77th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2013 Regular Session


                 Senate Concurrent Resolution 7

Sponsored by Senator SHIELDS, Representatives FREDERICK, KOTEK;
  Representative KENY-GUYER

  Whereas Charles Jordan is a passionate, visionary leader who
has inspired thousands of parks, recreation and conservation
professionals and touched the lives of even more Portland
residents; and
  Whereas Charles Jordan's passion for equality, fairness and
positive change was fueled by his childhood experiences of living
in a segregated community in rural Texas; and
  Whereas Charles Jordan served as an officer in the United
States Army, then received his bachelor's degree in education,
sociology and philosophy from Gonzaga University and, in 2001,
was awarded an honorary Doctor of Law degree by the University of
Vermont; and
  Whereas Charles Jordan moved to Portland, Oregon, in 1970 to
work for the federal Model Cities Program; and
  Whereas in 1974 Charles Jordan became the first
African-American to serve as a city commissioner when he was
appointed to fill an unexpired term on the Portland City Council,
and was subsequently elected in 1976 and reelected in 1980 and
1984; and
  Whereas during his service on the Portland City Council,
Charles Jordan served two years as Fire Commissioner, five years
as Police Commissioner and three years as Parks Commissioner; and
  Whereas Charles Jordan served as director of Portland Parks and
Recreation from 1989 until his retirement in 2003, during which
time he championed the necessities of open space, clean air and
clean water, expanded the number of parks and natural areas in
Portland and set groundwork that has helped parks in Portland
earn national awards and recognition; and
  Whereas Charles Jordan is known for his innovative
problem-solving strategies and outreach programs such as the
Community Juvenile Officer Program, which put Portland police
officers in local schools to engage youth through positive
interaction and activities, and training programs designed to
recruit people of color to the Portland Fire Bureau; and
  Whereas Charles Jordan built a national reputation for
supporting affirmative action, becoming a prominent voice in the
national environmental movement for broadening its constituency
to include new leaders and greater involvement from minority and
low-income communities; and
  Whereas among many other honors and leadership appointments,
Charles Jordan served as chairman of the Conservation Fund, as a
commissioner on the President's Commission on Americans Outdoors
from 1985 to 1987 and as a committee member of the American
Heritage Rivers Initiative Advisory Committee by presidential
appointment; and
  Whereas in 2012 the City of Portland renamed the University
Park Community Center as the Charles Jordan Community Center in
honor of his lifetime of service; and

Enrolled Senate Concurrent Resolution 7 (SCR 7-A)          Page 1

  Whereas Charles Jordan is an innovator, conservationist and
charismatic leader who has dedicated his life to service and
community building; now, therefore,

Be It Resolved by the Legislative Assembly of the State of

  That we, the members of the Seventy-seventh Legislative
Assembly, honor Charles Jordan for his visionary leadership, his
invaluable contributions to Portland's parks and natural areas
and his service to the people of this state.

                                 Adopted by Senate February 19,

                                   Robert Taylor, Secretary of

                                  Peter Courtney, President of

                                  Adopted by House May 28, 2013

                                  Tina Kotek, Speaker of House

Enrolled Senate Concurrent Resolution 7 (SCR 7-A)          Page 2