77th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2013 Regular Session

SA to A-Eng. HB 2418

LC 1406/HB 2418-A8

                      SENATE AMENDMENTS TO
                   A-ENGROSSED HOUSE BILL 2418

                      By COMMITTEE ON RULES

                             June 28

  On page 1 of the printed A-engrossed bill, line 3, delete '
and' and after '243.650' insert '; and declaring an emergency'.
  On page 4, delete lines 22 through 24 and insert:
  ' (b) A public employee prohibited from striking by ORS 243.736
who assigns, transfers or directs the work of other employees but
does not have the authority to hire, discharge or impose economic
discipline on those employees. The provisions of this paragraph
do not apply to employees of a police department in a city with a
population of less than 14,000.'.
  After line 30, insert:
  '  { +  SECTION 3. + }  { + This 2013 Act being necessary for
the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and
safety, an emergency is declared to exist, and this 2013 Act
takes effect on its passage. + } ' .