As Adopted by the Senate

130th General Assembly
Regular Session
H. C. R. No. 19

Representative Schuring 

Cosponsors: Representatives Wachtmann, Ramos, Cera, Brenner, Hottinger, Brown, Antonio, Slaby, Hayes, Duffey, Buchy, Strahorn, Bishoff, Hagan, R., Adams, J., Adams, R., Amstutz, Anielski, Baker, Barnes, Beck, Blair, Blessing, Budish, Burkley, Butler, Carney, Celebrezze, Derickson, DeVitis, Dovilla, Driehaus, Fedor, Gerberry, Gonzales, Green, Grossman, Hagan, C., Kunze, Landis, Letson, Lundy, Maag, Mallory, McClain, Milkovich, Patmon, Patterson, Pelanda, Phillips, Reece, Roegner, Rogers, Rosenberger, Ruhl, Scherer, Sears, Slesnick, Smith, Stebelton, Stinziano, Sykes, Williams, Young Speaker Batchelder 

Senators Bacon, Balderson, Beagle, Brown, Burke, Cafaro, Coley, Eklund, Faber, Gardner, Gentile, Hite, Hughes, Jones, Jordan, Kearney, LaRose, Lehner, Manning, Obhof, Oelslager, Patton, Peterson, Sawyer, Schaffer, Schiavoni, Seitz, Skindell, Tavares, Turner, Uecker, Widener 

To memorialize the Congress of the United States to 1
oppose any legislation that requires Social 2
Security coverage for members of any of Ohio's 3
state retirement systems.4


       WHEREAS, Ohio has a long history, predating the creation of 5
Social Security, of providing retirement, disability, and survivor 6
benefits to its state and local public employees through its own 7
state retirement systems; and8

       WHEREAS, These state retirement systems, the Public Employees 9
Retirement System, Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund, State 10
Teachers Retirement System, School Employees Retirement System, 11
and State Highway Patrol Retirement System, have combined assets 12
of over $165 billion and provide retirement, disability, and 13
survivor benefits to over 1.5 million members, retirees, and 14
beneficiaries; and15

       WHEREAS, The state retirement system plans are offered in 16
lieu of Social Security; and17

       WHEREAS, Ohio's state retirement systems are required by Ohio 18
law to accumulate and maintain, through employer and employee 19
contributions and investments, the necessary funds to pay all 20
benefits promised by the Ohio General Assembly; and21

       WHEREAS, The state retirement systems are well-managed and 22
free of the financial problems facing Social Security; and23

       WHEREAS, Any federal mandates that require Ohio public 24
employee participation in Social Security or other federal pension 25
programs would devastate Ohio's state retirement systems, weaken 26
the retirement security of its public employees, and jeopardize 27
their retirement benefits; now therefore be it28

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 130th General Assembly 29
of the State of Ohio, in adopting this resolution, urge the 30
Congress of the United States to oppose any legislation containing 31
provisions that would require Ohio's public employees who are 32
members of a state retirement system to participate in Social 33
Security or any federal pension program; and be if further34

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 130th General Assembly 35
of the State of Ohio, either in whole or in part, will meet with 36
the members of the Ohio Congressional delegation whenever feasible 37
to express our opposition to any federal legislation that would 38
require Ohio's public employees who are members of a state 39
retirement system to participate in Social Security or any federal 40
pension program; and be it further41

       RESOLVED, That we, the members of the 130th General Assembly 42
of the State of Ohio, encourage our fellow members to personally 43
meet with each Senator and Representative in the Ohio 44
Congressional delegation to further express our opposition to any 45
federal legislation that would require Ohio's public employees who 46
are members of a state retirement system to participate in Social 47
Security or any federal pension program; and be it further48

       RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the House of Representatives 49
transmit duly authenticated copies of this resolution to the 50
President of the United States, the President Pro Tempore and 51
Secretary of the United States Senate, the Speaker and Clerk of 52
the United States House of Representatives, each member of the 53
Ohio Congressional delegation, and the news media of Ohio.54