relating to the creation of the health benefit plan innovations |
program in the Texas Department of Insurance. |
SECTION 1. Subtitle B, Title 5, Insurance Code, is amended |
by adding Chapter 525 to read as follows: |
Sec. 525.001. PROGRAM ESTABLISHED. (a) The department |
shall develop and implement a health benefit plan innovations |
program to study the number of uninsured individuals in this state, |
the reasons those individuals are uninsured, and possible solutions |
that would expand access to affordable health benefit plan coverage |
in this state. |
(b) The department shall use department employees already |
employed in the consumer protection division of the department to |
implement the program. The department may not hire full-time |
employees whose primary job functions would solely be |
implementation of the program. |
Sec. 525.002. PROGRAM COMPONENTS. (a) Except as provided |
by Subsection (b), the program implemented under this chapter must: |
(1) collect and analyze data concerning the number, |
age, and demographic characteristics of uninsured individuals in |
this state; |
(2) identify the reasons why individuals in this state |
are uninsured; |
(3) examine and evaluate the effectiveness of programs |
implemented in other states to reduce the number of uninsured |
residents in those states; |
(4) monitor and evaluate the health benefit market in |
this state and determine whether residents of this state have |
sufficient access to a variety of health benefit plan products to |
ensure adequate health benefit plan coverage; and |
(5) make recommendations to the department and to the |
legislature concerning programs or initiatives to be implemented in |
this state to reduce the number of uninsured residents in this |
state. |
(b) The program must supplement and may not duplicate a |
service or function of another existing program or state agency and |
shall refer consumers to other programs and agencies where |
appropriate. |
(c) The program may: |
(1) operate a statewide clearinghouse for objective |
consumer information about health care coverage, including options |
for obtaining health care coverage; |
(2) collect, track, and quantify problems and |
inquiries encountered by consumers; |
(3) educate consumers on their rights and |
responsibilities with respect to group health plans and health |
insurance coverages; |
(4) provide existing health-related information to |
the general public and health care providers to improve the quality |
of and access to health care; and |
(5) establish an advisory committee composed of state |
agencies to increase collaboration and coordination of |
health-related programs and benefits. |
(d) The department shall coordinate program components that |
involve market and cost research or data collection and analysis |
with health benefit plan issuers and the Health and Human Services |
Commission to ensure the collection and analysis of complete and |
accurate information. |
Sec. 525.003. REPORT. The department shall include in its |
biennial report to the legislature under Section 32.022 the |
program's findings concerning the information and recommendations |
described by Section 525.002. |
Sec. 525.004. FUNDING. The department may accept gifts, |
donations, and grants from the federal government or any private |
party, including a health benefit plan issuer or a foundation |
associated with a health benefit plan issuer, to assist with |
funding the program. The department shall adopt rules governing |
acceptance of donations that are consistent with Chapter 575, |
Government Code. Before adopting rules under this section, the |
department shall: |
(1) submit the proposed rules to the Texas Ethics |
Commission for review; and |
(2) consider that commission's recommendations |
regarding the proposed rules. |
Sec. 525.005. RULES. The commissioner may adopt rules as |
necessary to implement this chapter. |
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2011. |