77th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2013 Regular Session

NOTE:  Matter within  { +  braces and plus signs + } in an
amended section is new. Matter within  { -  braces and minus
signs - } is existing law to be omitted. New sections are within
 { +  braces and plus signs + } .

LC 1171

                         House Bill 3107

Sponsored by Representative WHISNANT; Representatives ESQUIVEL,


The following summary is not prepared by the sponsors of the
measure and is not a part of the body thereof subject to
consideration by the Legislative Assembly. It is an editor's
brief statement of the essential features of the measure as

  Removes requirement for State Department of Agriculture to
monitor ethanol fuel production and issue notice when ethanol
production reaches specified level.
  Removes requirement that retail dealer, nonretail dealer or
wholesale dealer of gasoline sell only gasoline blended with
specified percentage of ethanol.

                        A BILL FOR AN ACT
Relating to vehicle fuels; amending ORS 646.913; and repealing
  ORS 646.912 and section 19, chapter 739, Oregon Laws 2007.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
  SECTION 1. ORS 646.913 is amended to read:
  646.913.   { - (1) Except as provided in subsection (5) of this
section, a retail dealer, nonretail dealer or wholesale dealer
may not sell or offer for sale gasoline unless the gasoline
contains 10 percent ethanol by volume. - }
    { - (2) Gasoline containing ethanol that is sold or offered
for sale meets the requirements of this section if the gasoline,
exclusive of denaturants and permitted contaminants, contains not
less than 9.2 percent by volume of agriculturally derived,
denatured ethanol that complies with the standards for ethanol
adopted by the State Department of Agriculture. - }
    { - (3) - }  { +  (1) + } The   { - department - }  { +
State Department of Agriculture + } shall adopt standards for
ethanol blended with gasoline sold in this state. The standards
 { - adopted - }  { +  the department adopts + } shall require
that the gasoline blended with ethanol:
  (a) Contains ethanol that is derived from agricultural or woody
waste or residue;
  (b) Contains ethanol denatured as specified in 27 C.F.R.  parts
20 and 21;
  (c) Complies with the volatility requirements specified in 40
C.F.R. part 80;
  (d) Complies with or is produced from a gasoline base stock
that complies with ASTM International specification D 4814;
  (e) Is not blended with casinghead gasoline, absorption
gasoline, drip gasoline or natural gasoline after the gasoline
has been sold, transferred or otherwise removed from a refinery
or terminal; and

  (f) Contains ethanol that complies with ASTM International
specification D 4806.
    { - (4) - }  { +  (2) + } The department may review
specifications adopted by ASTM International, or equivalent
organizations, and federal regulations and revise the standards
adopted   { - pursuant to - }  { +  under + } this section as
    { - (5) A retail dealer, nonretail dealer or wholesale dealer
may sell or offer for sale gasoline that is not blended with
ethanol if the gasoline has an octane rating, as defined in ORS
646.945, of 91 or above or if the gasoline is for use in: - }
    { - (a) An aircraft: - }
    { - (A) With a supplemental type certificate approved by the
Federal Aviation Administration that allows the aircraft to use
gasoline that is intended for use in motor vehicles; or - }
    { - (B) Issued a type certificate by an aircraft engine
manufacturer that allows the aircraft to use gasoline that is
intended for use in motor vehicles; - }
    { - (b) An aircraft that has been issued an experimental
certificate, described in 14 C.F.R. 21.191, by the Federal
Aviation Administration and that is required by the
manufacturer's specifications to use gasoline that is intended
for use in motor vehicles; - }
    { - (c) A light-sport aircraft, as defined in 14 C.F.R. 1.1,
that is required by the manufacturer's specifications to use
gasoline that is intended for use in motor vehicles; - }
    { - (d) A vintage aircraft, as defined by the Oregon
Department of Aviation by rule, that is required by the
manufacturer's specifications to use gasoline that is intended
for use in motor vehicles; - }
    { - (e) An antique vehicle, as defined in ORS 801.125; - }
    { - (f) A Class I all-terrain vehicle, as defined in ORS
801.190; - }
    { - (g) A Class III all-terrain vehicle, as defined in ORS
801.194; - }
    { - (h) A Class IV all-terrain vehicle, as defined in ORS
801.194 (2); - }
    { - (i) A racing activity vehicle, as defined in ORS
801.404; - }
    { - (j) A snowmobile, as defined in ORS 801.490; - }
    { - (k) Tools, including but not limited to lawn mowers, leaf
blowers and chain saws; or - }
    { - (L) A watercraft. - }
  SECTION 2.  { + ORS 646.912 and section 19, chapter 739, Oregon
Laws 2007, are repealed. + }