Sec. 3505.04. On the nonpartisan ballot shall be printed the | 7 |
names of all nonpartisan candidates for election to judicial | 8 |
office, office of member of the state board of education, office | 9 |
of member of a board of education, municipal or township offices | 10 |
for municipal corporations and townships in which primary | 11 |
elections are not held for nomination of candidates by political | 12 |
parties, and municipal offices of municipal corporations having | 13 |
charters which provide for separate ballots for elections for such | 14 |
municipal offices. | 15 |
The order in which the offices are listed on the ballot shall | 18 |
be prescribed by, and certified to each board of elections by, the | 19 |
secretary of state; provided that the office of memberchief | 20 |
justice of the state board of educationsupreme court shall be | 21 |
listed first on the ballot, then the office of supreme court | 22 |
justice, then the office of member of the state board of | 23 |
education, then state, district, and county judicial offices shall | 24 |
be listed on the ballot in such order, followed by municipal and | 25 |
township offices, and by offices of member of a board of | 26 |
education, in the order stated. | 27 |
Within the rectangular space within which the title of each | 28 |
judicial office is printed on the ballot and immediately below | 29 |
such title shall be printed the date of the commencement of the | 30 |
term of the office, if a full term, as follows: "Full term | 31 |
commencing .......(Date).......," or the date of the end of the | 32 |
term of the office, if an unexpired term, as follows: "Unexpired | 33 |
term ending .......(Date)........" | 34 |
Within the rectangular space within which the title of each | 39 |
office for member of a board of education is printed on the ballot | 40 |
shall be printed "For Member of Board of Education," and the | 41 |
number to be elected, directions to the voter as to voting for | 42 |
one, two, or more, and, if the office to be voted for is member of | 43 |
a board of education of a city school district, words shall be | 44 |
printed in said space on the ballot to indicate whether candidates | 45 |
are to be elected from subdistricts or at large. | 46 |