

                    IN SENATE

                                       May 9, 2024

        Introduced  by  Sen.  COONEY -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Procurement and Contracts

        AN ACT to amend the state finance  law,  in  relation  to  comprehensive
          delivery;  to  amend  the  public  authorities law, in relation to any
          development entity for the purposes of development or operation of  an
          approved  project  for  the purposes of comprehensive delivery; and to
          amend the local finance law, in relation  to  a  municipality,  school
          district  or district corporation having the power to contract indebt-
          edness for the purposes of  implementing  the  provisions  of  article
          nine-A of the state finance law

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1.  Legislative  intent.  The  legislature  hereby  finds  and
     2  declares  that  there  is a public need to accelerate delivery of energy
     3  and infrastructure improvements to address critical needs of  the  state
     4  and  its political subdivisions, including: (i) achieving net zero emis-
     5  sions state-wide by 2050; (ii) rapid development  of  affordable  homes,
     6  educational  facilities  and  housing and access to high-speed broadband
     7  internet; (iii) replenishment and improvement  of  core  transportation,
     8  aviation,  transit  and  vertical  infrastructure;  (iv) clean water and
     9  efficient sewer systems and waste technologies; (v) climate change miti-
    10  gation and flood and grid  resiliency;  (vi)  generating  and  enhancing
    11  pro-labor  jobs  and attracting new talent to New York; (vii) bolstering
    12  global investment and development in New York; (viii) increasing  oppor-
    13  tunities  for  small,  minority-owned, women-owned and serviced disabled
    14  veteran owned businesses; (ix) fully unlocking and enabling  accelerated
    15  access  to  federal  funding for energy and infrastructure projects; and
    16  (x) addressing the deferred maintenance crisis across New York's infras-
    17  tructure. Authorizing a consolidated delivery approach that  allows  for
    18  one  or more of design, construction, finance, operations and/or mainte-
    19  nance under a single contract can, where appropriate, more  rapidly  and
    20  cost  effectively  result  in  the  achievement of each of the foregoing
    21  objectives and unlock access to federal capital requiring such statutory
    22  authorization.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

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     1    § 2. The state finance law is amended by adding a new article  9-A  to
     2  read as follows:
     3                                  ARTICLE 9-A
     4                           COMPREHENSIVE DELIVERY
     5  Section 149.   Definitions.
     6          149-a. Enabling authority.
     7          149-b. Procurement.
     8          149-c. Project funding.
     9          149-d. Labor and public interest protections.
    10          149-e. Comprehensive agreements.
    11          149-f. Construction.
    12          149-g. Severability.
    13    § 149. Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall
    14  have the following meanings:
    15    1. "Authorized project" means infrastructure delivered under an inter-
    16  im  agreement and/or comprehensive agreement between a public entity and
    17  a development entity consolidating at  least  two  or  more  of  design,
    18  construction,  finance,  operations  and/or  maintenance work, including
    19  construction manager or construction manager at risk under this article;
    20    2. "Comprehensive agreement" means an agreement between a  development
    21  entity  and  a  public entity for the delivery of an authorized project,
    22  including at least those required provisions under this article;
    23    3. "Infrastructure" means physical structures, improvements, equipment
    24  and/or facilities, including any digital infrastructure, which support a
    25  public purpose or objective of a public entity;
    26    4. "Interim agreement" means the interim agreement, including  a  pre-
    27  development  agreement  or  memorandum of understanding or other binding
    28  preliminary agreement, that may be entered into between the  development
    29  entity and the public entity pursuant to this article;
    30    5.  "Development  entity" means any natural person, corporation, part-
    31  nership, limited liability company including a special purpose  vehicle,
    32  joint venture, not-for-profit corporation or other business entity;
    33    6.  "Public  entity"  means  the  state  and any agency, department or
    34  authority thereof, any county, city, town, village  or  school  district
    35  and  any  other  political subdivision, institution of higher education,
    36  agency, corporation, instrumentality or authority of, or established by,
    37  any of the foregoing; and
    38    7. "Revenues" means all  revenues,  including,  but  not  limited  to,
    39  income,  earnings,  interest  payments, user fees, lease payments, allo-
    40  cations, federal, state, regional and local appropriations or the appro-
    41  priations or other funds available to any public entity, bond  proceeds,
    42  equity  investments  and/or  service  payments  arising  out  of  or  in
    43  connection with supporting the development and/or operation of a author-
    44  ized project, including without limitation, money received as grants  or
    45  otherwise  from the United States of America, from any public entity, or
    46  from any agency or instrumentality of  the  foregoing  in  aid  of  such
    47  facility.
    48    §  149-a.  Enabling  authority.  Subject  to  subdivision four of this
    49  section, where it is determined by a public entity to be in  the  public
    50  interest to pursue an authorized project, notwithstanding any law, rule,
    51  or  regulation  to  the contrary and in lieu of any other procurement or
    52  acquisition process that may apply to an authorized project, such public
    53  entity is authorized to:
    54    1. establish necessary and appropriate procurement and delivery inter-
    55  nal control policies, procedures, or guidelines to  efficiently  deliver
    56  an authorized project. Such policies, procedures or guidelines must also

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     1  ensure  open, competitive, transparent and robust selection basis of any
     2  development entity for an authorized project;
     3    2.  enter  into  interim  agreements,  comprehensive agreements or any
     4  other document or instrument that may  be  necessary  or  convenient  to
     5  deliver an authorized project pursuant to this article;
     6    3.  dedicate,  make available, or convey any real, personal, tangible,
     7  intangible and property interest that it has to a development entity for
     8  an authorized project;
     9    4. exercise governmental authorities or powers to support the delivery
    10  of an authorized project; and
    11    5. enable a development entity to perform under the terms of a compre-
    12  hensive agreement, and subject to the limitations  under  this  article,
    13  functions normally undertaken by the government.
    14    §  149-b. Procurement. 1. The public entity may hold one-on-one colla-
    15  borative dialogue meetings with development entities during  a  procure-
    16  ment  for  an  authorized  project  to  negotiate individually with each
    17  development entity the terms of an interim and comprehensive agreement.
    18    2. Any materials or data submitted to, made available to, or  received
    19  by  the  public  entity,  may be held confidential and not public record
    20  until such time as a preferred proposer is awarded or the procurement is
    21  terminated.
    22    3. The public entity may receive, consider,  evaluate  and  accept  an
    23  unsolicited proposal for an authorized project if the proposal addresses
    24  the  needs  of  a  public  entity and such public entity has published a
    25  policy or procurement regulation for unsolicited proposals.
    26    4. The public entity is authorized to pay, in exchange for receipt  of
    27  intellectual  property  from  a  proposer,  a stipend to an unsuccessful
    28  proposer or a proposer in a  cancelled  procurement  for  an  authorized
    29  project, in an amount and the terms determined appropriate by the public
    30  entity.
    31    5.  The  public entity may retain, by means of competitive negotiation
    32  consultants and experts inside and outside the public sector  to  assist
    33  in the procurement, evaluation, contracting, managing and negotiation of
    34  authorized projects under this article.
    35    6.  The  public entity may select a preferred proposer to serve as the
    36  development entity for an approved project through a  single  or  multi-
    37  step procurement process on a best value basis.
    38    7.  For  all  infrastructure projects in excess of two hundred million
    39  dollars (as adjusted by the consumer price index annually),  all  public
    40  entities  must  conduct  an  assessment,  which may be a value for money
    41  assessment or equivalent, that quantitatively and qualitatively assesses
    42  the most appropriate delivery  model  for  such  infrastructure  project
    43  comparing  the  cost, price, schedule, quality, long-term operations and
    44  maintenance costs, future revenue streams to fund  such  infrastructure,
    45  and  relative  benefits  and  challenges of design-bid-build procurement
    46  methods to those authorized by this section.
    47    § 149-c. Project funding. 1. Any lawful source of funding, revenue and
    48  financing may be utilized by a public entity and development entity  for
    49  the development, maintenance and operations of an authorized project and
    50  a  public entity is authorized to pay a development entity a payment for
    51  the availability of  an  authorized  project,  where  such  availability
    52  payment  is  performance  based and decreases where a development entity
    53  fails to perform in  accordance  with  a  comprehensive  agreement.  Any
    54  public  entity  may authorize a development entity to perform any one or
    55  more of the following: setting  rates,  collecting  revenues,  enforcing
    56  collection,  or  retaining  revenues  from third parties and the general

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     1  public for the use of an  authorized  project,  all  of  which  will  be
     2  subject  to  limitations,  constraints and parameters established by the
     3  public entity in a comprehensive agreement. The comprehensive  agreement
     4  will  prescribe  the  extent  to which any such rates are subject to the
     5  public entity's oversight and approval. A public entity may compensate a
     6  development entity under an interim agreement  for  work  performed  and
     7  work product produced.
     8    2.  The  public entity may accept from any source any grant, donation,
     9  gift, or other form of conveyance of land, money, other real or personal
    10  property or other valuable thing made to the public entity for  carrying
    11  out  the  purposes  of  this article and may transfer such property to a
    12  development entity under a comprehensive agreement.
    13    3. Any comprehensive agreement may be for  a  term  deemed  reasonably
    14  appropriate by a public entity to achieve the purpose of this article.
    15    §  149-d.  Labor  and  public interest protections. The intent of this
    16  article is to enhance opportunities and improve wages for New York state
    17  public and private sector labor participants.
    18    1. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, all rights or
    19  benefits, including terms and conditions of employment,  and  protection
    20  of  civil  service  and collective bargaining status of all employees of
    21  existing  state  agencies  and  public  authorities  affected   by   the
    22  provisions of this article, shall be preserved and protected. Nothing in
    23  this article shall result in: the displacement of any currently employed
    24  public employee or loss of position, including partial displacement such
    25  as  a  reduction  in the hours of non-overtime work, wages or employment
    26  benefits, on an existing asset or result in the impairment  of  existing
    27  collective bargaining agreements with respect to existing assets; or the
    28  transfer of existing duties and functions currently performed by employ-
    29  ees  of  existing state agencies or public authorities, in each case, on
    30  existing assets, affected by the provisions of this article to a  devel-
    31  opment  entity.  Employees  serving in positions in newly created titles
    32  shall be assigned to the appropriate bargaining unit.  Nothing  in  this
    33  article shall be construed to affect:
    34    (a)  the  existing rights of employees pursuant to an existing collec-
    35  tive bargaining agreement; or
    36    (b) the existing representational relationships among employee  organ-
    37  izations  or  the  bargaining  relationships between the employer and an
    38  employee organization.
    39    2. Every development entity which enters into an interim agreement  or
    40  comprehensive agreement pursuant to this article shall be subject to the
    41  labor  law requirements and minority and women owned business enterprise
    42  requirements for design and construction provided  under  the  New  York
    43  State Infrastructure Investment Act, as amended, for authorized projects
    44  outside  of  New York city and the New York City Public Works Investment
    45  Act, as amended, for authorized projects procured by  the  city  of  New
    46  York as well as the following:
    47    (a)  the provisions of article eight of the environmental conservation
    48  law;
    49    (b) the provisions of all state and federal laws prohibiting discrimi-
    50  nation and requiring the provision of equal employment opportunity;
    51    (c) the provisions of article six of the public officers  law  post-a-
    52  ward of an authorized project; and
    53    (d) any other consistent local and state law and any applicable feder-
    54  al  law,  rules  and  regulations which are otherwise required by law in
    55  connection with the performance of public work and the work to which the
    56  authorized project relates.

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     1    § 149-e. Comprehensive agreements. 1. A comprehensive agreement  under
     2  this section may provide, including but not limited to:
     3    (a)    planning,    acquisition,   financing,   development,   design,
     4  construction, reconstruction, replacement, financing, improvement, main-
     5  tenance, life-cycle work, management, repair, leasing  and/or  operation
     6  of qualifying public infrastructure;
     7    (b)   payment   of   long-term   performance-based   payments   and/or
     8  construction milestone payments;
     9    (c) requirements regarding setting, collecting, retaining, sharing and
    10  enforcing user fees or rents;
    11    (d) terms and conditions of indemnification of the development  entity
    12  by the public entity;
    13    (e)  a lease, license, or conveyance of a real, personal or intangible
    14  property interests;
    15    (f) appropriately sizing any performance and payment bonds relative to
    16  the overall security package for the approved project;
    17    (g) the provision of insurance policies either through the development
    18  entity and/or the public entity;
    19    (h) a security interest by the lenders in the comprehensive  agreement
    20  and  the  right  of  the  development entity to pledge its interests and
    21  revenues under the comprehensive agreement for the benefit of its  lend-
    22  ers;
    23    (i)  step-in rights for the public entity upon a default of the devel-
    24  opment entity;
    25    (j) enforcement and other policing issues, including any reimbursement
    26  by the development entity for such services;
    27    (k) provisions allowing the development entity or the public entity to
    28  act on each other's  behalf  in  acquiring  parcels,  including  through
    29  condemnation, required for the approved project; and
    30    (l)  any  other  provision  deemed  reasonably  necessary to serve the
    31  public purpose under this article.
    32    2. A comprehensive agreement under this section shall provide for:
    33    (a) appropriate and balanced risk allocation to  maximize  best  value
    34  for the approved project;
    35    (b) a specific plan, where applicable, to ensure proper maintenance of
    36  the  qualifying public infrastructure throughout the term of the compre-
    37  hensive agreement and a return of the infrastructure to the  responsible
    38  public entity, if applicable, in a specified condition in the comprehen-
    39  sive agreement;
    40    (c) compliance with applicable law and this article;
    41    (d)  grounds  for default and termination and authorization of payment
    42  of termination compensation;
    43    (e) a date for completion of the applicable work required  to  deliver
    44  the authorized project; and
    45    (f)  review and approval by the public entity of the development enti-
    46  ty's plans and performance of the development  and  maintenance  of  the
    47  authorized project.
    48    3.  The comprehensive agreement may provide for the development and/or
    49  operation of phases or segments or multiple  bundled  projects  under  a
    50  single comprehensive agreement.
    51    4.  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the responsible public
    52  entity may agree to or require use of arbitration or  other  alternative
    53  dispute  resolution  procedures to resolve disputes with the development
    54  entity.
    55    5. Development entities shall not be subject to  article  one  hundred
    56  forty-five  of  the  education  law,  provided, however all professional

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     1  services rendered by a development entity must be performed by  licensed
     2  persons  as  required under article one hundred forty-five of the educa-
     3  tion law.
     4    6.  While  public  funding  can  be  used  to support payments under a
     5  comprehensive agreement, the full faith and credit of the public  entity
     6  shall  not  be pledged to secure any financing of the development entity
     7  by the election to take over the qualifying  public  infrastructure  and
     8  such  availability  or  service payments shall not be treated as debt of
     9  any public entity and no financing  of  a  development  entity  will  be
    10  considered  debt  of  any  public  entity  and must be non-recourse to a
    11  public entity.
    12    7. In the event of termination of a comprehensive  or  interim  agree-
    13  ment,  the  authority  and duties of the development entity shall cease,
    14  except for any duties and obligations that extend beyond the termination
    15  as provided in the comprehensive or interim agreement, and the  qualify-
    16  ing  public  infrastructure  reverts  to  the public entity and shall be
    17  dedicated to the public entity for public use.
    18    § 149-f. Construction. The provisions of this article which are incon-
    19  sistent with any other provision of state law shall be deemed to  super-
    20  sede  such provision of law, and the provisions of this article shall be
    21  controlling.
    22    § 149-g. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section  or
    23  part  of this article shall be adjudged by any court of competent juris-
    24  diction to be invalid and  after  exhaustion  of  all  further  judicial
    25  review,  the judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remain-
    26  der thereof, but shall be confined  in  its  operation  to  the  clause,
    27  sentence,  paragraph,  section or part of this article directly involved
    28  in the controversy in which the judgment shall have been rendered.
    29    § 3. Paragraph (b) of subdivision 2 of  section  1676  of  the  public
    30  authorities  law  is  amended  by adding a new undesignated paragraph to
    31  read as follows:
    32    Any development entity for the purposes of development or operation of
    33  an approved project pursuant to article nine-A of the state finance law.
    34    § 4. Subdivision 1 of section 1680 of the public  authorities  law  is
    35  amended by adding a new undesignated paragraph to read as follows:
    36    Any development entity for the purposes of development or operation of
    37  an approved project pursuant to article nine-A of the state finance law.
    38    §  5.  The opening paragraph of section 10.00 of the local finance law
    39  is designated subdivision 1 and a new subdivision 2 is added to read  as
    40  follows:
    41    2.  A municipality, school district or district corporation shall have
    42  the power to contract indebtedness for the purposes of implementing  the
    43  provisions of article nine-A of the state finance law.
    44    § 6. This act shall take effect immediately.