77th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2013 Regular Session

NOTE:  Matter within  { +  braces and plus signs + } in an
amended section is new. Matter within  { -  braces and minus
signs - } is existing law to be omitted. New sections are within
 { +  braces and plus signs + } .

LC 1892

                         House Bill 3239



The following summary is not prepared by the sponsors of the
measure and is not a part of the body thereof subject to
consideration by the Legislative Assembly. It is an editor's
brief statement of the essential features of the measure as

  Requires Oregon Education Investment Board to submit annual
report to Legislative Assembly regarding achievement compacts.
  Declares emergency, effective on passage.

                        A BILL FOR AN ACT
Relating to achievement compacts; amending section 14, chapter
  36, Oregon Laws 2012; and declaring an emergency.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
  SECTION 1. Section 14, chapter 36, Oregon Laws 2012, is amended
to read:
   { +  Sec. 14. + } (1) For the purposes of this section:
  (a) 'Achievement compact' means an agreement entered into
between the Oregon Education Investment Board and the governing
body of an education entity as described in this section.
  (b) 'Education entity' means:
  (A) A school district, as defined in ORS 332.002;
  (B) An education service district operated under ORS chapter
  (C) A community college district or community college service
district operated under ORS chapter 341;
  (D) The Oregon University System established by ORS 351.011;
  (E) A public university of the Oregon University System, as
listed in ORS 352.002; and
  (F) The health professions and graduate science programs of the
Oregon Health and Science University operated under ORS chapter
  (c) 'Governing body of an education entity' means:
  (A) For a school district, the school district board.
  (B) For an education service district, the board of directors
of the education service district.
  (C) For a community college district or a community college
service district, the board of education of the community college
  (D) For the Oregon University System, the State Board of Higher
  (E) For a public university of the Oregon University System,
the president of the university.
  (F) For the Oregon Health and Science University, the Oregon
Health and Science University Board of Directors.
  (2)(a) Prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, the
governing body of each education entity must enter into an
achievement compact with the Oregon Education Investment Board
for the fiscal year.
  (b) Governing bodies of education entities identified in
subsection (1)(b)(A) to (C) of this section shall enter into
achievement compacts as part of the budgeting process under ORS
294.305 to 294.565 and shall submit achievement compacts to the
board prior to July 1 of each year.
  (c) The board shall specify a process for adoption and a
timeline for submission of achievement compacts for education
entities identified in subsection (1)(b)(D) to (F) of this
  (d) The board shall provide to each school district a number
quantifying the district's estimated level of funding for the
next fiscal year compared to the determination of funding needed
to ensure that the state's system of kindergarten through grade
12 public education meets the quality goals specified under ORS
  (3)(a) The board shall establish the terms for achievement
  (b) The terms of an achievement compact may include:
  (A) A description of goals for outcomes that are consistent
with the educational goals identified in ORS 329.015, the
findings described in ORS 351.003 and the mission of education
provided in ORS 351.009.
  (B) A description of the outcomes and measures of progress that
will allow each education entity to quantify:
  (i) Completion rates for:
  (I) Critical stages of learning and programs of study;
  (II) The attainment of diplomas, certificates and degrees; and
  (III) Achieving the high school and post-secondary education
goals established in ORS 351.009 and a projection of the progress
needed to achieve those goals by 2025;
  (ii) Validations of the quality of knowledge and skills
acquired by students of the education entity; and
  (iii) The relevance of the knowledge and skills acquired by the
students of the education entity and the means by which those
skills and knowledge will contribute to the workforce, the
economy and society as described in state policy.
  (C) Other information suggested by the governing body of an
education entity and approved by the board.
  (c) Notwithstanding the terms described in paragraph (b) of
this subsection, for an achievement compact entered into by an
education entity identified in subsection (1)(b)(F) of this
section, the terms of the achievement compact shall be limited to
the enrollment of, and attainment of degrees by, Oregon residents
in programs for which the state provides funding.
  (4)(a) The governing body of each education entity shall
identify a target number and percentage of students for
achievement of the outcomes, measures of progress and goals
specified in the achievement compact for the fiscal year.
  (b) The governing body of each education entity shall provide a
target number and percentage of students for the aggregate of all
disadvantaged subgroups, as defined by federal law or specified
by rules adopted by the board. The target number and percentage
of students must reflect the education entity's goals of
improving education outcomes for disadvantaged student groups and
closing any student achievement gaps between disadvantaged
student groups and other student groups.
  (5) As part of the process of entering into an achievement
compact, the governing body of an education entity shall ensure
that open communications are provided to parents, students,
teachers or faculty, employees, exclusive bargaining
representatives and community representatives for the purposes of
explaining and discussing the outcomes, measures of progress,
goals and targets specified in the achievement compact for the

fiscal year. The open communications must be provided during each
education entity's public budget process.
  (6) The board shall specify the format of the achievement
compacts and provide model achievement compacts to the governing
body of each education entity.
  (7) The board may adopt a timeline and method for governing
bodies of education entities to provide the board with a report
at the end of a fiscal year that describes the achievements made
by the education entities during the fiscal year. The report:
  (a) Must include disaggregated data for each disadvantaged
student group specified by the board; and
  (b) May state achievements in numbers and percentages and in
relation to the outcomes, measures of progress, goals and targets
specified in the achievement compact for the fiscal year.
   { +  (8) The board shall report annually to the Legislative
Assembly in the manner provided by ORS 192.245. The report shall
provide a summary of the reports submitted to the board as
provided by subsection (7) of this section. + }
  SECTION 2.  { + This 2013 Act being necessary for the immediate
preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency
is declared to exist, and this 2013 Act takes effect on its
passage. + }