77th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2013 Regular Session SA to SB 373 LC 1589/SB 373-5 SENATE AMENDMENTS TO SENATE BILL 373 By COMMITTEE ON HEALTH CARE AND HUMAN SERVICES April 24 On page 3 of the printed bill, delete lines 26 through 33 and insert: ' (5)(a) On or before July 1, 2014, each coordinated care organization shall enter into a contract with each dental care organization that provides dental care in the geographic area served by a coordinated care organization unless the coordinated care organization and a dental care organization mutually agree not to enter into a contract. ' (b) A coordinated care organization may not contract with dental care providers other than dental care organizations until the coordinated care organization has contracted with, or mutually agreed not to contract with, all of the dental care organizations providing dental care in the geographic area served by the coordinated care organization. ' (c) A contract entered into under paragraph (a) of this subsection shall be for a term ending on the earlier of: ' (A) July 1, 2017; or ' (B) The date a coordinated care organization determines that a dental care organization is not meeting the coordinated care organization's outcome, quality and performance measures. ' (d) Two or more dental care organizations may jointly form a limited liability corporation or enter into another business arrangement for the purpose of contracting with a coordinated care organization.'. ----------