

                    IN SENATE

                                      May 23, 2024

        Introduced  by  Sen.  COMRIE  -- (at request of the NYC Finance) -- read
          twice and ordered printed, and when printed to  be  committed  to  the
          Committee on Transportation

        AN  ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law and the administrative code
          of the city of New York, in relation to the contents and adjudication,
          of notices of violation returnable to a parking violations bureau, and
          to increase the fine for tractors, trailers, or related vehicles  that
          park on residential streets overnight

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subdivision 2 of section 237 of  the  vehicle  and  traffic
     2  law,  as  amended by chapter 458 of the laws of 2010, is amended to read
     3  as follows:
     4    2. To provide for penalties other than imprisonment  for  (a)  parking
     5  violations  in  accordance  with a schedule of monetary fines and penal-
     6  ties, provided however, that monetary penalties shall not  exceed  fifty
     7  dollars for each parking violation other than (i) in a city with a popu-
     8  lation  of  one  million  or  more, violations committed in spaces where
     9  stopping or standing is prohibited for which  monetary  penalties  shall
    10  not  exceed one hundred dollars and, (ii) handicapped parking violations
    11  for which monetary penalties shall not exceed one hundred fifty dollars;
    12  and (b) abandoned vehicle violations, except in a city with a population
    13  of one million or more, provided however, that monetary penalties  shall
    14  not  be  less  than two hundred fifty dollars nor more than one thousand
    15  dollars for each abandoned vehicle violation; and  (c)  a  city  with  a
    16  population of one million or more may impose a monetary penalty of up to
    17  [two hundred fifty] one thousand dollars for [a first] each offense [and
    18  up  to  five  hundred dollars for subsequent offenses within a six month
    19  period]  for  tractor-trailer  combinations,  tractors,  truck  trailers
    20  [and],   semi-trailers,  and  semi-trailers  without  a  towing  vehicle
    21  attached parked overnight on streets in residential neighborhoods;
    22    § 2. Subdivision 2 of section 238 of the vehicle and traffic  law,  as
    23  amended  by  chapter  224  of  the  laws  of 1995, is amended to read as
    24  follows:

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 9734                             2

     1    2. A notice of violation shall be served personally upon the  operator
     2  of a motor vehicle who is present at the time of service, and [his] such
     3  operator's  name, together with the plate designation and the plate type
     4  as shown by the registration plates of said vehicle and  the  expiration
     5  date,  provided  that  where  the vehicle has no such registration plate
     6  issued by the commissioner, the commissioner's agent, or the  equivalent
     7  official  or  agents  from another state, territory, district, province,
     8  nation or other  jurisdiction,  or  where  such  registration  plate  is
     9  concealed or obscured, the vehicle identification number may be inserted
    10  in  such  notice in place of or in addition to the plate designation and
    11  plate type; the make or model, and, provided that a body type  is  indi-
    12  cated on the registration sticker of said vehicle, the body type of said
    13  vehicle;  a  description  of  the  charged  violation, including but not
    14  limited to a reference to the applicable traffic rule  or  provision  of
    15  this  chapter;  information as to the days and hours the applicable rule
    16  or provision of this chapter is  in  effect,  unless  always  in  effect
    17  pursuant to rule or this chapter and where appropriate the word ALL when
    18  the  days and/or hours in effect are everyday and/or twenty-four hours a
    19  day; the meter number for a meter violation, where appropriate; and  the
    20  date,  time and particular place of occurrence of the charged violation,
    21  shall be inserted therein. A mere listing of a meter number in cases  of
    22  charged  meter violations shall not be deemed to constitute a sufficient
    23  description of a particular place of occurrence  for  purposes  of  this
    24  subdivision.  The  notice of violation shall be served upon the owner of
    25  the motor vehicle if the operator  is  not  present,  by  affixing  such
    26  notice  to  said vehicle in a conspicuous place. Whenever such notice is
    27  so affixed, in lieu of inserting the name of the person charged with the
    28  violation in the space provided for the identification of  said  person,
    29  the  words  "owner of the vehicle bearing license" may be inserted to be
    30  followed by the plate designation and plate type as shown by the  regis-
    31  tration  plates  of  said  vehicle  together  with  the expiration date,
    32  provided that where the vehicle has no such registration plate issued by
    33  the commissioner, the commissioner's agent, or the  equivalent  official
    34  or  agents  from another state, territory, district, province, nation or
    35  other jurisdiction, or where such registration  plate  is  concealed  or
    36  obscured,  the  vehicle  identification  number  may be inserted in such
    37  notice in place of or in addition to the  plate  designation  and  plate
    38  type;  the make or model, and, provided that a body type is indicated on
    39  the registration sticker of said vehicle, the body type of said vehicle;
    40  a description of the charged violation, including but not limited  to  a
    41  reference  to  the applicable traffic rule or provision of this chapter;
    42  information as to the days and hours the applicable rule or provision of
    43  this chapter is in effect unless always in effect pursuant  to  rule  or
    44  this  chapter  and  where  appropriate the word ALL when the days and/or
    45  hours in effect are every day and/or twenty-four hours a day; the  meter
    46  number  for  a meter violation where appropriate; and the date, time and
    47  particular place of occurrence of the charged violation.  Service of the
    48  notice of violation, or a duplicate  thereof  by  affixation  as  herein
    49  provided  shall  have  the same force and effect and shall be subject to
    50  the same  penalties  for  disregard  thereof  as  though  the  same  was
    51  personally served with the name of the person charged with the violation
    52  inserted therein.
    53    §  3.  Paragraph  (a) of subdivision 2-a of section 238 of the vehicle
    54  and traffic law, as added by chapter 224 of the laws of 1995, is amended
    55  to read as follows:

        S. 9734                             3

     1    (a) Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of subdivision  two  of
     2  this  section, where the plate type or the expiration date are not shown
     3  on either the registration plates or sticker of a vehicle or  where  the
     4  registration  sticker is covered, faded, defaced or mutilated so that it
     5  is  unreadable,  or cannot be located on such vehicle, the plate type or
     6  the expiration date  may  be  omitted  from  the  notice  of  violation;
     7  provided,  however,  [such] that the condition or absence of such plates
     8  or sticker must be so described and inserted on the notice of  violation
     9  and that supporting photographic documentation may be provided.
    10    §  4. Subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (c) of subdivision 2-a of section
    11  238 of the vehicle and traffic law, as added by chapter 409 of the  laws
    12  of 2001, is amended to read as follows:
    13    (ii)  Notice  shall  be  served on the owner by mail to the last known
    14  registered address within the greater of six years of the  date  of  the
    15  dismissal  or two years of the time that the enforcing authority discov-
    16  ers, or could  with  reasonable  diligence  have  discovered,  that  the
    17  dismissal  was  procured  due  to  the  knowing  fraud, false testimony,
    18  misrepresentation, or other misconduct, or the knowing alteration  of  a
    19  notice  of  parking  violation, by the person so charged or [his or her]
    20  such person's agent, employee, or representative. Such notice shall  fix
    21  a  time  when  and  place where a hearing shall be held before a hearing
    22  examiner to determine whether or not  dismissal  of  a  charged  parking
    23  violation  shall be set aside. Such notice shall set forth the basis for
    24  setting aside the dismissal and advise the owner that failure to  appear
    25  at  the date and time indicated in such notice shall be deemed an admis-
    26  sion of liability and shall result in the setting aside of the dismissal
    27  and entry of a determination on the charged  parking  violation.    Such
    28  notice  shall also contain a warning that civil penalties may be imposed
    29  for the violation pursuant to this paragraph and that a default judgment
    30  may be entered thereon.
    31    § 5. Section 242 of the vehicle and traffic law is amended by adding a
    32  new subdivision 3-a to read as follows:
    33    3-a. Notwithstanding any provision of this section to the contrary, in
    34  cities having a population of one million or more persons,  an  adminis-
    35  trative appeal of a determination regarding a notice of violation served
    36  on an owner or operator of a commercial vehicle, as such term is defined
    37  in  section  4-01  of  title thirty-four of the rules of the city of New
    38  York, shall be conducted only when an appellant has either:
    39    (a) posted a bond in the amount of the determination appealed from; or
    40    (b) paid to the parking violations bureau the following penalties  and
    41  surcharges, as applicable:
    42    (i)  any  penalty  imposed  pursuant  to  a notice of liability issued
    43  pursuant to a program authorized by section three hundred eighty-five-a,
    44  eleven  hundred  eleven-a,  eleven  hundred  eleven-c,  eleven   hundred
    45  eleven-c-one, or eleven hundred eighty-b of this chapter, other than any
    46  additional penalty imposed for failure to respond to a notice of liabil-
    47  ity within the prescribed time period; and
    48    (ii)  any surcharge levied pursuant to a notice of violation issued in
    49  accordance with sections eighteen hundred nine-a  and  eighteen  hundred
    50  nine-b of this chapter.
    51    §  6.  Subdivision 6 of section 242 of the vehicle and traffic law, as
    52  added by chapter 515 of the laws of 2004, is amended to read as follows:
    53    6. When charges have been overturned by a court or any other  adminis-
    54  trative  body or officer, the party in whose favor the appeal is decided
    55  shall be entitled to have returned an amount equal to any fine or penal-
    56  ty imposed and collected from the parking  violations  bureau,  less  an

        S. 9734                             4

     1  amount  equal to any such penalty described in subparagraph (i) of para-
     2  graph (b) of subdivision three-a of this section that was paid after the
     3  time period to contest the notice of liability has expired, within thir-
     4  ty  days  of  the  entry  of the judgement; provided, however, that such
     5  court, administrative body or officer shall have the authority to lessen
     6  from such amount any debt owed by such party and shall apply this amount
     7  to any outstanding fines and penalties owed by the same  individual.  If
     8  payment  is  not  made within thirty days, a penalty shall accrue at the
     9  same rate as that imposed for failure to make timely payment of  a  fine
    10  and  shall  be paid by the parking violations bureau; provided, however,
    11  that in a city with a population of one  million  or  more,  where  such
    12  amount  exceeds five thousand dollars, a court may extend the time for a
    13  parking violations bureau to return such an amount to a reasonable peri-
    14  od of time after entry of the judgment.
    15    § 7. Subdivisions (a) and (b) of section 1204 of the vehicle and traf-
    16  fic law, as amended by chapter 193 of the laws of 1974, are  amended  to
    17  read as follows:
    18    (a)  Whenever  any police officer, or in a city having a population in
    19  excess of one million any  person  designated  by  the  commissioner  of
    20  [traffic] transportation of such city or on highways under the jurisdic-
    21  tion  of  the  New York state thruway authority, the office of parks and
    22  recreation, a county park commission,  a  parkway  authority,  a  bridge
    23  authority or a bridge and tunnel authority any person designated by such
    24  office, commission or authority, finds a vehicle standing upon a highway
    25  in  violation  of  any  of the foregoing provisions of this article such
    26  officer is hereby authorized to move such vehicle, or require the driver
    27  or other person in charge of the vehicle to move the same to a  position
    28  off the paved or main-traveled part of such highway.
    29    (b)  1.  Whenever any police officer, or in a city having a population
    30  in excess of one million any person designated by  the  commissioner  of
    31  [traffic] transportation of such city or on highways under the jurisdic-
    32  tion  of  the  New York state thruway authority, the office of parks and
    33  recreation, a county park commission,  a  parkway  authority,  a  bridge
    34  authority or a bridge and tunnel authority any person designated by such
    35  office,  commission  or  authority  finds  a vehicle unattended where it
    36  constitutes an obstruction to traffic,  or  any  place  where  stopping,
    37  standing  or parking is prohibited, such officer is hereby authorized to
    38  provide for the removal of such vehicle, semitrailer  or  trailer  to  a
    39  garage, automobile pound or other place of safety.
    40    2.  In any city with a population of one million or more, whenever any
    41  police officer, or any person designated by the commissioner  of  [traf-
    42  fic] transportation, finds a tractor-trailer combination, tractor, truck
    43  trailer,  semitrailer  or  trailer  without  a tractor or towing vehicle
    44  attached, parked or unattended on  any  city  street,  such  officer  or
    45  person  designated  by  [the]  such  commissioner [of traffic] is hereby
    46  authorized to provide for the removal of such [semitrailer]  vehicle  or
    47  trailer  to  a  garage,  automobile  pound or other place of safety.  In
    48  addition to any other charge authorized by this section,  the  owner  or
    49  other  person  lawfully  entitled  to  the possession of such vehicle or
    50  trailer, other than such a vehicle or trailer found parked or unattended
    51  while connected to a state sanctioned  film  or  television  production,
    52  shall be subject to a fine of up to one thousand dollars.
    53    § 8. Subdivision c of section 19-170 of the administrative code of the
    54  city  of  New York, as amended by local law number 74 of the city of New
    55  York for the year 2019, is amended to read as follows:

        S. 9734                             5

     1    c. 1. Except as otherwise provided in [paragraphs 2 and  3]  paragraph
     2  two of this subdivision, a violation of this section shall be punishable
     3  by  the  monetary  fine  authorized for violation of the rules and regu-
     4  lations of the commissioner in paragraph [1] one  of  subdivision  a  of
     5  section [2903] twenty-nine hundred three of the charter.
     6    2. A [first] violation of this section, when the commercial vehicle is
     7  a tractor-trailer combination, tractor, truck trailer [or], semi-trailer
     8  or  semi-trailer  without a towing vehicle attached, shall be punishable
     9  by a monetary [fine] penalty of [$250] up to one thousand dollars.  [Any
    10  such subsequent violation of this section by the same owner, as  defined
    11  in  paragraph a of subdivision 1 of section 239 of the vehicle and traf-
    12  fic law, within a six month period shall be  punishable  by  a  monetary
    13  fine of $500.
    14    3.  As an alternative to any other means of enforcement of this subdi-
    15  vision authorized by law, a first violation of  subdivision  b  of  this
    16  section,  when  the commercial vehicle is a tractor-trailer combination,
    17  tractor, truck trailer or semi-trailer, shall be punishable by  a  civil
    18  penalty  of $400. Any such subsequent violation of subdivision b of this
    19  section by the same owner, as defined in paragraph a of subdivision 1 of
    20  section 239 of the vehicle and traffic law, within a  six  month  period
    21  shall  be  punishable  by  a civil penalty of $800. Such civil penalties
    22  shall be recoverable in a proceeding before the office of administrative
    23  trials and hearings.]
    24    § 9. This act shall take effect  immediately,  provided  that  section
    25  four  of  this act shall apply with respect to any determination made on
    26  or after the first day of the first month succeeding  the  sixtieth  day
    27  after this act shall have become a law.