77th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2013 Regular Session


                         House Bill 2132

Introduced and printed pursuant to House Rule 12.00. Presession
  filed (at the request of House Interim Committee on Health

                     CHAPTER ................

                             AN ACT

Relating to enrollment in qualified health plans; creating new
  provisions; amending ORS 741.222 and section 11, chapter 8,
  Oregon Laws 2012; and declaring an emergency.

Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:

  SECTION 1. ORS 741.222, as amended by section 18, chapter 38,
Oregon Laws 2012, and section 95, chapter 107, Oregon Laws 2012,
is amended to read:
  741.222. (1) The executive director of the Oregon Health
Insurance Exchange Corporation shall report to the Legislative
Assembly each calendar quarter on:
  (a) The financial condition of the health insurance exchange,
including actual and projected revenues and expenses of the
administrative operations of the exchange and commissions paid to
insurance producers out of fees collected under ORS 741.105 (5);
  (b) The implementation of the business plan adopted by the
corporation board of directors;
  (c) The development of the information technology system for
the exchange;   { - and - }
   { +  (d) Efforts made, in collaboration with the Oregon Health
Authority, to coordinate eligibility determination and enrollment
processes for qualified health plans and the state medical
assistance program; and + }
    { - (d) - }  { +  (e) + } Any other information requested by
the leadership of the Legislative Assembly.
  (2) The corporation board of directors shall provide to the
Legislative Assembly, the Governor, the Oregon Health Authority,
the Oregon Health Policy Board and the Department of Consumer and
Business Services, not later than April 15 of each year:
  (a) A report covering the activities and operations of the
corporation during the previous year of operations;
  (b) A statement of the financial condition, as of December 31
of the previous year, of the accounts established under ORS
  (c) A description of the role of insurance producers in the
exchange; and
  (d) Recommendations, if any, for additional groups to be
eligible to purchase qualified health plans through the exchange
under ORS 741.310.
  SECTION 2. Section 11, chapter 8, Oregon Laws 2012, is amended
to read:

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   { +  Sec. 11. + } In each calendar quarter, the Oregon Health
Authority shall report to the appropriate committees or interim
committees of the Legislative Assembly:
  (1) On the implementation of the Oregon Integrated and
Coordinated Care Delivery System;
  (2) On the progress in implementing an arbitration process in
accordance with ORS 414.635 (7);
  (3) For the purpose of developing a baseline with which to
compare future costs, per member costs for each category of
service;   { - and - }
  (4) The administrative costs to the authority in the
implementation of the system and the aggregate financial
information reported to the authority by coordinated care
organizations, including but not limited to the coordinated care
  (a) Payments for each category of service as prescribed by the
authority; and
  (b) Reserves, projected cash flows and other financial
information prescribed by the authority by rule  { - . - }  { + ;
  (5) On efforts made, in collaboration with the Oregon Health
Insurance Exchange Corporation, to coordinate eligibility
determination and enrollment processes for qualified health plans
and the state medical assistance program. + }
  SECTION 3. ORS 741.222, as amended by section 18, chapter 38,
Oregon Laws 2012, section 95, chapter 107, Oregon Laws 2012, and
section 1 of this 2013 Act, is amended to read:
  741.222. (1) The executive director of the Oregon Health
Insurance Exchange Corporation shall report to the Legislative
Assembly each calendar quarter on:
  (a) The financial condition of the health insurance exchange,
including actual and projected revenues and expenses of the
administrative operations of the exchange and commissions paid to
insurance producers out of fees collected under ORS 741.105 (5);
  (b) The implementation of the business plan adopted by the
corporation board of directors;
  (c) The development of the information technology system for
the exchange; { +  and + }
    { - (d) Efforts made, in collaboration with the Oregon Health
Authority, to coordinate eligibility determination and enrollment
processes for qualified health plans and the state medical
assistance program; and - }
    { - (e) - }  { +  (d) + } Any other information requested by
the leadership of the Legislative Assembly.
  (2) The corporation board of directors shall provide to the
Legislative Assembly, the Governor, the Oregon Health Authority,
the Oregon Health Policy Board and the Department of Consumer and
Business Services, not later than April 15 of each year:
  (a) A report covering the activities and operations of the
corporation during the previous year of operations;
  (b) A statement of the financial condition, as of December 31
of the previous year, of the accounts established under ORS
  (c) A description of the role of insurance producers in the
exchange; and
  (d) Recommendations, if any, for additional groups to be
eligible to purchase qualified health plans through the exchange
under ORS 741.310.
  SECTION 4.  { + The amendments to ORS 741.222 by section 3 of
this 2013 Act become operative July 1, 2017. + }

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  SECTION 5.  { + This 2013 Act being necessary for the immediate
preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency
is declared to exist, and this 2013 Act takes effect on its
passage. + }

Passed by House April 23, 2013

Repassed by House June 4, 2013

                             Ramona J. Line, Chief Clerk of House

                                     Tina Kotek, Speaker of House

Passed by Senate May 30, 2013

                              Peter Courtney, President of Senate

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Received by Governor:

......M.,............., 2013


......M.,............., 2013

                                         John Kitzhaber, Governor

Filed in Office of Secretary of State:

......M.,............., 2013

                                   Kate Brown, Secretary of State

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