82R644 EAH-D
  By: Walle H.B. No. 195
  relating to disciplinary action taken against public school
  students on the basis of serious and persistent misbehavior.
         SECTION 1.  Section 37.007(c), Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (c)  A student may be expelled if the student, while placed
  in an alternative education program for disciplinary reasons,
  continues to engage in serious and [or] persistent misbehavior that
  violates the district's student code of conduct.
         SECTION 2.  Section 37.009(c), Education Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (c)  Before it may place a student in a disciplinary
  alternative education program for a period that extends beyond the
  end of the school year, the board or the board's designee must
  determine that:
               (1)  the student's presence in the regular classroom
  program or at the student's regular campus presents a danger of
  physical harm to the student or to another individual; or
               (2)  the student has engaged in serious and [or]
  persistent misbehavior that violates the district's student code of
         SECTION 3.  Sections 37.011(k) and (l), Education Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (k)  Each school district in a county with a population
  greater than 125,000 and the county juvenile board shall annually
  enter into a joint memorandum of understanding that:
               (1)  outlines the responsibilities of the juvenile
  board concerning the establishment and operation of a juvenile
  justice alternative education program under this section;
               (2)  defines the amount and conditions on payments from
  the school district to the juvenile board for students of the school
  district served in the juvenile justice alternative education
  program whose placement was not made on the basis of an expulsion
  required under Section 37.007(a), (d), or (e);
               (3)  identifies those categories of conduct that the
  school district has defined in its student code of conduct as
  constituting serious and [or] persistent misbehavior for which a
  student may be placed in the juvenile justice alternative education
               (4)  identifies and requires a timely placement and
  specifies a term of placement for expelled students for whom the
  school district has received a notice under Section 52.041(d),
  Family Code;
               (5)  establishes services for the transitioning of
  expelled students to the school district prior to the completion of
  the student's placement in the juvenile justice alternative
  education program;
               (6)  establishes a plan that provides transportation
  services for students placed in the juvenile justice alternative
  education program;
               (7)  establishes the circumstances and conditions
  under which a juvenile may be allowed to remain in the juvenile
  justice alternative education program setting once the juvenile is
  no longer under juvenile court jurisdiction; and
               (8)  establishes a plan to address special education
  services required by law.
         (l)  The school district shall be responsible for providing
  an immediate educational program to students who engage in behavior
  resulting in expulsion under Section 37.007(b), (c), and (f) but
  who are not eligible for admission into the juvenile justice
  alternative education program in accordance with the memorandum of
  understanding required under this section. The school district may
  provide the program or the school district may contract with a
  county juvenile board, a private provider, or one or more other
  school districts to provide the program. The memorandum of
  understanding shall address the circumstances under which such
  students who continue to engage in serious and [or] persistent
  misbehavior shall be admitted into the juvenile justice alternative
  education program.
         SECTION 4.  This Act applies beginning with the 2011-2012
  school year.
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2011.