76th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2012 Regular Session


                         House Bill 4175


                     CHAPTER ................

                             AN ACT

Relating to county road funds; creating new provisions; amending
  section 4, chapter 894, Oregon Laws 2007; repealing section 4,
  chapter 894, Oregon Laws 2007; and declaring an emergency.

Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:

  SECTION 1. Section 4, chapter 894, Oregon Laws 2007, as amended
by section 1, chapter 556, Oregon Laws 2011, is amended to read:
   { +  Sec. 4. + } (1) Notwithstanding ORS 294.060 and 368.705,
moneys described in ORS 294.060 (1) that are received by
 { - Douglas County - }  { +  a county listed in subsection (2)
of this section + } and deposited into   { - its - }  { +  that
county's + } road fund may be expended for the patrolling of
 { - Douglas County - }  { +  that county's + } roads by
 { - Douglas County - }  { +  that county's + } law enforcement
  (2)   { - Notwithstanding ORS 294.060 and 368.705, moneys
described in ORS 294.060 (1) that are received by Lane County and
deposited into its road fund may be expended for the patrolling
of Lane County roads by Lane County law enforcement
officials. - }  { + Subsection (1) of this section applies to:
  (a) Coos County;
  (b) Curry County;
  (c) Douglas County;
  (d) Josephine County;
  (e) Klamath County;
  (f) Lane County; and
  (g) Linn County. + }
    { - (3) This section is repealed on January 2, 2016. - }
    { - (4) This section applies to moneys described in
subsections (1) and (2) of this section that are received before,
on or after September 27, 2007. - }
  SECTION 2.  { + The amendments to section 4, chapter 894,
Oregon Laws 2007, by section 1 of this 2012 Act, apply to moneys
received by a county before, on or after the effective date of
this 2012 Act. + }
  SECTION 3.  { + Section 4, chapter 894, Oregon Laws 2007, as
amended by section 1, chapter 556, Oregon Laws 2011, and section
1 of this 2012 Act, is repealed on January 2, 2016. + }
  SECTION 4.  { + Notwithstanding ORS 294.060, 294.468 (1)(c) and
368.705, a county that receives moneys described in ORS 294.060
(1) and deposits those moneys into the county's road fund may
make an interfund loan of the moneys described in ORS 294.060 (1)

Enrolled House Bill 4175 (HB 4175-B)                       Page 1

to any other fund of that county for the purpose of patrolling of
county roads by county law enforcement officials. + }
  SECTION 5.  { + Notwithstanding ORS 294.468 (2)(c) and (3), an
interfund loan by a county that loans moneys described in ORS
294.060 (1) from the county's road fund into any other fund of
that county to be used for the purpose of patrolling of county
roads by county law enforcement officials shall be budgeted and
repaid into the county road fund within three years following the
end of the ensuing year or ensuing budget period. + }
  SECTION 6.  { + This 2012 Act being necessary for the immediate
preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency
is declared to exist, and this 2012 Act takes effect on its
passage. + }

Passed by House March 2, 2012

                         Ramona Kenady Line, Chief Clerk of House

                                    Bruce Hanna, Speaker of House

                                   Arnie Roblan, Speaker of House

Passed by Senate March 5, 2012

                              Peter Courtney, President of Senate

Enrolled House Bill 4175 (HB 4175-B)                       Page 2

Received by Governor:

......M.,............., 2012


......M.,............., 2012

                                         John Kitzhaber, Governor

Filed in Office of Secretary of State:

......M.,............., 2012

                                   Kate Brown, Secretary of State

Enrolled House Bill 4175 (HB 4175-B)                       Page 3