

                    IN SENATE

                                      May 16, 2024

        Introduced  by  Sen. PALUMBO -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed  to  the  Committee  on  Higher  Education  --
          committee  discharged,  bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and
          recommitted to said committee

        AN ACT relating to authorizing the state university of New York at Stony
          Brook to lease certain lands to construct multi-purpose facilities  to
          support housing needs and supporting amenities

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Legislative findings. The legislature finds that the  state
     2  university  of  New  York  at  Stony  Brook ("Stony Brook") seeks to use
     3  approximately 10 acres of underutilized land on Stony Brook's  Southamp-
     4  ton  campus  to  build multi-purpose facilities to support housing needs
     5  and supporting  amenities,  fulfilling  a  necessary  and  vital  public
     6  purpose.    The  legislature further finds that granting the trustees of
     7  the State University of New York ("Trustees") the authority and power to
     8  lease and otherwise contract to make available grounds and facilities of
     9  Stony Brook's campus will ensure such land is utilized for  the  benefit
    10  of Stony Brook, the surrounding community, and the general public.
    11    §  2.  Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the trustees are
    12  authorized and empowered, without  any  public  bidding,  to  lease  and
    13  otherwise contract to make available to a ground lessee a portion of the
    14  lands  of Stony Brook generally described in this act for the purpose of
    15  developing, constructing, maintaining and operating multi-purpose facil-
    16  ities to support housing needs and supporting amenities. Such  lease  or
    17  contract  shall  be for a period not exceeding ninety-nine years without
    18  any fee simple conveyance and otherwise upon terms and conditions deter-
    19  mined by such trustees, subject to the approval of the director  of  the
    20  division  of the budget, the attorney general and the state comptroller.
    21  In the event that the real property that is the subject of such lease or
    22  contract shall cease to be used for the purpose described in  this  act,
    23  such lease or contract shall immediately terminate and the real property
    24  and any improvements thereon shall revert to the state university of New
    25  York.  Any  lease  or  contract  entered into pursuant to this act shall

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 9483--A                          2

     1  provide that the real property that is the  subject  of  such  lease  or
     2  contract  and any improvements thereon shall revert to the state univer-
     3  sity of New York on the expiration of such contract or  lease.  Any  and
     4  all  proceeds related to the leases authorized by this act shall be used
     5  for the benefit of the Stony Brook campus and  the  allocation  of  such
     6  proceeds shall be subject to approval by the Trustees.
     7    §  3. Any contract or lease entered into pursuant to this act shall be
     8  deemed to be a state contract for purposes of article 15-A of the execu-
     9  tive law, and any contractor, subcontractor, lessee or sublessee  enter-
    10  ing into such contract or lease for the construction, demolition, recon-
    11  struction, excavation, rehabilitation, repair, renovation, alteration or
    12  improvement  authorized  pursuant  to  this  act shall be deemed a state
    13  agency for the purposes of article 15-A of the executive law and subject
    14  to the provisions of such article.
    15    § 4. Notwithstanding any general, special or  local  law  or  judicial
    16  decision  to the contrary, all work performed on a project authorized by
    17  this act where all or any portion thereof involves a lease or  agreement
    18  for  construction,  demolition,  reconstruction,  excavation,  rehabili-
    19  tation, repair, renovation, alteration or improvement shall  be  subject
    20  to  and  performed in accordance with the provisions of article 8 of the
    21  labor law to the same extent and in the same manner as a contract of the
    22  state, and compliance with all the provisions of article 8 of the  labor
    23  law  shall  be  required of any lessee, sublessee, contractor or subcon-
    24  tractor on the project, including the  enforcement  of  prevailing  wage
    25  requirements by the fiscal officer as defined in paragraph e of subdivi-
    26  sion  5 of section 220 of the labor law to the same extent as a contract
    27  of the state.
    28    § 5. Notwithstanding any law, rule or regulation to the contrary,  the
    29  state  university of New York shall not contract out for the instruction
    30  or  any  pedagogical  functions  or  services,  or  any   administrative
    31  services, and similar professional services currently being performed by
    32  state  employees.  All such functions and services shall be performed by
    33  state employees pursuant to the civil service law. Nothing in  this  act
    34  shall  result in the displacement of any currently employed state worker
    35  or  the  loss  of  position  (including  partial  displacement  such  as
    36  reduction  in  the hours of non-overtime, wages or employment benefits),
    37  or result in the  impairment  of  existing  contracts  for  services  or
    38  collective  bargaining rights pursuant to existing agreements. All posi-
    39  tions currently at the state university of New York in the  unclassified
    40  service  of  the  civil  service  law  shall  remain in the unclassified
    41  service. No services or work on  the  property  described  in  this  act
    42  currently  performed  by public employees or future work that is similar
    43  in scope and nature to the work  being  currently  performed  by  public
    44  employees  shall be contracted out or privatized by the state university
    45  of New York or by an affiliated entity or associated entity of the state
    46  university of New York. All such  future  work  shall  be  performed  by
    47  public employees.
    48    § 6. For the purposes of this act:
    49    (a)  "project"  shall mean work at the property authorized by this act
    50  to be leased as described in section twelve of this  act  that  involves
    51  the  design, construction, reconstruction, demolition, excavating, reha-
    52  bilitation, repair, renovation, alteration or improvement of such  prop-
    53  erty.
    54    (b)  "project  labor  agreement"  shall  mean  a  pre-hire  collective
    55  bargaining agreement between a  contractor  and  a  labor  organization,
    56  establishing  the labor organization as the collective bargaining repre-

        S. 9483--A                          3

     1  sentative for all persons who will perform  work  on  the  project,  and
     2  which  provides that only contractors and subcontractors who sign a pre-
     3  negotiated agreement with the labor  organization  can  perform  project
     4  work.
     5    §  7. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general, special, or local
     6  law or judicial decision  to  the  contrary,  the  ground  lessee  shall
     7  require  the use of a project labor agreement, as defined in subdivision
     8  1 of section 222 of the labor law, for all contractors  and  subcontrac-
     9  tors  on  the project, consistent with paragraph (a) of subdivision 2 of
    10  section 222 of the labor law.
    11    § 8. Nothing in this act shall be deemed to waive or impair any rights
    12  or benefits of employees of the state university of New York that other-
    13  wise would be available to them pursuant  to  the  terms  of  agreements
    14  between the certified representatives of such employees and the state of
    15  New  York  pursuant  to  article  14  of the civil service law; all work
    16  performed on such property that ordinarily would be performed by employ-
    17  ees subject to article 14 of the civil service law shall continue to  be
    18  performed by such employees.
    19    § 9. Without limiting the determination of the terms and conditions of
    20  such  contracts  or  leases,  such  terms and conditions may provide for
    21  leasing,  subleasing,  construction,   reconstruction,   rehabilitation,
    22  improvement,  operation  and management of and provision of services and
    23  assistance and the granting of licenses, easements  and  other  arrange-
    24  ments  with  regard to such grounds and facilities by the ground lessee,
    25  and parties contracting with the ground lessee, and in  connection  with
    26  such  activities,  the obtaining of funding or financing, whether public
    27  or private, unsecured or secured, including, but not limited to, secured
    28  by leasehold mortgages and assignments  of  rents  and  leases,  by  the
    29  ground  lessee  and  parties  contracting with the ground lessee for the
    30  purposes of completing the project described in this act.
    31    § 10. Such lease shall include  an  indemnity  provision  whereby  the
    32  lessee  or sublessee promises to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the
    33  lessor against all claims, suits, actions, and liability to all  persons
    34  on  the leased premises, including tenant, tenant's agents, contractors,
    35  subcontractors, employees, customers, guests,  licensees,  invitees  and
    36  members of the public, for damage to any such person's property, whether
    37  real  or  personal, or for personal injuries arising out of tenant's use
    38  or occupation of the demised premises.
    39    § 11. Any contracts entered into pursuant  to  this  act  between  the
    40  ground  lessee  and  parties contracting with the ground lessee shall be
    41  awarded by a competitive process.
    42    § 12. The property authorized by this act to be leased to  the  ground
    43  lessee  is  generally  described  as approximately 11.4972 acres of land
    44  situated on the campus of the state university  of  New  York  at  Stony
    45  Brook  within  the  town  of Brookhaven, county of Suffolk, state of New
    46  York more particularly described as follows:
    47    Beginning at a point on the southerly sideline of section  211,  block
    48  6,  lot  9,  now  or  formerly belonging to the MTA-LIRR, the said point
    49  being distant 1135.50 feet on a bearing of south 86 degrees  01  minutes
    50  07 seconds west from the intersection of the said LIRR sideline with the
    51  westerly  sideline of Tuckahoe road (50 feet wide), and running from the
    52  said point of beginning; thence
    53    Running through section 211, block 1, lot 1  the  following  nine  (9)
    54  courses:
    55    (1)  south  00  degrees  15  minutes 03 seconds east for a distance of
    56  456.85 feet; thence

        S. 9483--A                          4

     1    (2) south 85 degrees 52 minutes 00 seconds west, a distance  of  97.30
     2  feet to a point of curvature; thence
     3    (3)  on  a curve to the left having a radius of 100.00 feet, a central
     4  angle of 19 degrees 15 minutes 58 seconds and an  arc  length  of  33.63
     5  feet to a point of reverse curvature; thence
     6    (4)  on a curve to the right having a radius of 100.00 feet, a central
     7  angle of 17 degrees 48 minutes 58 seconds and an  arc  length  of  31.09
     8  feet to a point of tangency; thence
     9    (5)  south 84 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds west, a distance of 105.00
    10  feet to a point of curvature; thence
    11    (6) on a curve to the left having a radius of 65.00  feet,  a  central
    12  angle  of  73  degrees  17 minutes 00 seconds and an arc length of 83.14
    13  feet to a point of tangency; thence
    14    (7) south 11 degrees 08 minutes 00 seconds west, a distance  of  54.50
    15  feet; thence
    16    (8)  south  31 degrees 46 minutes 02 seconds west, being radial to the
    17  following course, a distance of 48.50 feet; thence
    18    (9) on a curve to the left having a radius of 125.00 feet,  a  central
    19  angle  of  39  degrees 49 minutes 32 seconds, and an arc length of 86.89
    20  feet to a point of tangency; thence
    21    (10) continuing through said lot 1, passing through section 210, block
    22  2, lot 26 and then crossing into section 210, block 2, lot 25, south  81
    23  degrees 56 minutes 30 seconds west, a distance of 326.00 feet to a point
    24  of curvature; thence
    25    (11)  continuing  through said lot 25, on a curve to the left having a
    26  radius of 100.00 feet, a central angle  of  43  degrees  59  minutes  00
    27  seconds, and an arc length of 76.77 feet to a point of tangency; thence
    28    (12)  continuing  through said lot 25 and crossing back into aforemen-
    29  tioned lot 26, south 37 degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds west,  a  distance
    30  of 250.00 feet; thence
    31    (13)  continuing  through  said lot 26, south 59 degrees 26 minutes 00
    32  seconds west, a distance of 32.50 feet; thence
    33    (14) continuing through said lot 26 and crossing back  into  aforemen-
    34  tioned  lot  25, north 30 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds west, a distance
    35  of 126.00 feet to a point of curvature; thence
    36    (15) continuing through said lot 25, on a curve to the left  having  a
    37  radius  of  65.00  feet,  a  central  angle  of 48 degrees 54 minutes 30
    38  seconds, and an arc length of 55.48 feet to a point of tangency; thence
    39    (16) continuing through the same,  north  79  degrees  28  minutes  30
    40  seconds west, a distance of 92.22 feet; thence
    41    (17)  along  the dividing line of said lot 25 to the east with section
    42  210, block 2, lot 11.3 to the west,  north  17  degrees  43  minutes  47
    43  seconds east, a distance of 160.35 feet; thence
    44    (18)  along  the  dividing  line  of said lot 25 to the southeast with
    45  section 210, block 2, lots 11.3, 11.4 and 11.5 to the  northwest,  north
    46  55 degrees 50 minutes 47 seconds east, a distance of 438.30 feet; thence
    47    (19)  along the dividing line of aforementioned lot 1 to the southeast
    48  with said lot 11.5 to the northwest, north  55  degrees  51  minutes  07
    49  seconds east, a distance of 315.93 feet; thence
    50    (20)  along  same,  north  24  degrees  08  minutes 33 seconds west, a
    51  distance of 155.67 feet; thence
    52    (21) along the dividing line of said lot 1 to the south with aforemen-
    53  tioned lot 9 to the north, north 86 degrees 01 minutes 07 seconds  east,
    54  a distance of 593.70 feet to the point and place of Beginning.
    55    The above-described lease area contains 500,818 square feet or 11.4972
    56  acres of land.

        S. 9483--A                          5

     1    The  above-described development area was written in accordance with a
     2  map entitled, "Property Sketch, Proposed Southampton  Development  Area,
     3  Stony  Brook University, part of section 210, block 2, lots 25 & 26, and
     4  part of section 211, block 1, lot 1,  town  of  Southampton,  county  of
     5  Suffolk,  state  of  New York" prepared by Gallas Surveying Group, dated
     6  March 12, 2024, revised March 18, 2024.
     7    § 13. The state university of New York shall not lease lands described
     8  in this act unless any such lease shall be executed within  5  years  of
     9  the effective date of this act.
    10    §  14. Insofar as the provisions of this act are inconsistent with the
    11  provisions of any law, general, special or local, the provisions of this
    12  act shall be controlling.
    13    § 15. This act shall take effect immediately.