76th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2012 Regular Session


                Senate Concurrent Resolution 203

Sponsored by Senator HASS, Representative BARKER; Senator DEVLIN,
  Representatives KOMP, LINDSAY, READ (Presession filed.)

  Whereas the Sisters of Saint Mary of Oregon, which was founded
in Sublimity in 1886, will celebrate the closing of the Sisters'
Jubilee Year on March 25, 2012; and
  Whereas the Sisters of Saint Mary of Oregon built, in 1894, a
Motherhouse in Beaverton for the purpose of carrying out the
ministries of service to those in need; and
  Whereas the Sisters of Saint Mary of Oregon have been on a
mission of education since 1903; and
  Whereas the educational ministries that the Sisters of Saint
Mary of Oregon founded continue today on the Sisters' 43-acre
Beaverton campus, at Valley Catholic Early Learning School,
Valley Catholic Elementary School, Valley Catholic Middle School,
Valley Catholic High School and Valley Catholic Music School; and
  Whereas the Sisters of Saint Mary of Oregon are on a mission of
elder care, achieved, in part, through the continuous operation
of Maryville Nursing Home since 1963, for the purpose of
maintaining the health and promoting the dignity of those who
have been made infirm by disability or age; and
  Whereas the Sisters of Saint Mary of Oregon are women of
prayer, living in simplicity and sisterly love; and
  Whereas for over 125 years the Sisters of Saint Mary of Oregon
have been turning faith into action for the benefit of countless
individuals and families throughout the Pacific Northwest and
beyond; now, therefore,

Be It Resolved by the Legislative Assembly of the State of

  That we, the members of the Seventy-sixth Legislative Assembly,
recognize, honor and celebrate on behalf of all Oregonians the
Jubilee Year of the Sisters of Saint Mary of Oregon and their 125
years of dedicated ministry and service to Oregon individuals,
families and communities; and be it further
  Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be presented to Sister
Charlene Herinckx, Superior General of the Sisters of Saint Mary
of Oregon.

Enrolled Senate Concurrent Resolution 203 (SCR 203-INTRO)  Page 1

                                  Adopted by Senate February 8,

                                   Robert Taylor, Secretary of

                                  Peter Courtney, President of

                                  Adopted by House February 20,

                                  Bruce Hanna, Speaker of House

                                 Arnie Roblan, Speaker of House

Enrolled Senate Concurrent Resolution 203 (SCR 203-INTRO)  Page 2