

                    IN SENATE

                                    November 16, 2022

        Introduced  by  Sen. HOYLMAN -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Rules

        AN ACT to amend the  environmental  conservation  law,  in  relation  to
          climate corporate accountability

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. This act shall be known and may be cited  as  the  "climate
     2  corporate accountability act".
     3    §  2.  The  environmental  conservation law is amended by adding a new
     4  section 75-0118 to read as follows:
     5  § 75-0118. Climate corporate accountability act.
     6    1. Definitions. As used in this section,  the  following  terms  shall
     7  have the following meanings:
     8    a.  "Emissions  registry"  means  an entity within the department or a
     9  nonprofit emissions registry organization contracted by  the  department
    10  pursuant to paragraph b of this subdivision that:
    11    i.  Currently  operates  a voluntary greenhouse gas emissions registry
    12  for organizations operating in the United States; or
    13    ii. Has experience with voluntary greenhouse gas emissions  disclosure
    14  by entities operating in New York.
    15    b.  "Reporting  entity" means a business entity with total revenues in
    16  excess of one billion dollars in the preceding calendar year,  including
    17  revenues  received  by  all the business entity's subsidiaries that does
    18  business in this state.
    19    c. "Scope one emissions" means all  direct  greenhouse  gas  emissions
    20  that  stem  from  sources  that  a  reporting  entity  owns  or directly
    21  controls, regardless of location, including, but not  limited  to,  fuel
    22  combustion activities.
    23    d.  "Scope two emissions" means indirect greenhouse gas emissions from
    24  electricity purchased and used by  a  reporting  entity,  regardless  of
    25  location.
    26    e.  "Scope  three  emissions" means indirect greenhouse gas emissions,
    27  other than scope two emissions, from activities of  a  reporting  entity
    28  that stem from sources that the reporting entity does not own or direct-

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 9595                             2

     1  ly control and may include, but are not limited to, emissions associated
     2  with  the  reporting  entity's  supply  chain, business travel, employee
     3  commutes, procurement, waste, and water usage, regardless of location.
     4    2.  a.  The  department shall adopt regulations to require a reporting
     5  entity to annually disclose and verify to the emissions registry all  of
     6  the  reporting  entity's  scope  one emissions, scope two emissions, and
     7  scope three emissions. The regulations adopted pursuant to this subdivi-
     8  sion shall require, at a minimum, that:
     9    i. (1) Except as provided in clause two of this  subparagraph,  on  or
    10  before  July  first  of  each  year,  a  reporting entity shall publicly
    11  disclose to the emissions registry all of the reporting  entity's  scope
    12  one  emissions  and scope two emissions for the prior calendar year, and
    13  its scope three emissions for that same  calendar  year  no  later  than
    14  December  thirty-first,  using  the  Greenhouse  Gas  Protocol Corporate
    15  Accounting and Reporting Standard and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corpo-
    16  rate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting  Standard  developed
    17  by  the  World  Resources  Institute  and the World Business Council for
    18  Sustainable Development, including guidance for  scope  three  emissions
    19  calculations  that  detail  acceptable use of both primary and secondary
    20  data sources, including the use of industry average  data,  proxy  data,
    21  and other generic data in its scope three emissions calculations.
    22    (2)  The  department shall review, and update as necessary, the public
    23  disclosure deadlines established pursuant to clause one of this subpara-
    24  graph to evaluate trends in scope three emissions reporting and consider
    25  changes to the disclosure deadlines to ensure that scope three emissions
    26  data is disclosed to the emissions registry as close in time as  practi-
    27  cable to the deadline for reporting entities to disclose scope one emis-
    28  sions and scope two emissions data.
    29    The reporting timelines shall take into account the timelines by which
    30  reporting  entities  typically  receive  scope one, scope two, and scope
    31  three emissions data, as well as the capacity for independent  verifica-
    32  tion  to  be  performed  by  a  third-party  auditor, as approved by the
    33  department.
    34    ii. A reporting entity's public disclosure shall include the  name  of
    35  the  reporting  entity  and  any  fictitious names, trade names, assumed
    36  names, subsidiaries and logos used by the reporting entity.
    37    iii. A reporting entity's public disclosure  shall  be  structured  in
    38  ways  that  maximize and streamline reporting and ease of use in meeting
    39  the requirements of national and international disclosure  programs  and
    40  standards,  including, but not limited to, adopted rules from the United
    41  States Securities and Exchange Commission  and  international  standards
    42  such as those established by CDP Global.
    43    iv.  (1) A reporting entity's public disclosure shall be independently
    44  verified by the emissions registry or a third-party auditor approved  by
    45  the  department  with  expertise in greenhouse gas emissions accounting.
    46  The reporting entity shall ensure that a copy of the  complete,  audited
    47  greenhouse  gas  emissions inventory, including the name of the approved
    48  third-party auditor, is provided to the emissions registry as part of or
    49  in connection with the reporting entity's public disclosure.
    50    (2) The department shall establish auditor qualifications and a  proc-
    51  ess  for  approval of auditors that ensures sufficient auditor capacity,
    52  as well as timely reporting implementation as required under clause  one
    53  of subparagraph i of this paragraph.
    54    b. The department shall create or contract with, an emissions registry
    55  to develop a reporting and registry program to receive and make publicly
    56  available  disclosures  required  by  this section. Emissions registries

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     1  shall not be authorized  to  provide  services  to  a  company  where  a
     2  conflict of interest exists. A conflict of interest shall include:
     3    i.  The emissions registry and reporting entity sharing any management
     4  staff or board of directors membership, or any of the senior  management
     5  staff  of  the  reporting  entity  having been employed by the emissions
     6  registry or reporting entity within the previous five years.
     7    ii. Any employee of the emissions  registry,  or  any  employee  of  a
     8  related  entity,  or  a  subcontractor  who is a member of the emissions
     9  registry having provided the reporting entity with services  related  to
    10  the  areas  of  emissions  registry,  or  any services designated by the
    11  department, within the previous five years.
    12    iii. Any staff member of the emissions registry providing any type  of
    13  non-monetary  incentive  to  a  reporting  entity  to  secure a services
    14  contract.
    15    c. The department may adopt or update any other  regulations  that  it
    16  deems necessary and appropriate to implement this subdivision.
    17    3.  a. The department shall prepare a report on the public disclosures
    18  made by reporting entities to the emissions registry pursuant to  subdi-
    19  vision two of this section and the regulations adopted by the department
    20  pursuant  to  such  subdivision.  In preparing the report, consideration
    21  shall be given to, at a minimum, greenhouse gas emissions from reporting
    22  entities in the context of state greenhouse gas emissions reduction  and
    23  climate  goals.   The department shall not require reporting entities to
    24  report any information beyond what is required pursuant to this  section
    25  or the regulations adopted by the department pursuant to subdivision two
    26  of  this  section. The department shall issue the report of its findings
    27  to the governor, the speaker of the assembly and the temporary president
    28  of the senate and shall publish such report on its website.
    29    b. The emissions registry shall make the reporting  entities'  disclo-
    30  sures  available  on  the  department's  website  within  thirty days of
    31  receipt of such disclosures.
    32    4. The attorney general may bring a civil action against  a  reporting
    33  entity  seeking  civil penalties of one hundred thousand dollars per day
    34  for willful failure to comply with the requirements of this  section  or
    35  regulations set forth by the department.
    36    § 3. This act shall take effect two years after it shall have become a
    37  law. Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or repeal of any
    38  rule  or  regulation necessary for the implementation of this act on its
    39  effective date are authorized to be made and completed on or before such
    40  effective date.