129th General Assembly
Regular Session
S. R. No. 52

Senator Hughes 

Cosponsors: Senators Bacon, Tavares 

Honoring The Ohio State University women's basketball team on winning the 2011 Big Ten Tournament Championship.

       WHEREAS,  The members of the Senate of the 129th General Assembly of Ohio are pleased to extend special recognition to The Ohio State University women's basketball team as the 2011 Big Ten Tournament Champion; and

       WHEREAS,  The Ohio State University women's basketball team is, indeed, to be heartily commended, for it has decisively earned this year's Big Ten Tournament title by defeating a tough Penn State team by the score of 84-70. Without exception, these fine women prepared conscientiously in pursuit of the championship, devoting countless hours to training and practice in order to ensure peak conditioning, and in addition to securing the championship title, the Buckeyes advanced to the regional semi-finals of the NCAA Tournament; and

       WHEREAS,  The members of The Ohio State University women's basketball team have epitomized the power, poise, and precision that befit authentic champions. To his credit, head coach Jim Foster guided the squad with unwavering expertise and encouragement, and he merits enthusiastic praise for coaxing admirable performances out of his players in each competitive outing. Despite sometimes grueling pressure, OSU's standouts have consistently maintained their composure and morale, exhibiting skill, speed, stamina, and agility in every challenging encounter; and

       WHEREAS,  By weathering a rigorous schedule and prevailing over numerous adversaries, the members of The Ohio State University women's basketball team have learned much about dedication, self-discipline, leadership, and perseverance. Their first-place finish reflects their strong commitment to the sport, and their indomitable team spirit has made their families, friends, and coaches extremely proud; therefore be it

       RESOLVED,  That we, the members of the Senate of the 129th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, applaud The Ohio State University women's basketball team on its exemplary season and wish its members continued success in all of their future endeavors; and be it further

       RESOLVED,  That the Clerk of the Senate transmit a duly authenticated copy of this Resolution to The Ohio State University women's basketball team.