By: Rose H.B. No. 3990
  relating to the study of the fiscal impact on local governments in
  Dallas, Ellis, Hunt, Kaufman, Navarro and Rockwall Counties of
  restructuring the NorthSTAR behavioral health system and the
  effective implementation the Sunset Commission Health and Human
  Services Commission Issue 9 recommendation.
         SECTION 1.  The Texas Health and Human Services Commission
  shall contract with a private entity approved by the North Texas
  Behavioral Health Authority through a majority vote of the
  authority's board of directors to undertake a comprehensive study
  of the potential impact on local governments and continuity of
  services in Dallas, Ellis, Hunt, Kaufman, Navarro and Rockwall
  Counties if the present behavioral health managed care structure,
  known as the NorthSTAR system, were to be dismantled in accordance
  with the recommendations in Issue 9 of the Health and Human Services
  Sunset Commission report.
         SECTION 2.  The scope of the study shall encompass but not be
  limited to
               a)  Defining the initial and expected impact on county
  and municipal budgets of any system that might replace the present
               b)  Defining the likelihood of and anticipated impact
  of recidivism resulting from increased acuity in the indigent
  population presently served in the current system if care is
               c)  Defining the potential impact on network access
               d)  Defining the impact on integrated care
               e)  Defining the overall impact on quality of care
               f)  Defining the overall impact on the cost of care
               g)  Defining the initial and expected impact on local
  medical and surgical hospitals
         SECTION 3.  The findings of this study will be reported back
  to the North Texas Behavioral Health Authority and the Texas Health
  and Human Services Commission no later than June 30, 2016.
         SECTION 4.  Collin County may exit NorthSTAR on or by October
  1, 2016.  The present deadline for any other changes to the
  NorthSTAR model shall be changed to September 1, 2017.  This
  modification shall be made in order to align the current contract
  cycle with the State of Texas fiscal year and allow the next
  Legislature the ability to make an appropriately informed
  deliberation on the future of public behavioral health care in
  Dallas, Ellis, Hunt, Kaufman, Navarro and Rockwall Counties.
         SECTION 5.  In the interim period the North Texas Behavioral
  Health Authority and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission
  shall solicit local stakeholder and community input, and
  incorporating the findings of the impact study, shall work with the
  representatives designated by the affected county governments in
  the development of a system that incorporates
               a)  Local control and governance of the system by
  member counties through their designated voting representatives on
  the North Texas Behavioral Health Authority
               b)  True integration and coordination of mental health
  services, substance use disorder services, crisis services and
  physical health care
               c)  Equal care for non-Medicaid and Medicaid behavioral
  health populations
               d)  Open access
               e)  Braided local, state, and federal funding
               f)  Connectivity and coordination of coverage which
  preserves the principles of 'no wrong door'
               g)  Choice of providers
               h)  Waiver of Institute of Mental Disease (IMD)
               i)  Separation of authority and provider functions
               j)  Serving all those meeting state criteria for
  behavioral health services in one system:
                     i.  Income at or below 200% of Federal Poverty
                     ii.  All individuals meeting state behavioral
  health clinical criteria;
                     iii.  Individuals meeting state Medicaid
               k)  Comprehensive evaluation and transparent
  publication of data
               l)  Status as a public local behavioral health
  authority entity eligible to put up non-federal dollars to match
  federal DSRIP funds
               m)  Provider payment plan and mechanisms to ensure a
  competitive provider market and an adequate network of providers
  capable of providing broad access to services;
               n)  Plan to ensure quality of services provided to
  clients and
               o)  Incentives of inclusion of local participation or
  match requirements
               p)  Option for Dallas, Ellis, Hunt, Kaufman, Navarro or
  Rockwall Counties to continue in the plan or choose an alternate
  model and for counties contiguous to present or future NorthSTAR
  counties to join the model if the county governments of those
  contiguous counties should so choose
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect immediately.