130th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. R. No. 281

 Speaker Batchelder 

Honoring George Koch on receiving the Ohio Council of Retail Merchants Distinguished Service Award.

       WHEREAS,  The members of the House of Representatives of the 130th General Assembly of Ohio are pleased to pay tribute to George Koch on being presented with the Distinguished Service Award by the Ohio Council of Retail Merchants; and

       WHEREAS,  This prestigious distinction is an honor of which George Koch can be justly proud. The president and chief executive officer of the Grocery Manufacturers of America, he previously served as an assistant city attorney in Cincinnati, an associate director of the Ohio Council of Retail Merchants, a director of federal affairs for Sears, Roebuck, and Company, and an advisor and counsel for international businesses and organizations, and he has distinguished himself as a conscientious and hard-working citizen; and 

       WHEREAS,  George Koch's tremendous efforts have helped to guarantee a high level of success for all projects with which he has been involved and has earned him the respect and esteem of many. The inaugural recipient of the Grocery Manufacturers of America's Leadership in Public Policy Award, which will be named in his honor for 2014, he has demonstrated unwavering determination, as well as astute business acumen, and it is only fitting that he be recognized for the significant contributions he has made to the State of Ohio; and

       WHEREAS,  Ohio's economic prosperity depends on entrepreneurs such as George Koch to provide services to the citizens and businesses of our state and nation. It is through the dedicated efforts of individuals such as he, who are willing to invest in their communities, that Ohio has prospered; therefore be it

       RESOLVED,  That we, the members of the House of Representatives of the 130th General Assembly of Ohio, in adopting this Resolution, congratulate George Koch on his receiving the Distinguished Service Award from the Ohio Council of Retail Merchants and extend best wishes for future success; and be it further

       RESOLVED,  That the Clerk of the House of Representatives transmit a duly authenticated copy of this Resolution to George Koch.