Bill Text: NY S09254 | 2021-2022 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Establishes a tax on direct broadcast satellite services and video streaming services; establishes the community media reinvestment fund; imposes an excise tax on direct broadcast satellite services or video streaming services; provides monies from the community media reinvestment fund shall be distributed to the state general fund, municipalities and community media organizations.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 1-0)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2022-05-12 - REFERRED TO INVESTIGATIONS AND GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS [S09254 Detail]

Download: New_York-2021-S09254-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                    IN SENATE

                                      May 12, 2022

        Introduced  by  Sen.  PARKER -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Investigations and Govern-
          ment Operations

        AN ACT to amend the tax law, in relation to establishing a tax on direct
          broadcast satellite services and  video  streaming  services;  and  to
          amend the state finance law, in relation to establishing the community
          media reinvestment fund

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the  "community
     2  media reinvestment act".
     3    §  2.  The  tax  law  is amended by adding a new article 15 to read as
     4  follows:
     5                                  ARTICLE 15
     6                      COMMUNITY MEDIA REINVESTMENT ACT
     7  Section 330. Definitions.
     8          331. Imposition and collection of an assessment on direct broad-
     9                 cast satellite services and video streaming services.
    10    § 330. Definitions. For the purposes of this  article,  the  following
    11  terms shall have the following meanings:
    12    1.  "municipality" means any village, town, city, or county not wholly
    13  contained within a city in the state of New York;
    14    2. "person" means an individual, partnership, limited liability compa-
    15  ny, trust or association, with or without  transferable  shares,  joint-
    16  stock  company,  corporation,  society, club, organization, institution,
    17  estate, receiver, trustee, assignee or  referee  and  any  other  person
    18  acting in a fiduciary or representative capacity, whether appointed by a
    19  court or otherwise, and any combination of individuals acting as a unit.
    20  The  term  "person",  unless  expressly  provided  otherwise,  does  not
    21  include:
    22    (a) a governmental entity or a unit or instrumentality  of  a  govern-
    23  mental entity; or

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 9254                             2

     1    (b)  any  entity exempt from sales and compensating use taxes pursuant
     2  to paragraph four of subdivision (a) of section eleven  hundred  sixteen
     3  of this chapter;
     4    3.  "community media organization" means an entity that is responsible
     5  for:
     6    (a) operating and administering a public access channel, as defined in
     7  16 NYCRR 895.4; and/or
     8    (b) operating and administering educational and/or governmental access
     9  channels, as defined in 16 NYCRR 895.4;
    10    4. "subscriber" or "customer" means any person or member of the gener-
    11  al public who receives  direct  broadcast  satellite  service  or  video
    12  streaming  service from a direct broadcast satellite service provider or
    13  video streaming service provider and does not  further  distribute  such
    14  service in the ordinary course of business;
    15    5.  "direct  broadcast  satellite  service"  means the distribution or
    16  broadcasting by satellite of video programming or services  directly  to
    17  receiving  equipment  located at an end user subscriber's or an end user
    18  customer's premises, including, but not limited  to,  the  provision  of
    19  premium  channels,  the  provision  of  music or other audio services or
    20  channels,  and  any  other  service  received  in  connection  with  the
    21  provision of direct broadcast satellite service;
    22    6.  "direct  broadcast  satellite service provider" means a person who
    23  transmits, broadcasts or otherwise provides direct  broadcast  satellite
    24  service to subscribers or customers in the state;
    25    7. "video streaming service" means the distribution or broadcasting of
    26  video  programming  displayed  by the viewer for a fee on a subscription
    27  basis. The term  video  streaming  service,  unless  expressly  provided
    28  otherwise,  does  not  include  cable  service as defined by 47 U.S.C. §
    29  522(6);
    30    8. "video streaming service provider" means a  person  who  transmits,
    31  broadcasts  or otherwise provides video streaming service to subscribers
    32  or customers in the state;
    33    9. "video programming" means programming provided by, or comparable to
    34  programming provided by, a television broadcast station  including,  but
    35  not  limited  to, video programming provided by local networks, national
    36  broadcast networks, cable television networks and all forms of  pay-per-
    37  view or on-demand video entertainment; and
    38    10.  "gross  receipts"  means  all consideration of any kind or nature
    39  received by a direct  broadcast  satellite  service  provider  or  video
    40  streaming   service  provider,  or  an  affiliate  of  such  person,  in
    41  connection with the provision, delivery, or furnishing of direct  broad-
    42  cast  satellite  service  or  video  streaming service to subscribers or
    43  customers within  the  state,  determined  according  to  the  hierarchy
    44  described  in  section three hundred thirty-one of this article.  "Gross
    45  receipts" shall not include:
    46    (a) revenue not actually received, regardless of whether it is billed,
    47  including, but not limited to, bad debts;
    48    (b) revenue received by an affiliate or other person in  exchange  for
    49  supplying goods and services to an affiliated direct broadcast satellite
    50  service provider or affiliated video streaming service provider;
    51    (c) refunds, rebates or discounts made to subscribers or customers, to
    52  advertisers or to other persons;
    53    (d)  revenue from telecommunications service as defined in 47 U.S.C. §
    54  153(53);
    55    (e) revenue from any service that is  subject  to  tax  under  article
    56  twenty-eight of this chapter;

        S. 9254                             3

     1    (f)  revenue  from the sale of capital assets or surplus equipment not
     2  used by the purchaser to receive direct broadcast satellite  service  or
     3  video  streaming  service  from  the  direct broadcast satellite service
     4  provider or video streaming service provider;
     5    (g)  reimbursements made by programmers to the direct broadcast satel-
     6  lite service provider or video streaming service provider for  marketing
     7  costs  incurred  by  such  service  provider for the introduction of new
     8  programming;
     9    (h) late payment fees collected from subscribers or customers; or
    10    (i)  charges,  other  than  charges  for  direct  broadcast  satellite
    11  services  or  video  streaming  services, that are aggregated or bundled
    12  with direct broadcast satellite services or video streaming services  on
    13  a  subscriber's  or  customer's  bill, if the direct broadcast satellite
    14  service provider or video streaming service provider can reasonably  and
    15  separately  identify  the  charges  in its books and records kept in the
    16  regular course of business.
    17    § 331. Imposition and collection of an assessment on direct  broadcast
    18  satellite  services  and  video  streaming  services. 1. There is hereby
    19  imposed an excise tax on  the  provision,  delivery,  or  furnishing  of
    20  direct  broadcast  satellite  services  or  video  streaming services by
    21  direct broadcast satellite service providers or video streaming  service
    22  providers to subscribers or customers in the state.
    23    2.(a) Direct broadcast satellite service providers and video streaming
    24  service  providers shall pay an assessment equal to five percent of such
    25  provider's gross receipts derived in or from the provision, delivery, or
    26  furnishing of direct broadcast  satellite  service  or  video  streaming
    27  service to subscribers or customers in the state.
    28    (b)  Gross  receipts  derived  in  or from the provision, delivery, or
    29  furnishing of direct broadcast  satellite  service  or  video  streaming
    30  service by direct broadcast satellite service providers or video stream-
    31  ing  service providers to subscribers or customers in the state shall be
    32  determined by the hierarchy of sourcing methods set forth  in  paragraph
    33  (c) of this subdivision. The direct broadcast satellite service provider
    34  or  video  streaming service provider shall exercise due diligence under
    35  each method described  in  paragraph  (c)  of  this  subdivision  before
    36  rejecting  it  and  proceeding  to the next method in the hierarchy, and
    37  shall base its determination on information known to it  or  information
    38  that would be known to it upon reasonable inquiry.
    39    (c) Hierarchy of sourcing methods:
    40    (i) the customer's primary use location of the direct broadcast satel-
    41  lite service or video streaming service; and
    42    (ii) the customer's billing address.
    43    3.  The tax authorized in this section shall be for each year, or part
    44  of each year, that such direct broadcast satellite service  provider  or
    45  video streaming service provider is engaged in the sale of direct broad-
    46  cast  satellite  or video streaming services to subscribers or customers
    47  in the state.
    48    4. (a) Every direct broadcast satellite service provider and/or  video
    49  streaming  service  provider subject to tax under this section shall (i)
    50  file, on or before April fifteenth  of  each  year,  for  taxable  years
    51  beginning on or after January first, two thousand twenty-three, a return
    52  for  the year ended on the preceding December thirty-first, and (ii) pay
    53  the tax due, which return shall state the gross receipts for the  period
    54  covered by each such return.
    55    (b)  Returns  shall  be  filed  with  the commissioner on a form to be
    56  furnished by the commissioner for such purpose and  shall  contain  such

        S. 9254                             4

     1  other  data, information or matter as the commissioner may require to be
     2  included therein.
     3    (c)  Notwithstanding  paragraphs  (a) and (b) of this subdivision, the
     4  commissioner may require any direct broadcast satellite service provider
     5  and/or video streaming service provider to file an annual return,  which
     6  shall  contain  any  data  specified  by the commissioner, regardless of
     7  whether such provider is subject to tax under this section.
     8    5. (a) A direct broadcast satellite service provider or video  stream-
     9  ing service provider who fails to file a return or to pay any tax within
    10  thirty  days  of  the time required pursuant to this article (determined
    11  with regard to any extension of time for  filing  or  paying)  shall  be
    12  subject  to a penalty of ten percent of the amount of the tax determined
    13  to be due, plus five percent of such amount for each subsequent month or
    14  fraction thereof during which such  failure  continues,  not  to  exceed
    15  thirty percent in the aggregate.
    16    (b)  In the event of an underpayment of the tax owed, the commissioner
    17  shall set the underpayment rate of interest to be paid, but  the  under-
    18  payment  rate  shall  not  be  less  than seven and one-half percent per
    19  annum, compounded daily. If no such rate of interest is set, such under-
    20  payment rate shall be deemed to be set at seven and one-half percent per
    21  annum, compounded daily. Any such rate set  by  the  commissioner  shall
    22  apply  to  taxes,  or any portion thereof, which remain or become due or
    23  underpaid on or after the date on which such rates become effective  and
    24  shall  apply  only  with  respect to interest computed or computable for
    25  periods or portions of periods occurring in the period during which such
    26  rates are in effect.
    27    6. Every direct broadcast  satellite  service  provider  and/or  video
    28  streaming  service provider subject to tax under this section shall keep
    29  such records of its business and in such form as  the  commissioner  may
    30  require,  and  such  records  shall  be  preserved for a period of three
    31  years, except that the commissioner may  consent  to  their  destruction
    32  within that period or may require that they be kept longer.
    33    §  3. The state finance law is amended by adding a new section 99-m to
    34  read as follows:
    35    § 99-m. Community media reinvestment fund. 1. There is  hereby  estab-
    36  lished  in  the joint custody of the comptroller and the commissioner of
    37  taxation and finance a special fund to be known as the "community  media
    38  reinvestment fund".
    39    2.(a)  All  monies  received by the comptroller or the commissioner of
    40  taxation and finance for the purpose of this  fund  shall  be  deposited
    41  therein.  No  monies  may  be transferred from this account to any other
    42  account except by authority of the commissioner of taxation and finance.
    43    (b) Such fund shall consist of the revenue collected pursuant to arti-
    44  cle fifteen of the tax law and any other revenues collected by or appro-
    45  priated to the fund pursuant to any other law.
    46    3.(a) The commissioner  of  taxation  and  finance  is  authorized  to
    47  utilize  the  monies  in  the  community  media  reinvestment  fund, for
    48  distribution to the state, municipalities, and community media organiza-
    49  tions in proportions as provided in paragraph (b) of  this  subdivision,
    50  provided  however, that the commissioner may retain up to ten percent of
    51  the monies in the fund annually for operational expenditures.
    52    (b) The commissioner of taxation and finance shall  annually  distrib-
    53  ute, with no remainder left, all monies then held in the community media
    54  reinvestment fund according to the following formula:

        S. 9254                             5

     1    (i)  one-fifth  of the monies in the fund, less the monies retained by
     2  the commissioner for operational expenditures, shall be  distributed  to
     3  the state general fund;
     4    (ii) two-fifths of the monies in the fund shall be distributed direct-
     5  ly  to municipalities in the state, and further allocated proportionally
     6  based upon the population of such municipalities;
     7    (iii) two-fifths of the  monies  in  the  fund  shall  be  distributed
     8  directly  to  identified community media organizations in the state, or,
     9  if no community media organization has been identified in a given  muni-
    10  cipality, to the organization or organizations serving that municipality
    11  identified by the New York state council on the arts to receive distrib-
    12  utions  from the fund, and further allocated proportionally based on the
    13  population of the municipality or municipalities  served  by  each  such
    14  identified organization.
    15    4.  The  commissioner  of  taxation and finance shall promulgate regu-
    16  lations by December thirty-first, two thousand twenty-two  to  establish
    17  procedures  for  identifying,  on  an  annual basis, (a) community media
    18  organizations eligible to receive monies distributed pursuant to subpar-
    19  agraph (iii) of paragraph (b) of subdivision three of this section;  and
    20  (b)  in  the event that no community media organization has been identi-
    21  fied in a given municipality, the  organizations  serving  that  munici-
    22  pality identified by the New York state council on the arts, eligible to
    23  receive  monies  distributed pursuant to subparagraph (iii) of paragraph
    24  (b) of subdivision three of  this  section.  Notwithstanding  any  other
    25  provisions  to  the contrary in the New York state administrative proce-
    26  dure act (SAPA), such rules and regulations may be adopted on  an  emer-
    27  gency  basis  if necessary to meet such December thirty-first, two thou-
    28  sand twenty-two deadline.
    29    5. All payments of monies from the fund shall be made on the audit and
    30  warrant of the comptroller.
    31    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately and apply to taxable years
    32  beginning on and after January 1, 2023.