

                    IN SENATE

                                      June 6, 2024

        Introduced  by  Sen. BRESLIN -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Rules

        AN ACT to amend the insurance law, in relation to  claims  for  loss  or
          damage to real property, continuing education for licensed persons and
          qualifications for independent adjusters

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The insurance law is amended by adding a new  section  2618
     2  to read as follows:
     3    §  2618.  Claims  for  loss  or  damage to real property; repairs. (a)
     4  Unless otherwise prescribed within the  insurance  policy,  whenever  an
     5  insured  suffers a loss or damage to real property, no insurer providing
     6  coverage therefor shall require that repairs be completed by  a  partic-
     7  ular entity or individual.
     8    (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, an insurer, third-
     9  party administrator, independent adjuster, or public adjuster may recom-
    10  mend  or  suggest  repairs be made by a particular entity or individual,
    11  provided that any financial interest in such entity or  individual  that
    12  they recommend or suggest is also disclosed.
    13    §  2.  Paragraph  1 of subsection (f) of section 2108 of the insurance
    14  law is amended to read as follows:
    15    (1) The superintendent shall, in order to determine  the  trustworthi-
    16  ness and competency to act as an independent adjuster of each individual
    17  applicant for such license, and of each proposed sub-licensee, except in
    18  the case of a renewal license, require every such individual to take and
    19  pass,  to  the  satisfaction  of  the superintendent, a personal written
    20  examination.  An individual shall not be deemed qualified  to  take  the
    21  examination  without having demonstrated by evidence satisfactory to the
    22  superintendent that: (A) the  individual  possesses  a  minimum  of  one
    23  year's  experience in the insurance business, with involvement in sales,
    24  underwriting, claims, or other experience considered sufficient  by  the
    25  superintendent; or (B) the individual successfully completed forty hours
    26  of  formal  training  in  a  course, program of instruction, or seminars
    27  approved by the superintendent. The  superintendent  may  prescribe  the

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

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     1  types  of  written examinations according to the kind or kinds of insur-
     2  ance claims [which] that the applicant is to be licensed to  investigate
     3  and adjust.
     4    §  3. Subsection (r) of section 2108 of the insurance law, as added by
     5  chapter 264 of the laws of 1998, is amended to read as follows:
     6    (r) (1) The following continuing education requirements shall apply to
     7  resident and non-resident persons  licensed  as  public  or  independent
     8  adjusters.
     9    (2)  Resident and non-resident persons licensed as public or independ-
    10  ent adjusters and any person previously so licensed  whose  license  was
    11  not  in  effect  on  the  effective  date of this subsection and who has
    12  subsequently been relicensed pursuant to the provisions of this article,
    13  shall biennially satisfactorily complete such courses or programs as may
    14  be approved by the superintendent, as follows:
    15    (A) Any person holding a license as a public or  independent  adjuster
    16  shall,  during  each  full  biennial  licensing  period,  satisfactorily
    17  complete courses or programs of instruction or attend seminars as may be
    18  approved by the superintendent equivalent to  fifteen  credit  hours  of
    19  instruction.
    20    (B)  During the same calendar year biennial licensing period, a licen-
    21  see may  use  accumulated  continuing  education  credits  to  meet  the
    22  requirements  of  similar classes of licenses including those authorized
    23  by subsection (b) of section two thousand one hundred three, section two
    24  thousand one hundred four, section two thousand  one  hundred  seven  of
    25  this  article  with  respect  to general insurance consultants, and this
    26  section [two thousand one hundred eight of this article] with respect to
    27  public and independent adjusters.
    28    (C) Excess credit hours  accumulated  during  any  biennial  licensing
    29  period shall not carry forward to the next biennial licensing period for
    30  that same class of license.
    31    (3) (A) The courses or programs of instruction successfully completed,
    32  which shall be deemed to meet the superintendent's standards for contin-
    33  uing education shall be:
    34    (i) Courses, programs of instruction or seminars, approved as to meth-
    35  od and content by the superintendent, covering portions of the principal
    36  branches  of  insurance related to the kinds of insurance covered by the
    37  public or independent adjusting license, and given by a  degree  confer-
    38  ring college or university whose curriculum is registered with the state
    39  education  department  at  the time the person takes the course, whether
    40  such course be given as part of such curriculum or separately, or by any
    41  other institution, association,  trade  association  or  insurer,  which
    42  maintains  equivalent standards of instruction and which shall have been
    43  approved for such purpose by the superintendent.
    44    (ii) Continuing education as required by the state in which a  non-re-
    45  sident  licensee  resides  and  maintains an office, provided the super-
    46  intendent  deems  them  equivalent  to  New  York  continuing  education
    47  requirements.  If  the  state in which the non-resident licensee resides
    48  and maintains an office has no continuing education requirements, or the
    49  superintendent does not deem them equivalent, the licensee must  satisfy
    50  New York continuing education requirements.
    51    (B)  The  number  of  credit  hours assigned to each of the courses or
    52  programs of instruction set forth in paragraph one  of  this  subsection
    53  shall be determined by the superintendent.
    54    (4)  A  person  who  teaches any approved course of instruction or who
    55  lectures at any approved seminar, and who is subject to these continuing
    56  education requirements shall be granted the same number of credit  hours

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     1  as  would be granted to a person taking and successfully completing such
     2  course, seminar or program, provided that such  credit  hours  shall  be
     3  credited  only  once  per  approved course during any biennial licensing
     4  period.
     5    (5)  Every  person  subject to these continuing education requirements
     6  shall furnish, in a form satisfactory  to  the  superintendent,  written
     7  certification  attesting  to the course or programs of instruction taken
     8  and successfully completed by such person, and executed by the  sponsor-
     9  ing organization or its authorizing representative.
    10    (6)  (A)  Any  person  failing to meet applicable continuing education
    11  requirements shall not be eligible to renew the license.
    12    (B) Any person whose license was not renewed shall not be eligible  to
    13  become  relicensed during  the next biennial licensing period until that
    14  person has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the  superintendent  that
    15  continuing education requirements for the last biennial licensing period
    16  were met.
    17    (C)  Any person whose license was not renewed pursuant to subparagraph
    18  (A) of this paragraph, who accumulates sufficient credit hours  for  the
    19  prior licensing period to qualify for relicensing in the biennial period
    20  following such non-renewal, may not apply those same credit hours toward
    21  the continuing education requirements for the current biennial licensing
    22  period.
    23    (7)  (A)  Any entity eligible to provide continuing education courses,
    24  programs of instruction, or seminars shall  file  for  approval  by  the
    25  superintendent  on  a  biennial  basis,  to  conform  with  its areas of
    26  instruction, a provider organization application and a course submission
    27  application for each course, program, and seminar.
    28    (B) The provider organization application shall include the  names  of
    29  all  instructors  to be used during the contract period, and instructors
    30  may be added during the  period  by  notifying  the  superintendent  and
    31  paying the appropriate filing fee.
    32    (C)  The  completed applications shall be returned in a timely manner,
    33  as specified by the superintendent with a non-refundable filing  fee  of
    34  two hundred dollars per organization, fifty dollars per course, program,
    35  and seminar, and fifty dollars per instructor.
    36    (D)  Approval  of  the  application  shall be at the discretion of the
    37  superintendent.
    38    (8) Each licensee shall pay a biennial fee of ten dollars per license,
    39  for continuing education certificate filing and  recording  charges,  to
    40  the superintendent, or, at the direction of the superintendent, directly
    41  to an organization under contract to provide continuing education admin-
    42  istrative services.
    43    §  4.  The  opening paragraph of subsection (a) of section 2110 of the
    44  insurance law, as amended by chapter 499 of the laws of 2009, is amended
    45  to read as follows:
    46    The superintendent may refuse to renew, revoke, or may suspend  for  a
    47  period  the  superintendent  determines  the  license  of  any insurance
    48  producer, insurance consultant, public or independent adjuster  or  life
    49  settlement  broker,  if,  after  notice  and hearing, the superintendent
    50  determines that the licensee or any sub-licensee has:
    51    § 5. Paragraph 2 of subsection (c) of section 2132  of  the  insurance
    52  law,  as  amended by chapter 264 of the laws of 1998, is amended to read
    53  as follows:
    54    (2) During the same calendar year biennial licensing period, a  licen-
    55  see  may  use  accumulated  continuing  education  credits  to  meet the
    56  requirements of similar classes of licenses, as follows: (A)  subsection

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     1  (a)  of  section two thousand one hundred three and section two thousand
     2  one hundred seven  of  this  article  with  respect  to  life  insurance
     3  consultants;  or  (B) subsection (b) of section two thousand one hundred
     4  three,  section  two thousand one hundred four, section two thousand one
     5  hundred seven of this article with respect to general insurance consult-
     6  ants, and section two thousand one hundred eight of  this  article  with
     7  respect to public and independent adjusters.
     8    §  6. This act shall take effect on the first of January next succeed-
     9  ing the date on which it shall have become a law.