2023-2024 Bill 714 Text of Previous Version (May. 03, 2023) - South Carolina Legislature Online

South Carolina General Assembly
125th Session, 2023-2024

(Text matches printed bills. Document has been reformatted to meet World Wide Web specifications.)

Committee Report

May 3, 2023

S. 714

Introduced by Senators Bennett and Gambrell

S. Printed 05/03/23--H.

Read the first time April 26, 2023


The committee on HOUSE INvitations and memorial resolutions

To who was referred a Concurrent Resolution (S.714) to recognize July 22, 2023, as "Fragile X Day" in South Carolina in order to help raise awareness of the condition and the need for increased research funding and, etc., respectfully


That they have duly and carefully considered the same, and recommend that the same do pass:

DENNIS C. MOSS for Committee.


A concurrent RESOLUTION

to recognize july 22, 2023, as "fragile x day" in south carolina in order to help raise awareness of the condition and the need for increased research funding and to support individuals and families living with fragile x.

Whereas, the members of the South Carolina General Assembly are happy to declare July 22, 2023, as "Fragile X Day" in order to promote the efforts of many organizations which help bring awareness of Fragile X syndrome, educate the public about the symptoms and effects on those affected by the condition, and which provide research funding for affected individuals and their families; and

Whereas, Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a genetic condition that causes intellectual disability, behavioral and learning challenges, and various physical characteristics, and is the most common inherited single gene cause of autism; and

Whereas, treatments for Fragile X are also likely to help people who have Alzheimer's or other brain disorders and is the best key to solving autism; and

Whereas, the Greenwood Genetic Center's Fragile X Clinic is part of the National Fragile X Clinical and Research Consortium and is one of only thirty-four Fragile X clinics in the United States. The clinic serves both pediatric and adult patients with FXS and Fragile X Premutation Associated Conditions through developmental behavioral pediatric services, genetic counseling, and genetic and clinical psychology services; and

Whereas, a global initiative launched by FRAXA Research Foundation in 2021, July 22 is recognized as World Fragile X Day and celebrates families impacted by Fragile X and highlights advancements of research to find effective treatments and ultimately a cure; and

Whereas, in 2022, three hundred eighty-three locations around the globe lit up to promote awareness and highlight the progress of Fragile X; and

Whereas, increased advocacy, awareness, research, and education of Fragile X and associated disorders will bring improved outcomes for individuals by facilitating treatment and potential curative methods; and

Whereas, the members of the South Carolina General Assembly value the efforts of such organizations seeking to offer hope for individuals and families affected by Fragile X syndrome. Now, therefore,

Be it resolved by the Senate, the House of Representatives concurring:

That the members of the South Carolina General Assembly, by this resolution, recognize July 22, 2023, as "Fragile X Day" in South Carolina in order to help raise awareness of the condition and the need for increased research funding and to support individuals and families living with Fragile X.


This web page was last updated on May 03, 2023 at 07:09 PM