2023-2024 Bill 4524 Text of Previous Version (Jun. 07, 2023) - South Carolina Legislature Online

South Carolina General Assembly
125th Session, 2023-2024

Bill 4524

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Indicates New Matter

(Text matches printed bills. Document has been reformatted to meet World Wide Web specifications.)









A concurrent RESOLUTION


to congratulate victoria estelle "dolly" grant of berkeley county on the occasion of her one hundredth birthday and to wish her a joyous birthday celebration and much happiness in the days ahead.


Whereas, on August 17, 2023, Victoria Estelle "Dolly" Grant of Berkeley County will awaken to the celebration of a milestone event: her one hundredth birthday; and


Whereas, born in Pineville, Dolly came into this world on August 17, 1923, the daughter of Samuel and Eliza Gourdine, when the twentieth century was still in its youth, and she has been witness to nearly all the incredible changes and developments that have come to this nation from that time into the third decade of the twenty-first century; and


Whereas, at the age of thirteen, Dolly made the monumental decision to give her life to Christ as her Lord and Savior. This decision proved to be one of her best decisions as she lived a life of service unto God from that day forward. She has been an active member at Mt. Nebo United Methodist Church, serving with her hands, her voice, and her heart, and has been a blessing to many of His people; and


Whereas, in 1975, the Lord showed Dolly a vision in a dream about a prayer service and she immediately called the community together in prayer. That group of prayer warriors that she called has developed into a band of prayer leaders which continues to this day. They have become a staple in the surrounding communities and are called upon often to pray; and


Whereas, she and her beloved husband, the late Buster Grant, Sr., were married on October 13, 1945, and celebrated seventy-four years of marriage before his passing, and together they reared seven fine children. The Lord further blessed them with fifteen grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren, all of whom she loves dearly; and


Whereas, in her free time, Ms. Dolly can be found on her front porch enjoying a nice afternoon breeze and waving at every car that passes by or sitting along the bank "pulling them up!" (except for Sunday-you can't go fishing on the Lord's day!); and


Whereas, it is a great pleasure to honor this daughter of South Carolina at the celebration of her one hundredth birthday, and the South Carolina General Assembly joins with her family and friends in congratulating her on reaching this important life milestone. Now, therefore,


Be it resolved by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring:


That the members of the South Carolina General Assembly, by this resolution, congratulate Victoria Estelle "Dolly" Grant of Berkeley County on the occasion of her one hundredth birthday and wish her a joyous birthday celebration and much happiness in the days ahead.


Be it further resolved that the copy of this resolution be presented to Ms. Dolly Grant.


This web page was last updated on June 07, 2023 at 05:30 PM