Bill Text: NY S09499 | 2021-2022 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Establishes the public water justice act; prohibits sale of waters of the state unless otherwise specifically authorized; establishes a public water justice fund for royalties and fees collected from persons or entities authorized to sell waters of the state.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2022-07-11 - REFERRED TO RULES [S09499 Detail]

Download: New_York-2021-S09499-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                    IN SENATE

                                      July 11, 2022

        Introduced  by  Sen.  MAY  --  read  twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Rules

        AN ACT to amend the environmental conservation law and the state finance
          law, in relation to establishing the public water justice act

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  This  act  shall be known and may be cited as the "public
     2  water justice act".
     3    § 2. Section 15-0109 of the environmental conservation law is  amended
     4  to read as follows:
     5  § 15-0109. General jurisdiction.
     6    The department shall exercise its powers and perform its duties in any
     7  matter  affecting the construction of improvements to or developments of
     8  water resources for the public health, safety or welfare, including  but
     9  not  limited  to  the  supply  of potable waters for the various munici-
    10  palities and inhabitants thereof,  the  use  of  water  for  industrial,
    11  commercial,  and  agricultural operations, the developed and undeveloped
    12  water power of the state, the facilitation of proper  drainage  and  the
    13  regulation of flow and improvement of the rivers of the state.
    14    §  3.  Article  15 of the environmental conservation law is amended by
    15  adding a new title 35 to read as follows:
    16                                  TITLE 35
    17                            PUBLIC WATER JUSTICE
    18  Section 15-3501. Definitions.
    19          15-3503. Legislative findings and intent.
    20          15-3505. Prohibition of diversion or transfer for  the  sale  of
    21                     water.
    22          15-3507. Exceptions to prohibitions.
    23          15-3509. Authorized sale of water.
    24          15-3511. Use of public water justice funds.
    25          15-3513. Rule making authority.
    26  § 15-3501. Definitions.
    27    As  used  in  this  title the following terms shall have the following
    28  meanings:

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 9499                             2

     1    1. "Affordability" means measures or other assistance to assure  equal
     2  access  to  adequate clean, safe water and sanitation, without discrimi-
     3  nation, interference or inequitable or unjust termination of  the  right
     4  of  access  to water by any person or household of persons with insuffi-
     5  cient  income  from hardship or disability to pay the full rate or price
     6  for access to a minimum water supply to protect  health  and  sanitation
     7  for their dwelling.
     8    2.  "Applicant"  means a person, corporation, or other organization or
     9  entity applying for a license under this title.
    10    3. "Community public water supply" or "public community water  supply"
    11  means  a  public  water  supply  that provides year-round service to not
    12  fewer than fifteen living units or which regularly  provides  year-round
    13  service to not fewer than twenty-five individuals.
    14    4.  "Customer  service connection" means the pipe between a water main
    15  and customer site piping or building plumbing system.
    16    5. "Customer site piping" means an underground piping system owned  or
    17  controlled by a customer that conveys water from such customer's custom-
    18  er  service  connection to building plumbing systems and other points of
    19  use on lands owned  or  controlled  by  such  customer.  "Customer  site
    20  piping"  shall  not  include  any  system that incorporates treatment to
    21  protect public health.
    22    6. "Disadvantaged community" shall mean such communities as identified
    23  pursuant to section 75-0111 of this chapter.
    24    7. "Diversion" means the transfer of water by any means, including  in
    25  a  container  intended  for  an  immediate  or end-use consumer from its
    26  source in one lake or watershed to another lake or watershed.
    27    8. "License" means the authorization pursuant to  section  15-3509  of
    28  this  title  by  the  state  to allow the withdrawal, removal, diversion
    29  and/or transfer of waters of the state by any person for the purpose  of
    30  the production and sale of bottled water.
    31    9. "Licensee" means the holder of a license under this title.
    32    10.  "Public  water  supply"  means a community public water supply or
    33  waterworks system that provides water for drinking or household purposes
    34  to persons other than the supplier of such water, and shall not  include
    35  either of the following:
    36    (a)  A  waterworks  system that supplies water to only one dwelling or
    37  multiple dwelling, as such terms are defined  by  section  four  of  the
    38  multiple dwelling law; or
    39    (b) A waterworks system that consists solely of customer site piping.
    40    11.  "Royalty  fee"  means  compensation to the state for the authori-
    41  zation of a license to allow a withdrawal, diversion or transfer by  any
    42  person from the sovereign waters of the state for the purpose of produc-
    43  ing  and  packaging  water  for  the sale of bottled water under section
    44  15-3509 of this title.
    45    12. "Sale of water" means the production,  packaging  or  delivery  of
    46  water from a water source or public water supply in containers or by any
    47  other means in exchange for money or other consideration.
    48    13.  "Sale of bottled water" means water withdrawn from a water source
    49  or public water supply and transferred or diverted to a plant  or  other
    50  facility  for  the  sale  of water in a container or package of not more
    51  than 5.7 gallons.
    52    14. "Spring water" means spring water as defined in 21 C.F.R.  165.110
    53  for bottled water.
    54    15. "Watershed" means the watershed of primary rivers and the sub-wat-
    55  ersheds of their tributary streams and creeks.

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     1    16. "Waterworks system" means a system of pipes and structures through
     2  which water is obtained and distributed, including but  not  limited  to
     3  wells  and  well structures, intakes and cribs, pumping stations, treat-
     4  ment plants, storage tanks, pipelines and appurtenances, or  a  combina-
     5  tion  thereof,  actually  used  or  intended  for use for the purpose of
     6  furnishing water for drinking or household purposes.
     7    17. "Water main" means a pipe owned or controlled by a  supplier  that
     8  may convey water to a customer service connection or to a fire hydrant.
     9    18.  "Waters of the state" groundwater, lakes, rivers, and streams and
    10  all other watercourses and waters, including the Great Lakes, within the
    11  territorial boundaries of the state, and shall include  water  withdrawn
    12  from  the waters of the state and delivered through public waterworks or
    13  public water utility systems. Waters of  the  state  shall  not  include
    14  drainage  ways  and ponds designed and constructed solely for wastewater
    15  conveyance, treatment, or control.
    16    19. "Withdrawal" means the removal of  water  from  surface  water  or
    17  groundwater.
    18    20.  "Public  water justice fund" means such fund established pursuant
    19  to section ninety-nine-qq of the state finance law.
    20  § 15-3503. Legislative findings and intent.
    21    1. The waters of the state are held by the state as sovereign  and  in
    22  public trust for the benefit of the people of the state of New York.
    23    2.  As  trustee,  the  state of New York shall protect and sustain the
    24  integrity of flows, levels, and quality of water, fish and aquatic habi-
    25  tat for the use and enjoyment by citizens now and in the future.
    26    3. As trustee, and based on  the  paramount  public  interest  in  the
    27  waters  of  the state and public health of its citizens, the state shall
    28  provide for and protect the right of  access  to  safe  drinking  water,
    29  water  sources,  public  water supply, public waterworks and infrastruc-
    30  ture, public health, and fishing, navigation, recreation,  conservation,
    31  and  the  reasonable  use  of  water in connection with the ownership or
    32  lawful occupancy of land, not limited to domestic, agricultural, commer-
    33  cial, industrial and public utility uses.
    34  § 15-3505. Prohibition of diversion or transfer for the sale of water.
    35    Except as otherwise specifically provided in this title, no waters  of
    36  the state shall be withdrawn, taken, diverted, and/or transferred out of
    37  any  watershed of the state for the purpose of the sale of such water in
    38  any size container, package, or in any other manner to another watershed
    39  within or outside of the territorial boundaries of the state.
    40  § 15-3507. Exceptions to prohibitions.
    41    1. Prohibited acts under section 15-3505 of this title shall not apply
    42  to any of the following:
    43    (a) The withdrawal, treatment, distribution,  and  delivery  of  water
    44  services  by a public or private water utility or community public water
    45  supply or waterworks system.  The exception under this subdivision shall
    46  not apply to the distribution or delivery  of  water  to  a  person  who
    47  receives  water  from a public waterworks or public water utility system
    48  for the purpose of the sale of such water.
    49    (b) Products into which water from a private well or public waterworks
    50  system or public water utility is incorporated,  or  water  incorporated
    51  into or used in a product other than water itself.
    52    (c) The sale of water on premises from a private well or public water-
    53  works  system  in  a  glass,  bottle or other container, incidental to a
    54  wholesale or retail  restaurant,  food  service  or  other  business  or
    55  commercial operation.

        S. 9499                             4

     1    (d)  The  sale  of water of the state in containers with a capacity of
     2  not more than 5.7 gallons, but only if all of  the  following  standards
     3  are duly established and determined to be met by the department:
     4    (i)  such  transfer  and  diversion  of water is part of bottled water
     5  production and sale facilities and operations already existing upon  the
     6  effective  date  of  this  section, subject to compliance with all other
     7  provisions of this title, and authorized by the department  pursuant  to
     8  section 15-3509 of this title;
     9    (ii)  determination  that  the  water  source  that  is transferred or
    10  diverted is not spring water, unless otherwise authorized by the depart-
    11  ment under section 15-3509 of this title;
    12    (iii) determination that the withdrawal and transfer for the  sale  of
    13  water  will not impair or interfere with another water source, community
    14  public water supply or any other public or private water  well,  infras-
    15  tructure,  waterworks  system  or with the water services and the public
    16  health, safety and welfare.
    17    (iv) determination that the withdrawal, removal, transfer and the sale
    18  of bottled water is in compliance with all other federal,  state,  local
    19  law and regulations; and
    20    (v)  issuance  of  license  and payment of a royalty as authorized and
    21  determined by the department to sell bottled water in containers with  a
    22  capacity of not more than 5.7 gallons, as provided in section 15-3509 of
    23  this title.
    24    2. The prohibitions under this section shall not apply to a lawful and
    25  reasonable use of the waters of the state in connection with the use and
    26  enjoyment of land by an owner or occupant or their guests, including any
    27  lawfully  recognized traditional and artificial reasonable uses of water
    28  such as agriculture, manufacturing,  generation  of  electricity  or  an
    29  industrial  use or process. Except as otherwise specifically provided in
    30  this title, the sale of water withdrawn from the  waters  of  the  state
    31  shall not be a reasonable use.
    32  § 15-3509. Authorized sale of water.
    33    1. The department is hereby authorized to issue a license to withdraw,
    34  take,  remove, and/or transfer from the waters of the state for the sale
    35  of bottled water where the sale of such waters of the state shall be  in
    36  full compliance with this title.
    37    2.  The  department shall not issue or enter into any license or other
    38  agreement pursuant to subdivision one of this  section  for  withdrawal,
    39  taking, and/or transfer of the waters of the state to a person or entity
    40  who  proposes  to  engage in the sale of bottled water unless all of the
    41  following conditions are met:
    42    (a) Such person or entity submits an  application  to  the  department
    43  along  with  proposed plans for bottled water facility and operation, or
    44  if such application is for the continued operation of  a  bottled  water
    45  facility  and operation already existing upon the effective date of this
    46  section, an application with a description of such exciting operations.
    47    (b) For the licensing for the sale of bottled water from  a  municipal
    48  or  community  public  waterworks  or  public  water utility supply, the
    49  applicant has submitted certified proof that  the  water  source  is  in
    50  compliance  with all other legal requirements from the local department,
    51  board or local government that owns and operates  the  community  public
    52  waterworks or public water system.
    53    (c)  Before  approval  of  such  license, the department shall provide
    54  written notice of the application of such license  with  conditions  and
    55  proposed  royalty fees as provided in subdivision three of this section,
    56  at least sixty days prior to such approval: to any local unit of govern-

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     1  ment, any community or  public  waterworks  or  water  supply  district,
     2  authority or department, any recognized tribal sovereign government, and
     3  to  the applicant; to be published in a prominent newspaper with general
     4  circulation in the locale of the water source or supply; and to be post-
     5  ed  on the department's website in a conspicuous manner.  The department
     6  may on its own or upon request of an interested  person  provide  for  a
     7  public  hearing, which shall be given the same public notice as provided
     8  in this paragraph.  Such public notice shall provide at least  a  forty-
     9  five  day comment period before approval of the license. Upon request of
    10  a local unit of government or recognized tribal sovereign government  in
    11  which  the  water source or supply is located, the department shall meet
    12  and consult with the local unit of government or  tribe  not  less  than
    13  fifteen days before approval of the license.
    14    (d)  Before approval and issuance of the license, the department shall
    15  evaluate, assure, and duly establish that all of the following are met:
    16    (i) The applicant has complied with the provisions of this title;
    17    (ii) The applicant has shown, based on subparagraph (i) of this  para-
    18  graph  and  all  other  available  information, including public notice,
    19  hearing, participation and comments or consultation with  local  govern-
    20  ment,  sovereign tribes recognized by treaty with the federal government
    21  or other interested persons as required by paragraph (d) of this  subdi-
    22  vision,  that  the withdrawal and/or transfer of the waters of the state
    23  for the sale of bottled water is substantially in  the  public  interest
    24  and  shall  not  impair  the public trust and public health, safety, and
    25  welfare;
    26    (iii) The applicant has complied with the application and royalty fees
    27  required by subdivision three of this section;
    28    (iv) Any conditions the department shall have required in the  license
    29  or other agreement for the protection and promotion of the waters of the
    30  state,  public  trust  in such waters and the public health, safety, and
    31  welfare of citizens and local community.
    32    3. (a) Before processing an application for a license  under  subdivi-
    33  sion  two  of this section, an applicant shall pay an application fee of
    34  five hundred dollars and a fee of  five  thousand  dollars  or  more  as
    35  determined  by  the  department  for  reimbursement  of the department's
    36  expenses for processing and evaluating the application.
    37    (b) An applicant shall pay a royalty fee for the  right  to  withdraw,
    38  remove  and/or  transfer  the sovereign waters of the state or community
    39  public water supply for  purposes  of  the  sale  of  bottled  water  as
    40  follows:
    41    (i)  A  licensee  shall pay a royalty fee of not less than twenty-five
    42  cents per gallon for the right to withdraw,  take  and/or  transfer  the
    43  waters  of  the  state  for the sale of bottled water. Subject to public
    44  notice, hearing and comment as provided for in subdivision two  of  this
    45  section,  the department may promulgate a higher fee per gallon based on
    46  a reasonable evaluation and determination of fair and adequate  economic
    47  value  for  the  right  of  sale of bottled water from the waters of the
    48  state.
    49    (ii) The licensee or the community or municipal  public  water  supply
    50  department  or  local  government, as the case may be, shall file on the
    51  first day of each month, beginning thirty days after  the  date  of  the
    52  license, a written summary and report, with supporting data and informa-
    53  tion,  the  total  volume of water withdrawn. The licensee shall pay the
    54  royalty fee required by this subdivision on a quarterly basis, beginning
    55  with the first day of the quarter of the year  after  the  date  of  the
    56  approval  and  issuance of the license. The department may impose a late

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     1  fee according to a schedule of fees, payment, or interest established by
     2  the department pursuant to rules promulgated by the department.
     3    (c)  The  department shall deposit the royalty fee collected from each
     4  licensee into the public water  justice  fund  in  accordance  with  all
     5  applicable laws and regulations.
     6    (d)  The  department's  expenses,  including  all  reasonable expenses
     7  related to collection and management of fees under this  section,  shall
     8  be  paid  and a net royalty fee payment made to the public water justice
     9  fund on a quarterly basis, beginning with the third  quarter  after  the
    10  effective  date of this title or the issuance of the first license under
    11  this title, whichever occurs first.
    12    (e) Where the water is from a water  source  or  non-community  supply
    13  that  is from the waters of the state, the net proceeds from each licen-
    14  see shall be deposited in the public water justice fund.
    15    (f) Where the water is from a community public water supply or  water-
    16  works,  which  withdraws  and  distributes  the waters of the state as a
    17  public service within its lawful territory, the net proceeds  from  each
    18  license  or  other  agreement  shall  be  deposited  in the public water
    19  justice fund. Further, the department shall allocate  an  amount  up  to
    20  twenty-five percent of the net proceeds of the public water justice fund
    21  in  any  calendar  year to the community public water supply department,
    22  district or authority from which the water is withdrawn, taken, diverted
    23  and/or transferred.
    24    (g) For the purposes of this  subdivision,  the  term  "net  proceeds"
    25  shall  mean  net proceeds from royalties under this section, minus costs
    26  and expenses.
    27    4. (a) In addition to all other requirements of this title,  a  person
    28  or  other  entity  shall  not be permitted to withdraw and transfer more
    29  than fifty thousand gallons a day for  the  sale  of  bottled  water  as
    30  spring water unless it is established by the applicant and determined by
    31  the department that:
    32    (i)  there  is  sufficient  existing  actual data and information that
    33  characterizes to  the  fullest  extent  possible  the  hydrological  and
    34  geological  conditions  required to accurately measure and calculate the
    35  effect on the flows, levels and other physical conditions of the ground-
    36  water, springs, wetlands, creeks, streams, lakes or ponds  that  have  a
    37  direct hydrological connection to the spring water source; and
    38    (ii)  based  on  the  actual  data  and  information established under
    39  subparagraph (i) of this  paragraph,  the  withdrawal  and  transfer  of
    40  spring  water  shall  not measurably diminish and impair the flow, level
    41  and other physical parameters of the wetlands, creeks, streams, lakes or
    42  ponds, fish and other wildlife and plant habitat or the public trust  in
    43  such features, wildlife and habitat.
    44    (b)  Any decision or determination required by this section shall take
    45  into account and be conditioned on the potential for, or occurrences of,
    46  increased intensity and frequency of weather events due  to  changes  in
    47  climate.
    48  § 15-3511. Use of public water justice funds.
    49    The  department  shall  direct  the administration of the public water
    50  justice fund in accordance with  the  provisions  of  paragraph  (f)  of
    51  subdivision  three  of section 15-3509 of this title and section ninety-
    52  nine-qq of the state finance law.   In directing the  administration  of
    53  such  fund,  the  department  shall  consult  with environmental justice
    54  groups and other environmental justice experts as determined appropriate
    55  by the department.
    56  § 15-3513. Rule making authority.

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     1    The department shall be authorized to promulgate any rules  and  regu-
     2  lations it may deem necessary to implement the provisions of this title.
     3    § 4. The state finance law is amended by adding a new section 99-qq to
     4  read as follows:
     5    §  99-qq. Public water justice fund. 1. There is hereby established in
     6  the joint custody of the state comptroller and the commissioner of taxa-
     7  tion and finance a special fund to be known as the "public water justice
     8  fund".
     9    2. Such fund shall consist of all  revenues  received  by  the  state,
    10  pursuant  to  the  provisions of title thirty-five of article fifteen of
    11  the environmental conservation law, including but  not  limited  to  all
    12  bonuses,  rentals,  delayed  rentals,  royalties, penalties or fines for
    13  non-compliance collected  by,  or  reserved  by,  the  state  under  the
    14  licenses  for  the  sale  of  bottled water established pursuant to such
    15  title.
    16    3. (a) The moneys in such fund shall be  expended  for  the  following
    17  purposes:
    18    (i)  assistance  for  water  affordability  plans  or  other measures,
    19  including income affordability, assured low-cost minimum water  use  and
    20  conservation,  innovative pricing, rates, tiers of water use and conser-
    21  vation, to assure equitable and affordable access to clean,  safe  water
    22  and sanitation;
    23    (ii)  protection, conservation, efficiency, sustainability and cleanup
    24  to assure safe, clean and adequate groundwater and surface water sources
    25  for drinking water and water supplies within the  state,  including  but
    26  not  limited  to,  new  technologies,  green infrastructure and enhanced
    27  resiliency and adaptability to predict extreme weather events or climat-
    28  ic changes;
    29    (iii) protection of public health and individual health needs directly
    30  related to investigation, medical  examination  and  water  quality  and
    31  medical monitoring; and
    32    (iv) repair, improvement or replacement of any line that is determined
    33  to be a health risk to those who occupy any single or multi-family resi-
    34  dential dwelling unit that connects to the public water main or pipeline
    35  system.
    36    (b) Any interested municipal public water supply department, district,
    37  authority,  or  local  government,  or  any  person who lives within the
    38  territory or is served by a community public water works or public water
    39  utility may apply for a grant for one or more of the dedicated  purposes
    40  of  the  public  water justice fund under this section. The application,
    41  process, public notice, meetings, and decisions shall  be  processed  by
    42  the  department.  The department shall apportion and allocate the grants
    43  of available funds in any given hearing  in  a  fair  and  proportionate
    44  manner  among  applicants  that in the discretion of the department best
    45  meets the intent and dedicated purposes of title thirty-five of  article
    46  fifteen  of  the  environmental  conservation law and any rules or regu-
    47  lations promulgated thereto; except that there shall be a preference for
    48  up to thirty percent of the fund distributed in any year for  assistance
    49  for affordability, disadvantaged communities and public health.
    50    § 5. This act shall take effect on the one hundred eightieth day after
    51  it  shall have become a law. Effective immediately, the addition, amend-
    52  ment and/or repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implemen-
    53  tation of this act on its effective date are authorized to be  made  and
    54  completed on or before such effective date.