By: Hinojosa H.B. No. 3517
  relating to public school accountability.
         SECTION 1.  Section 39.053, Education Code, is amended by
  amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (c-4) to read as
         (c)  School districts and campuses must be evaluated based on
  four [three] domains of indicators of achievement adopted under
  this section that include:
               (1)  in the student achievement domain, indicators of
  student achievement that must include:
                     (A)  for evaluating the performance of districts
  and campuses generally:
                           (i)  an indicator that accounts for the
  results of assessment instruments required under Sections
  39.023(a), (c), and (l), as applicable for the district and campus,
  including the results of assessment instruments required for
  graduation retaken by a student, aggregated across grade levels by
  subject area, including:
                                 (a)  for the performance standard
  determined by the commissioner under Section 39.0241(a), the
  percentage of students who performed satisfactorily on the
  assessment instruments, aggregated across grade levels by subject
  area; and
                                 (b)  for the college readiness
  performance standard as determined under Section 39.0241, the
  percentage of students who performed satisfactorily on the
  assessment instruments, aggregated across grade levels by subject
  area; and
                           (ii)  an indicator that accounts for the
  results of assessment instruments required under Section
  39.023(b), as applicable for the district and campus, including the
  percentage of students who performed satisfactorily on the
  assessment instruments, as determined by the performance standard
  adopted by the agency, aggregated across grade levels by subject
  area; and
                     (B)  for evaluating the performance of high school
  campuses and districts that include high school campuses,
  indicators that account for:
                           (i)  students who satisfy the Texas Success
  Initiative (TSI) college readiness benchmarks prescribed by the
  Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board under Section 51.334 on
  an assessment instrument in reading or mathematics designated by
  the coordinating board under that section;
                           (ii)  students who satisfy relevant
  performance standards on advanced placement tests or similar
                           (iii)  students who earn dual course credits
  in the dual credit courses;
                           (iv)  students who enlist in the armed
  forces of the United States;
                           (v)  students who earn industry
                           (vi)  students admitted into postsecondary
  industry certification programs that require as a prerequisite for
  entrance successful performance at the secondary level;
                           (vii)  students whose successful completion
  of a course or courses under Section 28.014 indicates the student's
  preparation to enroll and succeed, without remediation, in an
  entry-level general education course for a baccalaureate degree or
  associate degree;
                           (viii)  students who successfully met
  standards on a composite of indicators that through research
  indicates the student's preparation to enroll and succeed, without
  remediation, in an entry-level general education course for a
  baccalaureate degree or associate degree;
                           (ix)  high school graduation rates, computed
  in accordance with standards and definitions adopted in compliance
  with the Every Student Succeeds Act (20 U.S.C. Section 6301 et seq.)
  subject to the exclusions provided by Subsections (g), (g-1),
  (g-2), and (g-3);
                           (x)  students who successfully completed an
  OnRamps dual enrollment course;
                           (xi)  students who successfully completed a
  practicum or internship approved by the State Board of Education;
                           (xii)  students who are awarded an associate
               (2)  in the school progress domain, indicators for
  effectiveness in promoting student learning, which must include:
                           (A)  for assessment instruments, including
  assessment instruments under Subdivisions (1)(A)(i) and (ii), the
  percentage of students who met the standard for improvement, as
  determined by the commissioner; and
                           (B)  for evaluating relative performance,
  the performance of districts and campuses compared to similar
  districts or campuses; [and]
               (3)  in the closing the gaps domain, the use of
  disaggregated data to demonstrate the differentials among students
  from different racial and ethnic groups, socioeconomic
  backgrounds, and other factors, including:
                     (A)  students formerly receiving special
  education services;
                     (B)  students continuously enrolled; and
                     (C)  students who are mobile; and
               (4)  in the school portfolio domain for evaluating the
  performance of districts and campuses generally, indicators of
  school portfolio, which must include:
                     (A)  students who successfully complete courses
  in fine arts, physical education, or a language other than English,
  or other courses included in the enrichment curriculum under
  Section 28.002(a)(2);
                     (B)  students who participate in extracurricular
  activities, including University Interscholastic League activities
  such as academic, fine arts, and athletic events and foreign
  language, chess, and robotics clubs;
                     (C)  students who successfully complete the
  distinguished level of achievement under Section 28.025(b-7);
                     (D)  students who successfully complete at least
  one endorsement under Section 28.025(c-1);
                     (E)  students who successfully complete a
  coherent sequence of fine arts courses;
                     (F)  students who successfully complete a
  character education program provided under Section 29.906;
                     (G)  educationally disadvantaged students who
  successfully complete a postsecondary readiness course;
                     (H)  results from the school and student safety
  survey of districts and campuses administered under Section
                     (I)  efforts by districts and campuses relating to
  increasing teacher retention, including providing mentoring
  programs and professional development opportunities;
                     (J)  health and wellness as determined by the
  commissioner in consultation with the State Board of Education and
  any appropriate advisory committees;
                     (K)  for campuses that serve students enrolled in
  prekindergarten, an indicator that accounts for student
  participation in full-day prekindergarten programs;
                     (L)  students in grades five, six, seven, and
  eight who earn credit for advanced courses;
                     (M)  students enrolled in grade nine for the first
  time who earn the credits required during that school year for
  promotion to the next grade level; and
                     (N)  students who are absent, as defined by
  Subsection (c-4), fewer than 15 days during the current school
         (c-4)  In Subsection (c)(4)(N), "absent" means the student
  is not physically on school grounds and is not participating in
  instruction or instruction-related activities at an approved
  off-campus location for the school day, without regard to whether
  the absence is excused or unexcused.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter C, Chapter 39, Education Code, is
  amended by adding Section 39.0531 to read as follows:
         Sec. 39.0531.  SCHOOL AND STUDENT SAFETY SURVEY. (a) The
  commissioner may incorporate a school and student safety survey as
  an indicator for the portfolio domain under Section 39.053(c)(4). A
  school and student safety survey shall be administered to
  administrators and teachers employed by school districts, students
  enrolled in school districts, and parents of those students.
         (b)  The commissioner may adopt rules to implement this
  section, including rules to:
               (1)  determine the format of the survey;
               (2)  determine the questions that the survey must
               (3)  establish a period during a school year in which
  the survey must be conducted;
               (4)  establish requirements for administering and
  reporting the results of the survey; and
               (5)  authorize the manner in which the survey may be
  administered, including the local administration of the survey.
         (c)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this code,
  including Section 21.355, school and student safety survey
  information must be reported to the agency in accordance with rules
  adopted by the commissioner.
         (d)  The commissioner may contract with a third party to
  provide any service necessary under this section.
         SECTION 3.  Section 39.054(a-1), Education Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a-1)  For purposes of assigning an overall performance
  rating for a district or campus under Subsection (a), the
  commissioner shall:
               (1)  consider either the district's or campus's
  performance rating under the student achievement domain under
  Section 39.053(c)(1) or the school progress domain under Section
  39.053(c)(2), whichever performance rating is higher, unless the
  district or campus received a performance rating of F in either
  domain, in which case the district or campus may not be assigned a
  performance rating higher than a B for the composite for the two
  domains; [and]
               (2)  attribute not less than 30 percent of the
  performance rating to the closing the gaps domain under Section
  39.053(c)(3); and
               (3)  attribute not less than 20 percent of the
  performance rating to the school portfolio domain under Section
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2023.