76th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2011 Regular Session

SA to SB 846

LC 3905/SB 846-4

                      SENATE AMENDMENTS TO
                         SENATE BILL 846


                            April 27

  Delete lines 4 through 21 of the printed bill and insert:
  '  { +  SECTION 1. + }  { +  (1) A person engaged in the
business of manufacturing bicycle trailers for sale in this state
that are designed for human passengers shall affix on each
bicycle trailer a label that informs the purchaser whether or not
the bicycle trailer conforms to ASTM International specification
F1975-09, ' Standard Specification for Nonpowered Bicycle
Trailers Designed for Human Passengers,' as in effect on January
1, 2011.
  ' (2) In addition to any other remedy provided by law, an
individual who purchases a bicycle trailer designed for human
passengers that does not have a label affixed to the bicycle
trailer as required in subsection (1) of this section may bring a
civil action to recover actual damages against the manufacturer.
A court shall award a prevailing plaintiff reasonable costs and
attorney fees.
  ' (3) An action brought under this section shall be commenced
within two years from the date the individual purchased the
bicycle trailer. + }
  '  { +  SECTION 2. + }  { + Section 1 of this 2011 Act applies
to bicycle trailers designed for human passengers sold on or
after the effective date of this 2011 Act. + } ' .