85R12633 AJZ-D
  By: Dukes H.B. No. 2383
  relating to outsourcing a service performed by the Health and Human
  Services Commission or a health and human services agency to a
  private commercial contractor.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 2162, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Subchapter D to read as follows:
         Sec. 2162.151.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Commission" means the Health and Human Services
               (2)  "Health and human services agency" has the meaning
  assigned by Section 531.001.
         Sec. 2162.152.  APPLICABILITY.  This subchapter applies in
  relation to a contract, contract amendment, or contract extension
  made or proposed to be made between the commission or a health and
  human services agency and a private commercial contractor only if:
               (1)  a service performed by the commission or agency at
  the time the contract is awarded, amended, or extended will be
  outsourced under the contract, contract amendment, or contract
  extension; and
               (2)  the contract, contract amendment, or contract
  extension, as applicable:
                     (A)  will lead to the loss of 100 or more state
  employee positions; or
                     (B)  has a value of $10 million or more.
  FOR OUTSOURCING STATE SERVICES.  (a)  Before awarding, amending, or
  extending a contract to which this subchapter applies, the
  commission or a health and human services agency, as applicable,
  shall perform a cost analysis comparing the commission's or
  agency's costs of performing the service to be outsourced to the
  costs of outsourcing the service as provided by this section. The
  council, in making a determination under Section 2162.102(a), shall
  perform a cost analysis comparing the commission's or agency's
  costs of performing a service to the costs of outsourcing the
  service as provided by this section.
         (b)  In determining the costs of performing the service, an
  analysis shall be prepared that includes:
               (1)  the commission's or health and human services
  agency's actual cost of providing the service currently, including:
                     (A)  services provided by the comptroller,
  attorney general, and other support agencies; and
                     (B)  other indirect expenses related to the
  performance of the service;
               (2)  the assumptions and documentation supporting the
  actual cost determination under Subdivision (1); and
               (3)  recommendations for improving the commission's or
  the health and human services agency's performance by developing
  the most efficient organizational model to provide the service, if
  applicable, including implementing recommendations of state
  oversight agencies, including the Legislative Budget Board, the
  state auditor, and the Sunset Advisory Commission.
         (c)  In comparing the cost of providing the service under
  this section, the commission, health and human services agency, or
  council shall:
               (1)  include the costs of a private contractor to
  perform the state service and the cost to the commission or agency
  of monitoring the contractor's performance against the terms of the
               (2)  include an assessment of whether the private
  contractor is capable of providing a level of service comparable to
  the level provided by the commission or agency that most recently
  provided the service; and
               (3)  prepare and consider an estimate of the costs of
  returning the performance of the service from the private
  contractor to the commission or agency if necessary, including a
  reasonable proposed schedule for actions necessary to return the
  service to the commission or agency.
         (d)  The commission or a health and human services agency
  performing a cost analysis under this section may consider a
  reorganized service delivery method to compete directly with the
  performance of a private contractor.
         (e)  A bid or contract for outsourcing a service must include
  an analysis of health care benefits, retirement, and workers'
  compensation insurance for a private contractor's employees that
  are reasonably comparable to the health care benefits, retirement,
  and workers' compensation insurance of this state.
         (f)  A cost analysis under this section must cover a period
  of at least one year and not more than five years.
         Sec. 2162.154.  REPORT; STATE AUDITOR REVIEW.  (a)  The
  commission or a health and human services agency shall send the
  analysis and supporting documentation required by Section
  2162.153(b) to the governor, the chairs of the appropriate
  legislative committees with jurisdiction over the commission or
  agency, the Legislative Budget Board, and the state auditor. The
  analysis and supporting documentation must be sent to the state
  auditor before extending a solicitation for bids for, amending, or
  extending a contract to which this subchapter applies.
         (b)  Based on a risk assessment, the state auditor may review
  and comment on the methodology used to determine the commission's 
  or health and human services agency's cost required by Section
  2163.153(a).  The state auditor shall provide the results of the
  review and comment to the affected commission or agency, the
  governor, the chairs of the appropriate legislative committees with
  jurisdiction over the commission or agency, and the Legislative
  Budget Board.
         Sec. 2162.155.  AUDIT AUTHORITY. (a)  Based on a risk
  assessment performed by the state auditor, a cost analysis under
  Section 2162.153 is subject to audit by the state auditor in
  accordance with Chapter 321.
         (b)  Based on a risk assessment performed by the state
  auditor, a contract to which this subchapter applies is subject to
  audit by the state auditor in accordance with Chapter 321. The
  private contractor shall pay the costs of an audit conducted under
  this subsection. In conducting the audit, the state auditor may:
               (1)  assess whether cost savings have been realized
  from the contract; and
               (2)  address compliance under the terms of the
  contract, including amounts paid under the contract.
         (c)  A contract to which this subchapter applies must include
  a provision that authorizes the state auditor to have access to any
  information the state auditor considers relevant in performing the
  state auditor's duties under this section.
         (d)  The state auditor shall file an audit report for audits
  performed under Subsections (a) and (b).
         (e)  Reports filed by the state auditor under Subsection (d)
  shall be provided to:
               (1)  the commission and any affected health and human
  services agency;
               (2)  the governor;
               (3)  the chairs of the appropriate legislative
  committees with jurisdiction over the commission or agency;
               (4)  the Legislative Budget Board;
               (5)  the council, if applicable;
               (6)  the attorney general; and
               (7)  the private contractor, if applicable.
         Sec. 2162.156.  REQUIRED NOTIFICATION. The commission or a
  health and human services agency that enters into a contract or
  agrees to a contract amendment or extension subject to this
  subchapter shall notify the state auditor about the contract not
  later than the date the contract, contract amendment, or contract
  extension takes effect.
         Sec. 2162.157.  RECOVERY OF FUNDS. If, in the performance of
  an audit under this subchapter, the state auditor identifies
  amounts overpaid, amounts paid for unperformed services, or
  unallowable costs, the attorney general and the commission or
  affected health and human services agency shall cooperate in taking
  action to recover the amounts owed to the state.
         Sec. 2162.158.  CONTRACT TERMINATION. If the executive
  commissioner of the commission, after reviewing an audit report by
  the state auditor under this subchapter, any response by the
  private contractor, and applicable agency performance evaluations
  of the private contractor, concludes that the private contractor
  did not perform satisfactorily under the contract, the executive
  commissioner shall terminate the contract as soon as practicable.
         Sec. 2162.159.  ACTIONS FOLLOWING RETURN OF SERVICE. If a
  service obligation is returned to the commission or a health and
  human services agency after a contract is terminated under Section
  2162.158, the commission or agency, as applicable, shall:
               (1)  immediately complete a performance evaluation to
  design a program to improve the delivery of the service and
  implement the program designed; or
               (2)  rebid the contract.
         SECTION 2.  Section 2162.103(a), Government Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as otherwise provided by Section 2162.153, in
  [In] comparing the cost of providing a service, the council shall
  consider the:
               (1)  cost of supervising the work of a private
  contractor; and
               (2)  cost of a state agency's performance of the
  service, including:
                     (A)  the costs of the comptroller, attorney
  general, and other support agencies; and
                     (B)  other indirect costs related to the agency's
  performance of the service.
         SECTION 3.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only
               (1)  the activities of the Health and Human Services
  Commission, the State Council on Competitive Government, the
  Department of Family and Protective Services, or the Department of
  State Health Services concerning a proposal to contract with a
  private contractor to provide services being performed by the
  Health and Human Services Commission, the Department of Family and
  Protective Services, or the Department of State Health Services, on
  or after the effective date of this Act; and
               (2)  the evaluation of the services performed by a
  private contractor under a contract, contract amendment, or
  contract extension made on or after the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.