2023-2024 Bill 4222 Text of Previous Version (Mar. 29, 2023) - South Carolina Legislature Online

South Carolina General Assembly
125th Session, 2023-2024

(Text matches printed bills. Document has been reformatted to meet World Wide Web specifications.)

A bill

to amend the south carolina code of laws by enacting the "anti-gerrymandering act" by adding chapter 80 to title 2 so as to establish a multipartisan redistricting commission for the purpose of submitting reapportionment plans to the general assembly.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina:

SECTION 1.   Title 2 of the S.C. Code is amended by adding:


   Anti-Gerrymandering Act

   Section 2-80-10.   The General Assembly finds that the periodic reapportionment of the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the congressional districts is a responsibility of great consequence for it is designed to guarantee fair and effective representation for all citizens of South Carolina. It is a duty whose performance involves the analysis of population data, the study of geographic and demographic factors, the assistance of statisticians and other technical experts, and the development and completion of a reapportionment plan in time not only to provide for an orderly electoral process and an informed electorate, but also to comply with all state and federal election laws, including primary election and general election schedules prescribed by statute and by the Constitution of South Carolina, 1895. The General Assembly also finds that benefits are to be gained from the participation of political parties and of the public in the process. For these reasons, the General Assembly considers it proper and necessary to provide formally for public participation in the formulation of a reapportionment plan by establishing a multipartisan commission to construct reapportionment plans in a timely fashion and to prescribe a schedule to best ensure that the periodic redistricting of the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the congressional districts is carried out in conformity with statutorily and constitutionally prescribed dates in the nomination and election process and with all other state and federal election laws.

   Section 2-80-20.   The General Assembly shall adopt the reapportionment plan for the House of Representatives, Senate, and congressional districts by January thirty-first in calendar years that end with the numeral "2", from the reapportionment plans proposed by the South Carolina Multipartisan Redistricting Commission as required by the provisions of this chapter.

   Section 2-80-30.   The State Ethics Commission shall oversee the appointment of the members of the commission that is tasked with the post-census decennial reapportionment plan for the House of Representatives, Senate, and congressional districts. The selection process will be completed by January thirty-first in calendar years that end with the numeral "1", following the federal decennial census. The commission shall convene to begin its term of service on March first in calendar years that end with the numeral "1".

   Section 2-80-40.   (A) The commission must be comprised of twelve members appointed by the State Ethics Commission as follows:

      (1) five must be majority party voters;

      (2) five must be voters of the largest minority political party; and

      (3) two must be members of other political parties.

   (B) All decisions by the commission must be determined by a majority vote.

   (C) Members of the commission may not receive compensation but are entitled to mileage, subsistence, and per diem as allowed by law for members of other state boards, commissions, and committees.

   Section 2-80-50.   In developing reapportionment plans or maps, the commission shall propose ten maps or plans for election districts which must be, to the extent possible, of equal population and as compact in territory as possible. To the extent practicable, proposed districts must reflect existing boundaries of counties and other existing political subdivisions, natural geographic barriers, and artificial barriers.

   Section 2-80-60.   The commission may call upon the faculty departments of the three largest colleges or universities in this State for technical staff, clerical services, and expert advice and assistance it considers necessary.

   Section 2-80-70.   The commission shall also develop and propose precinct boundaries within each county and convenient locations for polling places, giving due consideration to accessibility for persons with disabilities, pedestrian access, bicycle access, access to public transportation, and commute distances or times.

SECTION 2.   This act takes effect upon approval by the Governor.


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