77th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2013 Regular Session

NOTE:  Matter within  { +  braces and plus signs + } in an
amended section is new. Matter within  { -  braces and minus
signs - } is existing law to be omitted. New sections are within
 { +  braces and plus signs + } .

LC 3875

                         Senate Bill 831

Sponsored by Senator SHIELDS, Representatives PARRISH, FREDERICK;
  Senators BEYER, EDWARDS, GIROD, Representatives BARTON, HOLVEY,


The following summary is not prepared by the sponsors of the
measure and is not a part of the body thereof subject to
consideration by the Legislative Assembly. It is an editor's
brief statement of the essential features of the measure as

  Changes amount of money received from federal government that
Department of Transportation must expend to increase diversity in
highway construction workforce and prepare individuals interested
in entering highway construction workforce by conducting
specified activities.
  Declares emergency, effective on passage.

                        A BILL FOR AN ACT
Relating to highway construction workforce development; creating
  new provisions; amending ORS 184.866; and declaring an
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
  SECTION 1. ORS 184.866 is amended to read:
  184.866. (1) Of the federal funds received each biennium by the
Department of Transportation pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 140(b), the
department shall expend   { - one-half of one - }   { +  ___ + }
percent up to an amount of   { - $1.5 million - }   { + $___ + }
to increase diversity in the highway construction workforce and
prepare individuals interested in entering the highway
construction workforce by conducting the activities described in
subsection (3) of this section.
  (2) Nothing in subsection (1) of this section prohibits the
department from expending moneys from sources other than those
specified in subsection (1) of this section for the activities
described in subsection (3) of this section.
  (3) The department shall use the federal funds specified in
subsection (1) of this section to provide:
  (a) Preapprenticeship programs;
  (b) Preemployment counseling;
  (c) Orientations on the highway construction industry;
  (d) Basic skills improvement classes;
  (e) Career counseling;
  (f) Remedial training;
  (g) Entry requirements for training programs;
  (h) Supportive services and assistance with transportation;
  (i) Child care and other special needs; and
  (j) Job site mentoring and retention services.

  (4) The department shall submit a report to the Legislative
Assembly no later than December 1 of each even-numbered year. The
report shall contain:
  (a) An analysis of the results of the department's activities
described in subsection (3) of this section; and
  (b) A description of:
  (A) The amount available to the department from federal funds
for the activities described in subsection (3) of this section
and the amount expended by the department for those activities;
  (B) The performance outcomes achieved from each activity
including the numbers of persons receiving services, training and
  SECTION 2.  { + The amendments to ORS 184.866 by section 1 of
this 2013 Act apply to funds received on or after July 1,
2013. + }
  SECTION 3.  { + This 2013 Act being necessary for the immediate
preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency
is declared to exist, and this 2013 Act takes effect on its
passage. + }