an accepted livestock management practice, including:
                     (A)  castrating a male animal raised for human
                     (B)  docking or earmarking an animal raised for
  human consumption;
                     (C)  dehorning cattle;
                     (D)  aiding in the nonsurgical birth process of a
  large animal, as defined by board rule;
                     (E)  treating an animal for disease prevention
  with a nonprescription medicine or vaccine;
                     (F)  branding or identifying an animal in any
                     (G)  artificially inseminating an animal,
  including training, inseminating, and compensating for services
  related to artificial insemination; and
                     (H)  shoeing a horse;
               (3)  the performance of a cosmetic or production
  technique to reduce injury in poultry intended for human
               (4)  the performance of a duty by a veterinarian's
  employee if:
                     (A)  the duty involves food production animals;
                     (B)  the duty does not involve diagnosis,
  prescription, or surgery;
                     (C)  the employee is under the direction and
  general supervision of the veterinarian; and
                     (D)  the veterinarian is responsible for the
  employee's performance;
               (5)  the performance of an act by a person who is a
  full-time student of an accredited college of veterinary medicine
  if the act is performed under the direct supervision of a
               (6)  [an animal shelter employee who performs
  euthanasia in the course and scope of the person's employment if the
  person has successfully completed training in accordance with
  Chapter 829, Health and Safety Code;
               [(7)]  a person who is engaged in a recognized
  state-federal cooperative disease eradication or control program
  or an external parasite control program while the person is
  performing official duties required by the program;
               (7) [(8)]  a person who, without expectation of
  compensation, provides emergency care in an emergency or disaster;
               (8) [(9)]  a consultation given to a veterinarian in
  this state by a person who:
                     (A)  resides in another state; and
                     (B)  is lawfully qualified to practice veterinary
  medicine under the laws of that state.
         (b)  This chapter applies to an activity described by
  Subsection (a) when performed by a person who holds a license issued
  under this chapter.
         SECTION 3.  Subchapter A, Chapter 801, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Section 801.005 to read as follows:
  RELEASING AGENCIES. (a)  Except as otherwise provided by this
  section, this chapter applies to the practice of veterinary
  medicine, including an activity described by Section 801.004, when
               (1)  in an animal shelter or releasing agency; or
               (2)  on an animal for which an animal shelter,
  releasing agency, or shelter veterinarian:
                     (A)  is the owner or designated caretaker; or
                     (B)  has possession, custody, or control.
         (b)  After an animal shelter or releasing agency takes
  possession and has custody or control of an animal, an agent,
  employee, or volunteer of the shelter or agency may administer:
               (1)  a nonprescription drug to the animal; or
               (2)  a prescription vaccine or drug, other than rabies
  vaccine or a controlled substance, to the animal if the vaccine or
  drug is:
                     (A)  necessary to prevent the animal's death or
  alleviate the animal's pain or suffering;
                     (B)  necessary to prevent or control a
  communicable disease or internal or external parasite; or 
                     (C)  administered at the direction of a
  veterinarian or under the guidance of a protocol developed in
  accordance with Section 801.365(b).
         (c)  A nonsurgical sterilization or any surgery performed in
  or on behalf of an animal shelter or releasing agency must be
  performed by:
               (1)  a veterinarian; or
               (2)  a full-time student of an accredited college of
  veterinary medicine under the direct supervision of a veterinarian.
         (d)  This chapter does not apply to an animal shelter
  employee who euthanizes an animal in the course and scope of the
  person's employment if the person has successfully completed
  training in accordance with Section 821.055, Health and Safety
         (e)  This chapter may not be construed to prevent an agent,
  employee, or volunteer of an animal shelter or releasing agency
  from providing emergency care to an animal or preventing an
  animal's pain or suffering.
         SECTION 4.  Subchapter H, Chapter 801, Occupations Code, is
  amended by adding Section 801.365 to read as follows:
         Sec. 801.365.  PRACTICE BY SHELTER VETERINARIAN. (a)  
  Notwithstanding any other law, after an animal shelter or releasing
  agency takes possession of an animal, a veterinarian may:
               (1)  perform a surgical or nonsurgical sterilization of
  a dog or cat:
                     (A)  that shows no evidence of ownership;
                     (B)  whose owner surrendered the animal; or
                     (C)  whose owner has not claimed the animal from
  the animal shelter or releasing agency if the hold period
  prescribed by local law has expired;
               (2)  administer or prescribe a vaccine or drug to the
  animal; or
               (3)  provide any other treatment that the veterinarian
  reasonably believes will promote the animal's health and welfare or
  alleviate the animal's pain, suffering, or discomfort.
         (b)  A shelter veterinarian who complies with Section
  801.351 by making medically appropriate and timely visits to the
  premises of an animal shelter or releasing agency may, in
  consultation with the animal shelter or releasing agency, develop a
  written animal care and treatment protocol for use by agents,
  employees, and volunteers of the animal shelter or releasing agency
  who do not hold a license under this chapter. A protocol under this
               (1)  may provide guidance on the administration of
  vaccines or drugs, other than rabies vaccine and controlled
  substances, necessary to:
                     (A)  prevent or control a communicable disease;
                     (B)  prevent or control an internal or external
                     (C)  prevent an animal's death; or 
                     (D)  alleviate an animal's pain, suffering, or
  discomfort; and
               (2)  may not provide guidance on the administration of
  rabies vaccine or a controlled substance.
         (c)  A shelter veterinarian shall develop and maintain a
  paper or electronic recordkeeping system to keep complete and
  accurate medical records regarding the treatment provided to each
  animal under the veterinarian's care in an animal shelter or
  releasing agency.  The records may be maintained in a daily log or
  in billing records, provided the information entered is adequate to
  substantiate the identification of the animal treated and the
  medical care provided.  An employee or volunteer at an animal
  shelter or a releasing agency who does not hold a license under this
  chapter, acting under the supervision or protocol of a
  veterinarian, may contribute to the records under this subsection.
         (d)  A shelter veterinarian is only responsible for:
               (1)  the veterinarian's direct actions; or
               (2)  actions taken by a person acting at the
  veterinarian's specific direction or under the veterinarian's
  direct and immediate supervision.
         SECTION 5.  Chapter 801, Occupations Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter M to read as follows:
  The shelter veterinarian advisory committee is an informal advisory
  committee to the board and is not subject to Chapter 2110,
  Government Code.
         (b)  The board shall consult the advisory committee
  regarding matters relating to a disciplinary action that involves a
  shelter veterinarian.
  shelter veterinarian advisory committee is composed of three
  members appointed by the presiding officer of the board as follows:
               (1)  two members who are shelter veterinarians licensed
  by the board, have practiced animal shelter veterinary medicine for
  the five years preceding the date of appointment, and are of good
  repute; and
               (2)  one member, who is not required to be a
  veterinarian, who currently serves as a director or is involved in
  the management of an animal shelter.
         Sec. 801.603.  TERMS; VACANCY. (a) Members of the shelter
  veterinarian advisory committee are appointed for staggered
  six-year terms. The term of one member expires on February 1 of
  each odd-numbered year.
         (b)  If a vacancy occurs during a member's term, the
  presiding officer of the board shall appoint a new member to fill
  the unexpired term.
         (c)  An advisory committee member may not serve more than two
  consecutive full terms.
         Sec. 801.604.  GROUNDS FOR REMOVAL. It is a ground for
  removal from the shelter veterinarian advisory committee that a
               (1)  does not have at the time of appointment the
  qualifications required by Section 801.602;
               (2)  does not maintain during service on the advisory
  committee the qualifications required by Section 801.602; or
               (3)  cannot, because of illness or disability,
  discharge the member's duties for a substantial part of the member's
         Sec. 801.605.  OFFICERS. The presiding officer of the board
  shall designate biennially a shelter veterinarian advisory
  committee member as the presiding officer of the advisory committee
  to serve in that capacity at the will of the presiding officer of
  the board.
         Sec. 801.606.  REIMBURSEMENT; COMPENSATION. A shelter
  veterinarian advisory committee member is not entitled to
  reimbursement for travel expenses or compensation.
         Sec. 801.607.  MEETINGS. (a) The shelter veterinarian
  advisory committee shall meet at the call of the presiding officer
  of the board.
         (b)  A meeting may be held by telephone conference call.
         SECTION 6.  Section 801.004, Occupations Code, as amended by
  this Act, and Sections 801.005 and 801.365, Occupations Code, as
  added by this Act, apply only to conduct that occurs on or after the
  effective date of this Act. Conduct that occurs before the
  effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect when the
  conduct occurs, and the former law is continued in effect for that
         SECTION 7.  As soon as practicable after the effective date
  of this Act, the presiding officer of the State Board of Veterinary
  Medical Examiners shall appoint the members of the shelter
  veterinarian advisory committee.
         SECTION 8.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.